Can you change Nissan Rogue factory LOCK/UNLOCK Settings?

murf01murf01 Member Posts: 5
edited June 2014 in Nissan
Is it possible to change the factory lock unlock settings on the intelli key? You have to push the button 2 times to unlock all doors. Can you reprogram the settings so ALL doors unlock with the first push of the unlock button on the key fob?


  • kcabkcab Member Posts: 10
    I can't understand why Nissan changed the keyless entry system where you need to lock/unlock the door by putting the key in the door if the engine is running with the key in the ignition. Instead of using the key fob as I was accustomed to with my 98 Frontier. Does anyone know if this can be changed, to work as before (pressing the unlock button on the fob)?
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I can't understand why Nissan changed the keyless entry system where you need to lock/unlock the door by putting the key in the door if the engine is running with the key in the ignition.

    Could it be a theft deterrent?

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • kcabkcab Member Posts: 10
    What's the difference either way you need the key; whether you put the key in the door or press the unlock button on the fob? I order the keyless entry just for that reason, to keep from scratching the door when using the key. Why call it keyless entry if you need to turn the key, its unoccupied keyless entry.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    In Winter, for example, some people warm up their cars by letting the engine run while going back inside for a second cup. Someone with an electronic "key grabber" would then have little difficulty pressing a button and driving off with your car. Requiring a "real key" would at least slow them down or prevent the theft altogether. Just a thought. :)

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • kcabkcab Member Posts: 10
    Still not much difference keygrabber or slim jim the thieve/s would at least have to work for that or spend some money to obtain one(keygrabber).
    My girl friends Ford Escape was broken into right in her drive way just outside her window bedroom. The thief/s used a slim jim hit every car in the neighborhood.
    I wouldn't be leaving it run for any amount of time myself, its usually cause I forgot something on the way out. If I'm going to be gone any longer than to run in and out I turn it off. It would be nice if this could be changed. I mean what's Nissan going to lose if your car is stolen, its still under warrnty; LOL!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I mean what's Nissan going to lose if your car is stolen...

    Future sales? If your cars have a reputation of being easy marks that may dissuade potential customers from buying.

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • toniwtoniw Member Posts: 1
    So...this is what happened to my friend this morning with her Rogue due to this poor design..Lock/Unlock. Her driver side door had frozen shut, or broken. Because the car locks automatically she got out the driver door, leaving the car running to warm it up, could not get back in, the doors were locked, car running, heat on, and key wouldn't work because driver door was broken. Had to have service man come and slim/jim door to get the window down. Tomorrow, she'll have them fix the door and override the lock/unlock system. How dump to just have one key hole, or that the clicker will not work with the car running..MAKES NO SENSE!!!
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