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Audi Q7 Maintenance and Repair

jackson6137jackson6137 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Audi
I just got a notice saying that Audi needs to inspect and possibly replace my ignition coil but my dealer knows nothing about it. And this is 2 days before a road trip! Has anyone had ignition coil failure?


  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Got problems? Got solutions? Discuss them here!
  • goldressgoldress Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I just bought an Audi Q7. It is awesome but I am find one annoying problem. Does anyone else notice the dashboard reflection in the windsheild? Also the drivers side mirror reflects in the window. Both these things are distracting. Any solutions out there?
    Thanks a million! jan
  • goldressgoldress Member Posts: 2
    Sorry I meant windshield

    Hi, I just bought an Audi Q7. It is awesome but I am find one annoying problem. Does anyone else notice the dashboard reflection in the windsheild? Also the drivers side mirror reflects in the window. Both these things are distracting. Any solutions out there?
    Thanks a million! jan
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    We just purchased a Q7 with the in-dash 6-CD changer option. In looking through the vehicle with the salesman on delivery, we found another single CD player in the center console between the driver and passenger seats. He was as surprised as we were - and he says no one in the dealership understands why it is there either. Unfortunately, I had to travel the day after we picked it up, so I won't have a chance to explore the situation until this weekend. I'm wondering if anyone has a logical explanation as to why the audio system would be configured this way. Ideas?
  • riffmeisterriffmeister Member Posts: 6
    Could it be the DVD player for the rear?
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    I don't think so - it says CD Player on the front face of the unit, the vehicle is not a Premium model, and it doesn't have any rear screens. Baffled.
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    Do you have navigation as an option??
  • dhamiltondhamilton Member Posts: 878
    I bet it's the disc holder for the nav?
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    That was my thought as well although I am sure the Q7 uses DVD based not CD based nav.

    Are you sure it said CD on the player and not DVD?
  • jescuejescue Member Posts: 521
    This is the standard CD player. If you get the 6 disc upgrade in dash you still have the one in the armrest-kind of goofy.
  • xy46xy46 Member Posts: 26
    Got my 4.2 Premium about 3 weeks ago, and a couple of quirky finds.

    1) The front parking lights (located in the bumper next to the turn signal light) - my Q7 arrived with a white bulb on one side and a yellow bulb on the other. When the dealership and I looked at other Q7's on the lot, all the others had yellow bulbs on both sides.

    2) The cargo cover in my 7 seater is not the one that can be folded. From what I can tell, they must have two versions - one which doesn't fold for the 5 seater config and one that will fold in half for 7 seater config? Does anyone know if this is true. It makes sense, since otherwise, if you can't fold it in half, it won't fit in the remaining cargo area, and you would have to remove the entire contraption every time you want to use the third row of seats. Any thoughts would be appreciated. :confuse:

    Otherwise, I've been very happy with it. Great vehicle!
  • audifan3audifan3 Member Posts: 25
    Picked up my Q7 replacement on Friday and it is amazing to see the differences in just a few months of production. My original Q7 has a sticker under the passenger seat which says Production Line #: 1, Run #: 1, Sequence #: 0139. Since then, they've made some minor changes to the Q7 of today. There's now a little hook to keep 3rd row seatbelts in place (out of the way). The thin strip of rubber molding at the bottom of the doors that came off after a week on my first 'loaner' Q7 has been replaced with a more substantial strip of rubber. My new 4.2 Q7 has adaptive air, navigation, advanced key, voice recognition, side assist, rear camera with acoustic parking. As I'd hoped the 'dynamic' setting on adaptive air was just what it needed to stiffen up the ride and really hug those corners on the windy parkways in New York.

    I love my Q7, and have every faith in Audi. This is my 4th and not my last Audi.

  • newq7newq7 Member Posts: 21

    Just picked up my new Q7 4.2 Premium and hooked up an LG8100 bluetooth cell phone (Verizon) and a Valentine One Radar detector. The LG's address book DID not transfer, although the info from the Audi site does not indicate the phone to be fully compatible.

