2000 Silhouette in gear but won't move ...

Wife was driving to work today in her 2000 Olds Silhouette and all of the sudden she was pushing the gas but the van wasn't moving. I came to check it out and you can put it in drive or reverse and hear and feel the transmission engage, but when you step on the gas, it just revs. So did the tranni suddenly die? CV Joint? Just trying to get a idea of the possibilities. Thanks!
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If anyone has a clue about this I would love to hear it.
Do these vehicle have automotic over drive? sounds like a problem I had with my old ford. Or a problem like loose nut that holds the control arm that shifts into gears. one or the other, if overdrive points back to the module in the trans that controls Drive, 1, 2nd, reverse. But a good trans guy should be able to diagnose that.
Note replacing the trans mount leveled the control arm from the shift to the trans so when you shift to drive smoother and takes.
Another issue was the adjustment the Air intake caused the car to burn more and less speed, this was a beauty, I thought the trans was bad, the Trans guy said, who did your tune up? they messed with the settings on the air intake. My reply was, shouldn't the car cut off? reply no, enough air to burn but not enough in the chamber for the pump to turn? You learn something new every day. He charged me 25 bucks to show me. What a nice guy.
See a trans guy.