Where can I buy another remote and headphone

lctigerlctiger Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Chrysler
for my 2008 Caravan? Mine where stolen out of my car.


  • wzman1wzman1 Member Posts: 8
    Try here: http://www.dodge.com/en/owners
    Over on the right side of the web page, click in the "Parts & Accessories" area.
    Or try ebay. We just bought a new set of two wireless headphones and remote control for a 2008 model on ebay for less than half of the Dodge website's cost. Be sure ebay items match EXACTLY your headphone part or model number.
  • lctigerlctiger Member Posts: 6
    Can you remember from whom you bought them. The only ones I see which match my numbers, cost the same.
  • clubguyclubguy Member Posts: 15
    Go to ebay listing # 140257921982....Two OEM headphones and remote for '08 Chrysler....
  • lctigerlctiger Member Posts: 6
    That one does not match the serial number for the Dodge Caravan' s remote or headphone.

    Did you buy them? Do you have a Caravan or T&C?
  • wzman1wzman1 Member Posts: 8
    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280248385531&ssPageName=- STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=018

    Above link is for the exact item I bought on ebay. Seller may have additional stock (or not). Good luck!
  • clubguyclubguy Member Posts: 15
    They were the "exact" OEM set that came with our '08 T & C....ie: two(2) channel head sets, factory remote..sealed batteries..etc. The ebayer acknowledged payment FAST and shipped FAST...completely happy...
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