    The Valentine One was going off nearly constantly throughout a 300 mile drive - to the point of being useless.

    I've had a V1 for years, so I pretty much know what to expect from it - and this was not it. My first thought was the Audi Side Assist. Perhaps I thought, Side Assist uses Radar and that may be tripping up the V1. I turned Side Assist on and off - no change.

    Then I noticed that when I powered off the phone the V1 started working as expected. Very weird - cell phones and bluetooth are different frequencies than Radar - or so I thought.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Any solutions?
  • parishparish Member Posts: 5
    we've got the same issue with our brand new Q7- a 6 in-dash CD player and one under the arm rest as well. I have spoken to the dealership and they have offered to "investigate removal", at a cost of somewhere between $1-200. Since the storage interior space is limited, I have agreed, but as it is a lease, I might get whacked for re-installation at the end- we'll see.
    Their explanation (a guess) is that the under arm rest single player is standard, but with the 6 CD player, there is nothing to take up the space left if the single is removed. We're going to find out. If you opted for the lease package of roughly $550 per month with $2500 down, you must notice all the superfluous buttons lacking functions- various extras we weren't entitled to. Audi needs to work on it's control panel and button arrangement, as it is obviously not completely thought through yet. Annoying , but in the end a pretty good car, so these issues are easily overlooked.
  • xy46xy46 Member Posts: 26
    My 4.2 Premium with the 6-disc in dash CD player has a pretty good-sized storage area under the armrest where apparently your single CD player is presently. So, there is a storage tray that does go there when the CD player isn't there.

    Did you by chance get a 7 seater, and if so, does your cargo cover fold in half for storage?
  • audifan3audifan3 Member Posts: 25
    In all three of my Q7's there was no under the armrest CD for anything. I imagine that the dealers either forgot to 'uncheck that box' on the order or the Audi logistics failed to notice the superfluous extra CD. I have a 4.2 premium with 6 CD in the dash, Nav under the trunk in the back, and see no reason for an extra single CD in under the armrest. My local deal, New Country recently had a Q7 launch day with many 3.6's and 4.2's. (Shortage? What shortage?) I don't recall seeing any extra "standard" single CD's in any of them.
  • xy46xy46 Member Posts: 26
    Just visited Ingolstadt factory 2 weeks ago for the tour. We saw the A3 being built. They build multiple variations of the same car on their lines - British cars next to cars destined for the US - four doors and two doors - each one different from the other depending on ordered options and country of destination. I suspect that someone on the line put the CD player in by accident instead of the storage compartment as it passed through their area. It then probably got missed at the final inspection, which is easy to see considering it's location.

    The tour was awesome - highly recommended if you're ever in Germany.
  • parishparish Member Posts: 5
    yes, the 3.6 I got is a 7 seater, and, no, my storage cover does not fold in half for storage. It sits in my garage unused.
  • parishparish Member Posts: 5
    If this were a single incident, I would agree it simpy may be a cse of stupidity on the part of an assembler on the line. As at least two people on this forum have the same issue, I suggest it might be something more endemic. As long as they remove it with little or no hassle, I 'm ok with the inconvenience, but I plan to argue whatever costs they attempt to levie.
    My only other issue is a rattling with the sun visor inthe rear, and the glass roof itself "creaks" somewhat. The latter, I suspect is simple to fix, and I hope the former works itself out in the next 2000 miles.
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    Sure am - my reading skills are pretty decent ;-)
    Definitely not DVD, no navigation option - and it shows up on the dash display as "CD7".
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    We also have the 7 seater (+third row) with the non-folding cargo cover. If you are out and about at a soccer game and have to give a couple of other kids an unexpected ride home because of rain, there is no place to put the cover. It's pretty heavy and the kids end up with it laying across them one way or another. Hazardous to the kids and the brand new interior of the car!
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    I'm really curious about the location of that tag. Where exactly do I look for it? Maybe we can narrow down the extra CD player issue to a particular line/run/sequence?
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    Not a lease - we actually purchased ours. I would say that since the installations are inconsistent, it is probably a mistake. The center console installed in vehicles with the in-dash 6CD player should have had a storage compartment. Having written software for some other manufacturer's assembly lines, I can see how this happened (if Audi's line is at all similar). The trim report must have been missing a rule that said "if installing 6CD player, then install storage center console" - assuming the CD center console is the default.

