2009 Santa Fe SE AWD Vibration

tmk7tmk7 Member Posts: 5
I have a new 2009 Santa Fe SE with AWD and after the car is parked and sits for a short time I experience a vibration under the drivers floor when I start down the road again almost exactly at 20 mph. The duration of the vibration is short and the AWD lock is not on. This only happens after the car is parked then driven down the road again. The vibration is not present with continued driving.


  • tmk7tmk7 Member Posts: 5
    Took to dealership today for the vibration. Tech seems to think it is the ABS doing a system check after start up. Tech is going to call Hyundai tomorrow to see if they had any other problems. Dealership has not dealt with this before. All diagnostics appear normal. Will wait and see.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Thanks for the follow-up. Let us know what you find out. :)

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • tmk7tmk7 Member Posts: 5
    Talked to Dealer. Hyundai tech line was contacted and they have not heard of this problem. Hyundai seems to think it is the ABS system check since it only happens after the start of a new driving cycle (ignition on/off) . For now, Hyundai is going to call this part of the vehicle's normal operation. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive to the noises of a new vehicle, it just seems weird. The Dealer has offered me a chance to drive another 09 to see if the issue is NORMAL. Going to take them up on this as soon as we get a break in the continuous snow we are having.
  • tmk7tmk7 Member Posts: 5
    Mystery solved. Took another AWD for a drive today and the vibration was there but not as pronounced. Talked to the Master Tech at the Dealership and he had another 09 Santa Fe in the bay with the same customer complaint as mine. The Hyundai factory rep was in today and indicated the vibration felt through the floor/and gas pedal was in fact the ABS system check with the pump is making the vibration as it reaches pressure. According to the factory rep this is NORMAL and is sometimes more pronounced in one vehicle than another. There is no waranty repair required in this case. So, I guess no worries on this isue at this time. Will have to wait and see if Hyundai gets enough complaints to warrant a fix or updated part.
  • helen13helen13 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2010
    Hi, I have had a santa fe for 4 weeks, admitted its a bit old on a 52 plate, but have got problems, first the breaks stuck it went in and they stripped them down and apparently sorted the problem, they said they were sticky ? and now it makes a racket on starting plus it has a pulsating vibration constantly and it is driving me nuts. Its been in the garage and they said its just the air con that makes the noise (not been using air con) on starting and that is also causing the vibration. Please help, we got this car because I have a disability and it was comfey and the right height for me, but cant trust it at the moment and I really need to trust the car for hospital appointments that are a good distance from our home. Please Please Please can anyone shed some light on my problem. :confuse: :lemon: :cry:
  • snowsailsnowsail Member Posts: 2
    I have the same probleme on my 2009 Fe and so does my daughter. At exactly 20 km an hour and at 120-125 km. It happens only during acceleration.
  • tmk7tmk7 Member Posts: 5
    Was at the Dealer last week for an oil change and they claim to have seen only one other Santa Fe with this problem. They are sure it is the ABS pump making a system check but stated Hyundai claims it is normal and wont replace the pump. My question is why can't the computer be "flashed" to have this check take place at start up BEFORE we start driving down the road. They can't give me an answer on that one. Dealer said they will watch for Hyundai to come out with a TSB or fix on this problem. We own an Hyundai Elantra, a Chevy Impala and I drive a company Ford, all with ABS and do not feel this "test". Personal opinion is a bad bunch of pumps and Hyundai does not want to replace them because the ABS system is functioning normally despite the aggravation of the driver who has to feel this vibration every day....I wont go away easy on this one !!
  • mpuzachmpuzach Member Posts: 635
    What you're experiencing is normal. Though I'd call it more of a brief "clunk" or "thud" than a vibration, my 2007 Limited AWD has done exactly the same thing since new at exactly 20 m.p.h. All is well.
  • jdubs001jdubs001 Member Posts: 1
    I have had my Santa Fe Ltd for a year and a half and have put on close to 70,000km. I have had over 7 warranty claims and also have been servicing the car every month and sometimes twice a month. I can honestly say i am not happy with this vehicle one bit. When I first got the vehicle I heard rattling noises everywhere, and the dealership had to put extra insulation into almost every nook and cranny. And I also have had the vibration take place and the dealership replaced the abs module. And my latest issue is going and getting a brake flush from another mechanic cause his price was better and the dealership claiming it was not done properly and gave me a long explanation of why. (Ohh, I guess i should mention that the mechanic found 2 warranty issues that the dealership denied.) Needless to say i didn't like there explanation and took it to another dealership where they did a brake test and then blamed the hyundai dealership that put the abs mechanism in for messing up my brakes and not doing a proper bleed on the brake fluid. Took vehicle back to dealership that did the work and they re-flushed my breaks and fixed the issue. All the time blaming the other mechanic. I have had oil pan leaks, and gasket leaks. My advice don't buy a hyundai.
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