Airbag fault codes?

goacomgoacom Member Posts: 3
Hello folks;
I have a 2006 Mazda 5, auto with around 65K miles on it. I recently started getting an airbag light warning. Specifically, there is a long flash, followed by 9 short flashes. I believe this indicates a fault code #19. However, I don't know what it means. I would appreciate any information and remedies to this.


  • sdmtsdmt Member Posts: 1
    I just started getting the same flashing light on my dash. Happened after I took my 2006 Mazda in for an oil change on Friday. Taking back today to have them run diagnostics. interested in any feedback and will provide same.
  • goacomgoacom Member Posts: 3
    I plan to go to have it fixed later this week. If you get it checked before me, please do keep me posted.
  • mblundemblunde Member Posts: 1
    Did you find a solution to this problem?
  • goacomgoacom Member Posts: 3
    It was something inside the steering cylinder that was effecting the electrical contact. The airbag itself was ok and did not have to be replaced. I had it done at an independent shop and the total cost was in the range of $300.
  • flgmtech1flgmtech1 Member Posts: 2
  • cellecelle Member Posts: 1
    This car, Mazda 5 2006, has been a nightmare since I purchased it 4 years ago! I've had CONSTANT issues with my suspension....front and back! Paid $1600 the first time, then $1200 the second time...CONSTANTLY going through tires, no matter how much money I spend on them, this car, has made a squeeking, rocking back and forth, pretty much since after about 6 months after I bought it! Then, lets talk about my back locks not working! The first time, they fixed them for free, it was a recall...Now I have dealt with it, for over a year and a half, they are NOT working again! When i called, they said, they ONLY fix recalls once...then I have to pay for it! Ahhhhhhh, its a RECALL! ITS STILL not fixed!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS! NOW, my transmission is messed up! IT got stuck in 3rd gear on the highway! Couldn't go more than 50...when I pulled over, the digital reading said, 4th gear, when I was stopped! Then 3 when I was trying to get it to move, bucking all the way. I got it off the highway, and to a garage. We put ATF in it....filled it...STILL wouldn't move! Only bucking, reving and rolled backwards, smoking....ARE YOU SERIOUS! I'm a single mom, don't know where to turn....I DON"T have the money for a transmission right now.....please advice anyone! I still owe on this car, that I THOUGHT would last me a LONG time! ugh! after reading ALL the comments about EVERYONES problems with their Mazda 5s as well, SAME issues, I've had with MINE, REALLY makes me think about a Class action! This is a major issue with Mazda 5 cars???? Seems like anyone having one from 2005-2011?? any imput? please tell! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME.....tad frustrated with this vehicle....reliable? HUH! :lemon: :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • kellyjones11kellyjones11 Member Posts: 2
    How do you clear the code? I have this same problem. Al thought it was not in accident (that I know) its a family car, no other damage though.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    code should clear automatically when problem is fixed. if you clear the code it will come back on if problem still is there. everytime you start the car it checks the airbag system and if a problem the light stays on.
  • mahnrutmahnrut Member Posts: 1
    We just got our airbag fault code fixed today on our 2008 Mazda5. Some wire was corroded apparently and they cleaned it and the code went off. We were lucky in that it was 2 days before the 5 year warranty for this expired and hopefully if it comes back on in the near future we can say we took it in before the warranty expired! We paid nothing.
  • edfixeredfixer Member Posts: 1
    First, the code 19 provided by the Air Bag Dash light only provides a signal that the Air Bag system has a fault.
    Consider the signal 19 to .
    +be a "family" fault indicator.

    To find the fault you must use a reader to see the codes for to control wiring. In this case the fault on the Mazda5 Air Bag System.

    In my case the signal fault came up on the Reader as a high resistance in the control circuit for the #2 Drivers "side airbag" aka as curtain air bag etc.

    The Mazda incorporates a typical "Monitored Alarm System" for the wiring. In this a check is made of the resistance or continuity in the wiring to each Air Bag component.

    This is to insure that;
    A. The wiring has continuity from the signal source to the device being monitored..
    B. The wiring has a "load resistor"that provides a known resistance to allow a check for high resistance in the circuit. This is shown on each device.

    In my case the read out of the code stated that I had a high resistance. This was found to be a connector at the left rear of the vehicle.

    Cleaning the connector solved the problem but only after I purchased a $300 code reader to figure out the problem and spent several days learning how the system is designed.

    The kicker in all this is that I was lucky to have a Mazda5 2006 factory manual to look up the codes provided by the Code Reader.

    Good Luck.

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