99 Nissan Quest Body Rust

rockmobilerockmobile Member Posts: 115
edited October 2014 in Nissan
Anybody out there having problems with rust? I have a '99 Nissan Quest with 197k miles that has been garage kept since day one and still has developed cancer.

It's not pretty. The rocker panels on both sides are perforated and the bottom of the rear right door is almost gone. Other than that she still purrs like a kitten.


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited June 2011
    Not me. Mine has 155k miles but it spent a decade in the high desert of Boise. Cars last forever there and you'll see pristine classics driving around every month of the year.

    Now I'm in the UP of Michigan and judging by the other cars around here, I'm afraid it's going to rust away after another winter. Way too much salt on the roads.

    So far so good but I'm lazy about washing my rides.

    Steve, visiting host
  • rockmobilerockmobile Member Posts: 115
    The reason why I ask is because I have seen many older Quests around here (mid-Atlantic) that do not exhibit any degree of rust. Mine is still garage kept but now it seems that the end is near.

    Thanks god for duck tape. :)
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    lol, since my van is silver, I'll be able to buy the old-fashioned duck tape and not have to pay extra for the fancy colors.

    Wonder if your rust is somehow related to your paint color? And just how close are you to the Atlantic?
  • rockmobilerockmobile Member Posts: 115
    Officially, the van color is Mystic sage - something like a dark gray. It's a wonderful dirt camouflage and can go without a wash for months.

    It still looks pristine except for the aforementioned holes where the silver of the duck tape sticks out a little bit.

    I am close to the Delaware river but my problem is probably twelve years of Winter road salt.
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