I have a 2008 CRV and it's 3 months old on the road. I've been using one of those wash and wax together formulas. I have a midnight blue one and scratches from car doors were on it. I purchase some mild wax and the left over paint came right off. It's all trial and error when it comes to finding out what keeps your car looking new. I use to have a grey Dodge Caliber (that car sucks) and I didn't have to worry about polishing it because you can hardly tell it was dirty less than scratched.
Paint and Body Maintenance & Repair
Store Bought Waxes Part II (No Zaino Posts)
Zaino Car Polishes/Products--Your Experiences (Part 2)
I have a 2008 CRV and it's 3 months old on the road. I've been using one of those wash and wax together formulas. I have a midnight blue one and scratches from car doors were on it. I purchase some mild wax and the left over paint came right off. It's all trial and error when it comes to finding out what keeps your car looking new. I use to have a grey Dodge Caliber (that car sucks) and I didn't have to worry about polishing it because you can hardly tell it was dirty less than scratched.