    My wife is really annoyed, because there is no convenient place to store extra keys, makeup, parking passes, change, etc.
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    I'm betting that this was a trim instruction bug in their software. It's just silly to have a humongous CD player in the armrest if you can play 6 CD's in the dash. These things happen with new products, but I expect they get corrected and worked out over time.
  • parishparish Member Posts: 5
    whatever the cause, I go to the dealership this morning to attempt removal with 1) minimum defacing of the car, and 2) even more minimal cost to the leasee, me. My resentment has increased slightly that this is not a unique problem only I have, and that they would consider charging me for what they consider an "optional" proceedure. I will be citing EDMUNDS as a source in my defence. Tell your wife I find the lack of space annoying as well- the issue is not gender specific.
  • novanglusnovanglus Member Posts: 8
    I agree - in a luxury vehicle, such assembly mistakes should be corrected at no cost to the consumer. Actually, the dealer should get reimbursed by Audi, since it is their mistake. I can't see why they'd make a big deal out of $100 on a purchase of that value to keep the owner/lessee happily disposed toward Audi. I have sent an email to my salesman asking him to find out about doing the CD-for-storage swap and a folding cargo cover swap. Figured I'd give him 48 hours to investigate before I call him tomorrow morning to follow up. We purchased a Cayenne from the sister dealership in the next building 20 months ago, so if they really care about repeat customers, they will take care of both issues without haggling or acrimony.
    I'll let you know how it plays out. I too cited the Edmund's forums as a source of information. I expect that the dealership also monitors the forums. If not, they should because no one there could understand or offer an explanation for the CD configuration, which in itself appears to be an acknowledgement that it was an error on the part of Audi.
  • xy46xy46 Member Posts: 26
    So what's the scoop with the folding cargo cover. Any idea why this was not the standard cargo cover? Was it suppose to be the standard for the 7-seater config or an option that had to be ordered. The dealer didn't offer it as an option at the time I ordered my Q7, nor was it an option that you could configure on the Audi web site. The non-folding version is useless since it has to be completely removed from the vehicle any time you want to use the third row of seats. Any help regarding this would be appreciated as I am working with my dealership to get me a folding cargo cover, too.
  • drhuffhuffrdrhuffhuffr Member Posts: 1
    I felt like I was missing something too, when my 7 seater showed up with the practically useless fixed cargo cover. Agreed it's absurd that it fits nowhere easily in the car with the rear most seats upright. Check Audiworld.com's disc boards for lots of talk about the cargo cover - some have been successful in getting it from dealers, or ordering it as an accessory. Bottom line is that the folding cover looks hideous - it is all floppy and wrinkled, though I guess you could fold it out of sight in the storage tray under the cargo floor. My Q has a retractable sun shade in the already smoked tailgate window, so that affords a good degree of privacy. Based on that, I decided that my fixed cargo cover can have a nice life in my garage, its utility limited to the rare occasions when I want an absolute screen over the cargo area, and I'm absolutely sure I won't need seats #6 & 7. It's a mild annoyance that I thought I was getting a useful cargo cover and it turns out I really didn't, but the folding version is so lame-looking that I don't want it after all. A nice gesture by Audi woul dhave been throwing in something else, like a car cover, cargo liner or something, but I'm not surprised that they play dumb on this. Same kind of issue with the "missing" folding center console ash tray.
  • parishparish Member Posts: 5
    I'm sorry to say (for Audi's sake) that they are refusing to remove the CD player at cost, and stated that the procedure is so complicated, I would be better off leaving well enough alone. I have been dealing with a service rep who couldn't be nicer, but the long and short of it is, he was told by "tech support" to tell me to forget about it. I guess the honeymoon is over.

