2000 Expedition 5.4 L runs like junk

I have a 2000 Expedition that until Sunday ran reasonably well. Sunday i started it and it seemed to Idle a little rough, took it fo a drive and got about 3 miles and it started to bog and get very sluggish. Accelerating was very slow and coming to a stop caused the engine to come very close to stalling. Check engine light came on solid and then began to flash, eventually stopped flahing and stayed on solid. pulled codes from the engine and they indicated a misfire on #3,4,7,8 cylinders, as well as the freeze frame data wich didn't say much of anythign short of it was at 163F and at 2000 rpm.
Disconnected the battery and tested: #5,6,7 and#1 coils both primary and secondary side,also tested the same injectors and pulled plugs(the only ones that were easy to get at) Next I tested: maf sensor,camsensor,tps unit, egr and controller, intake air temp sensor, head temp sensor,crank sensor. All tests were done according to Haynes manual, reconnected the battery and tested all sensors listed for incoming PCM voltage with Key on. All tests came back OK according to Haynes.
Unfortunatly disconnecting the battery has erased the codes and I cannot/don't want to drive the truck to trip the DTC's again for fear of causing more damage. I have idled it and no lights come on, but the truck is running WAY rich, it burns your eyes from 10 feet away.
I am wondering if the knock sensors could cause this problem? Any help???
Disconnected the battery and tested: #5,6,7 and#1 coils both primary and secondary side,also tested the same injectors and pulled plugs(the only ones that were easy to get at) Next I tested: maf sensor,camsensor,tps unit, egr and controller, intake air temp sensor, head temp sensor,crank sensor. All tests were done according to Haynes manual, reconnected the battery and tested all sensors listed for incoming PCM voltage with Key on. All tests came back OK according to Haynes.
Unfortunatly disconnecting the battery has erased the codes and I cannot/don't want to drive the truck to trip the DTC's again for fear of causing more damage. I have idled it and no lights come on, but the truck is running WAY rich, it burns your eyes from 10 feet away.
I am wondering if the knock sensors could cause this problem? Any help???
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tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Message #2 would seem to indicate that Haynes was spot on. But then Haynes vs. Ford DVD isn't really the issue here.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
As for manuals another good source is alldatadiy.com for something like $20.00 you get a year long subscription to any vehicle you want, if you have hi-speed internet download the whole thing and you're done.
I have a fleet of 36 ford 250s with 5.4 engine years 2000 to 2008, and have experienced the same problems with hesitation, and wanting to die at stops, and always ends up being a bad coil. If you look in the owners manual, they actually recommend replacement of all coils, as a tune-up, at what I believe is 70,000 miles. I now am replacing coils as a tune-up measure with spark plugs, with the coils being around 45 dollars a piece can add up, but it is better than being stuck on the side of road, running on 6 or 7 cylinders. Have also had check engine lights for bad spark plug gaps, so be sure they are right, Good luck to everyone!
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
The most annoying and big concern problem however is that the truck runs sluggish at times which is very very annoying. I have taken it to several shops but the dealer, because according to all the mechanics who has diagnosed or look at it says there is nothing wrong with it according to the test while the last dealer I visited said that I will first of all pay $150 before they can take a look at the problem. I have read several discussions on these trucks but I have never disconnected the battery on the truck before as per some people suggestion on this forum. I am just hoping that you or anyone on this forum might have a good suggestion or know exactly what I need to do. The truck however doesn’t run sluggish all the time but sometimes, and currently the check light engine is off. Please advise according. Also, sometimes the plug (#4) gets loose and has to be tightening again. Any help will be greatly appreciated
Thanks much in advance and God bless
I have a 2000 Ford Expedition ( suv ) with a 5.4 Trinton V8 engine and it has 106,000 miles well the Sevice engine soon light started going one fr a week then off now it has been on solid for over 2 weeks and running like crap, I live in MA and have called 4 or 5 places that service the fords and have been told just to tune it up can run anu where between $1,000 to $1,800 which I can't afford at the moment.
they keep telling me coils are bad and the list goes on and on so with me at the mercy of some good and bad techs can anyone here please help me and let me know what is a basic toonup even if all coils have to be replaced.
thank you & I love the site.
Bob from Boston.