Cleaning your CR-V - Help needed

osasaposasap Member Posts: 16
edited April 2014 in Honda
Need ideas on how to keep the car clean and new. What are the best maetrials etcs to use? Thanks


  • osasaposasap Member Posts: 16
    So no one washes their car? Strange
  • phisherphisher Member Posts: 175
    Keep the car in a vacuum sealed Garage and don't ever drive. Other than that wash and wax regularly see the link steve added.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I don't even bother to wax mine anymore. Check your owner's manual to see what Honda recommends.
  • cinglemomcinglemom Member Posts: 49
    You are too funny.

    I have a 2008 CRV and it's 3 months old on the road. I've been using one of those wash and wax together formulas. I have a midnight blue one and scratches from car doors were on it. I purchase some mild wax and the left over paint came right off. It's all trial and error when it comes to finding out what keeps your car looking new. I use to have a grey Dodge Caliber (that car sucks) and I didn't have to worry about polishing it because you can hardly tell it was dirty less than scratched.
  • srizvi1srizvi1 Member Posts: 265
    This seems like a good thread to subscribe to. Hope to see more CR-V cleaning discussion
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