    I offered to pay for labor, but they obviously did not want to start digging, and suggested the other CD player might be rendered unusable. No big deal, but certainly sets the tone for further dealings (which presumably are inevitable). Hard to believe a company of this stature 1) makes this stupid kind of mistake, and 2) doesn't bend over backwards to correct it.
  • quattroporte12quattroporte12 Member Posts: 178
    Has anyone had any major problems...beides any comsmetic pieces braking or factory mistakes...or are the cars holding up well? I am still a little nervous about how the Audi will hold up, but I am hoping that the ONE major problem Audifan talked about a LONG time ago was just a very very early production model with some glitches that hadnt been worked out...
  • quattroporte12quattroporte12 Member Posts: 178
    The Q7 was just on the cover page of a Kiplingers article for best new automobiles for 2007. Thats pretty impressive!! :D
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    I haven't taken one in trade yet which might just be a record for a recently launched Lux SUV.

    Generally we take every newly launched luxury SUV in trade within two to three months of its launch date.

    That more then anything else tells me it must be fairly well done.
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    Bought a 3.6 premium a month ago, and love it, EXCEPT for the loud clicking and knocking noises in the dash that come and go randomly. I have had my Q in the dealer now TWICE, and they cannot find the source of the annoyance. They now have Audi corporate working on some sort of solution. Seems I'm not the first complaint....Anyone else?
  • xy46xy46 Member Posts: 26
    Have had 4.2 Q7 Premium for approximately 1 month and 1,400 miles, and thus far LOVE it! I find myself constantly looking to take the long way home from work every day. I also have clicking noises within the dash from what appears to be adjustments being made in the ventilation system - this usually occurs after first starting it while it's still adjusting the temperature/airflow. The noise is not an issue for me - it's barely noticeable and only with the radio off.
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    I agree with the relation to the ventilation system. Unfortunately, the clicking noise in my Q is so loud that it is unbearable, and embarassing when I show off my new ride to friends and family.
  • sam818sam818 Member Posts: 127
    Does anyone have real experience with the Q7 Adaptive Cruise Control?
    It operates down to ZERO MPH, but does it provide emergency stops like the MB?
    Does it have to be affimativly engaged to operate down to zero?
    If the answers to the above are NO then what exactly is the reasoning behind the "active to ZERO MPH"
  • sloansloan Member Posts: 6
    I have a 4.2 premium with the same click, click, click sound. I've been told that it is probably the vent flaps adjusting, but that no fix is in order yet. It is really annoying and I am very hopeful that Audi fixes this problem. As you say, they are aware of the problem, but I don't get the feeling Audi is making this a priority to recall and repair q7s with this problem. I'm taking my Q7 in on Tuesday to the dealership to have them look at it and will keep you posted on the problem.

    Did you ever get your Q7 fixed????
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    No, my Q7 is still not fixed. After two trips to the dealer, they told us to wait 3-4 weeks, as Audi is working on a solution. The dealer could not solve the problem. We have also called Audi corporate to complain about the problem, and are still waiting to hear back from them.

