Ford Explorer Sport Alarm system is going off for no reason.

sport624sport624 Member Posts: 2
edited October 2014 in Ford
Yesterday my 2001 Explorer Sport's alarm system went off for no reason. I used my key-fob to turn it off but when I released the button it went right back on. This happened in a parking lot during the mid-day sun. This has never happened before. I thought it was just a fluke, but this morning - EARLY THIS MORNING - at 3:49 AM EST my alarm woke me from a sound sleep - as it must have for the entire neighborhood!
I had to disconnect the battery to shut it off.
Is there a problem with aging Ford Explorer Sport alarm systems going off for no apparent reason? If so, what can be done by an neophyte repairman?


  • irishgirl85irishgirl85 Member Posts: 1
    Last night my alarm started going off for no reason. I disarmed the vehicle then re-armed it; again and again. I tried locking it internally instead of from the key-fob but the darn thing just kept triggering. 24 hours later i have had enough! Going to the Ford dealer in the morning for an explanation. Keep ya posted!!!
  • goody32goody32 Member Posts: 1
    I just recently purchaced a an excellently running 1994 ford explorer w/ all time 4x4, manual stick, fully loaded.
    Sometimes i see a theft light from time to time. Is this a factory alarm, and if so, how do i work it? I was not given a remote at purchace.
  • sport624sport624 Member Posts: 2
    7 months ago, I asked this question... Edmunds has yet to answer my question, and I am certain I have not been alone in having this problem>>>

    My 2001 Explorer Sport's alarm system went off for no reason. I used my key-fob to turn it off but when I released the button it went right back on. This happened in a parking lot during the mid-day sun. This has never happened before. I thought it was just a fluke, but this morning - EARLY the next MORNING - at 3:49 AM EST my alarm woke me from a sound sleep - as it must have for the entire neighborhood!
    I had to disconnect the battery to shut it off.
    Is there a problem with aging Ford Explorer Sport alarm systems going off for no apparent reason? I need an answer before I go somewhere to find out I have a blown fuse that cost $1 and then pay $56 plus tax for someone to say, "Yep, blown fuse!" That will be $57 plus tax!
  • seterseter Member Posts: 5
    I lost my keys so i went to the junkyard and bought a lock and tumbler. After intalling it the alarm is going off and now it wont start. any ideas? How do I disable the alarm?
  • seterseter Member Posts: 5
    i found that i had to tear the door apart, remove the switch off of the back of the lock cylinder and turn it,
  • kawatiskawatis Member Posts: 1
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