Subaru outback llbean 3.0 engine=spark plug replacement
how do you replace the spark plugs on the 3.0 engine with limited fire wall clearance. Special tool?, sawsall?, jack engine?, lower drive train?. Another $400dealer service issue?Help please.
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IIRC the 3.0l H6's stroke is actually shorter than the 2.5l's H4 stroke. So there may actually be more room.
Plus - I was able to change the plus myself on a 2.5l Forester. That means I had enough room with a wider engine in a more narrow engine bay.
Your spark plugs should be a *lot* easier than that, and I managed.
A low-profile ratchet might help, and I used two 2" ratchet extensions. You may not even need that many tools.
I did the plugs twice, and it was no big deal.
It was harder on the 98 Forester, with a more narrow engine bay, but I still managed to do that myself, also twice.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The first time I replaced them, the boots were a royal PITA. I ended up tearing one before it finally let loose. After that, I just planned on replacing the wires along with the plugs, though they were easier to remove on subsequent tries.