    Keep me posted and let me know if your dealer mechanic is smarter than mine.
  • rbirns1rbirns1 Member Posts: 314
    I have the clicking too in my 3.6. Nothing really bad, just unexpected. I can barely hear it with the radio on. I'll live with it until my first service (sometime this winter) and see if they have a fix at that time.
  • sloansloan Member Posts: 6
    I will definitely keep you posted after I drop off my Q7 tomorrow.
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    Hi Sloan-
    Any luck with your dealership fixing the clicking noise? :sick:
  • sloansloan Member Posts: 6
    Sort of. Nothing was fixed at the dealership, but Audi is aware of the problem. I have spoken to some pretty high up people in the company on the corporate side (names to be held in private) and they are working on a solution. It could be a week or a couple of months, but they are DEFINITELY aware of the issue.
  • iquaiqua Member Posts: 7
    I have q7 3.6 for 2 months. LOVE it. Also got JD Power survey and posted a couple week ago with no complaint. But just a couple day posted that survey, things start popping out. First engine light illuminated. Called a dealer, a service man told me to bring the car. A night before dropping the car, found out from internet to check a fuel door. Easy enough, I tight it up and the light disappeared. A week later, engine temp gauge going up all the way almost to H (high) while driving on the highway. Exiting highway it went down to just a bit up of the middle which is a normal position. Called Audi dealer and drop off the car. But the service man told me it might just a one time thing and promised to have a mechanic to take a look but leave an impression that they won't fix it since it might be reproducable. Both issues happened on a cold Chicago winter around 10-20 F. Also I noticed it happened when I turn up the heat to around 80 and turn off Automatic mode to make blowing to front. I also notice when stopping I heard a clicking noise from the front panel. My suspect ion this all related to ventilation system. I demanded to talk to mechanic directly on Monday and will post the result. I'll print out all problems reported from this forum and show them to dealer/mechanic to make sure they won't dismiss this problem. Again, I love this car. I won't and don't want to drive other car. I hope Audi fix these problems now or in near futures and give me a good explanation. Let's see.
  • iquaiqua Member Posts: 7
    got the same issue.. Q7 3.6 with 7 psg seats. Talked to a salesman and insisted this is a defect from Audi as I read from multiple post/opinions from this forum. He finally talked to a couple of people including general manager of that dealership and told me I was not the only one requested to remove this un-necessary extra CD. He leaved a vm said that Audi is aware of this issue and to remove it it will disturb cables, fiber-optics that run through this part, so have no solution for this time. Once they find the solution, a "patch" as he put it, he will contact me and other customer who requested to remove it. Love this car and can't wait to pick it up next week. Although got A6 as a loaner car, my weekend was not the same without driving my Q7. And thx for this forum.
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    iqua-what dealer will you take your Q to in Chicago? I've already taken mine to the one downtown (clark/maple) and they were unable to fix the dash clicking problem. let me know if you have better luck elsewhere. I was actually the first Q they had in for repairs.

    I have also had an oil pressure light come on once, then go off, never to return. And then the other day, my Q was idling too high when I was stopping at stop lights, and it made the Q "bump" forward every time the idle would pick up. It ended up going away, and hopefully will not return again. STILL love my Q, however!
  • sloansloan Member Posts: 6
    GREAT NEWS!!! Audi has solved the problem and will be sending out a bulletin to all dealerships soon. Audi found that the problem is caused by faulty "Stepping Motors" (aka "flap-adjusting motors"). There are 11 motors in the ventilation system to open and close flaps. Depending on the number of faulty motors, the noisier the clicking sound. The functionality is not affected...just audible noise that is irritating.
  • iquaiqua Member Posts: 7
    got my baby back today...they can't find out what's wrong with temp gauge.. it could be a one time thing, they said... let's hope it stays that way. They found out on test drive this car that an oil sign turn on... they put this issue on Audi Tech Line/Bulletin on Monday and got reply the next day that Audi is aware of this issue, happenned on specific range of serial number... and working on software update to fix this issue since the software was giving a fault report. They also hope that the software update will fix the temp gauge issue as well.. for now I'm just glad I got it back and is ready for my usual weekend drive.
  • iquaiqua Member Posts: 7
    it's audi dealer at north chicago suburb... about your oil pressure light... did you mention it to your dealer? As I said on earlier post, audi is working on software update and will call any customer with this problem.
  • chitownq7chitownq7 Member Posts: 17
    sloan-thanks for the update! Can't wait to get her fixed.
  • sloansloan Member Posts: 6
    You're welcome. I'm excited to get mine fixed as well.
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