Selling my 2012 Elantra. How much will I get for it at the dealer?

shemeckshemeck Member Posts: 5
edited March 2012 in Hyundai
I am planning to return my Elantra to the dealer due to being really dissatisfied with MPG that I am getting. That was the only reason why I got this car. Im getting on average 23mpg.
It has 9k miles on it. Its a GLS auto with package that brings radio controls on steering wheel. It retails for 18k New. The condition of the car is like new(except mileage of course)

I went to carmax to have it appraised but I knew I will be disappointed with the price. They offered 13,500 for it.

How much do you think I will get for this car at Hyundai Dealership.
I cant wait to get rid of it


  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    You might ask the folks in our Real-World Trade-In Values discussion. The issue you might face is that 2011 Elantras with similar mileage (adjusted for year) and package are trading in around 12,500, so you may not get a big premium for having a newer model year. Once it is on a dealer's lot, they'll mark it up some for profit - say, to $15K. If they pay more for it, they'd have to mark it up more - say, to 16K. If a buyer is looking at a $16K used model vs a brand new model, with full warranty and no miles for $18K, your vehicle will be hard for them to sell.

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  • drew11mdrew11m Guest Posts: 85
    I think one of the challenges with the GLS is that so many of them are coming off rental lots with 15-25K miles.

    I would take it to various dealers and check trade-in values. Certainly should be getting more than 13.5K i would think. Heck my 11 Elantra Limited with 17K miles has trade offers from 16800-17500

    Definitely post in the other forum. They will be able to really help. good luck!
  • drew11mdrew11m Guest Posts: 85
    I would also seriously consider selling it yourself on Craigslist or Autotrader or something like that. You should be able to get several thousand more than a trade
  • rudy66rudy66 Member Posts: 26
    Try selling it via the newspaper but don't tell why you are selling it would be my advice.
  • rudy66rudy66 Member Posts: 26
  • dodgeman07dodgeman07 Member Posts: 574
    The Carmax offer seems to be what they would pay you for it in cash, not a trade-in value. I'm sure you know that but want to make sure.

    Selling your car outright will get you the most cash but also involves more effort. I would think you could get $15k easy going this route and I'd ask for $16k to start with.

    If you trade your Elantra in on another car? That's a different story and the value is dependent on several things besides the actual value of your car. In any event, use $15k as a minimum value. As an example: If you trade it for a new car with a $25k sticker? A dealer could show you $18k on paper for a trade value. Every situation will be different.

    Good Luck!
  • shemeckshemeck Member Posts: 5
    I think this will be my best option to trade it in for another car. I think if I just "sell it" to the dealer I will lose much more than trading it in. At the end of the day I need another car, you cant have a car in Florida. Public transportation doesn't work here.

    My plan will be following.
    1. Pick a car that I like
    2. Negotiate trade in value first
    3. Negotiate value of new car

    Thanks for your help
  • cdavidhesscdavidhess Member Posts: 26
    I traded in my 2012 Elantra GLS with stick with 7,000 miles a couple of weeks ago. I received $16,000 for it. The original MSRP was $17,550. It might have just been typical BS, but my salesman said that I got such a high price for it because it was a stick. They are very rare.

    By the way, I traded it in for a 2012 Elantra Limited.
  • goralgoral Member Posts: 149
    Here's the latest Manheim data for your car:

    02/14/12 ORLANDO Lease $17,000 389 Avg GRAY 4G A Yes
    02/14/12 ORLANDO Lease $16,600 3,888 Avg GRAY 4G A Yes
    02/14/12 ORLANDO Lease $16,500 2,146 Avg SILVER 4G A Yes
    02/16/12 TAMPA Regular $16,400 9,723 Avg GREY 4G A Yes
    02/21/12 PHOENIX Regular $16,000 19,661 Below WHITE 4G A Yes
    02/22/12 HRSNBURG Lease $18,000 3,970 Above SILVER 4G A Yes
    02/23/12 TAMPA Regular $16,000 4,516 Below SILVER 4G M Yes
    03/01/12 FRDKBURG Lease $17,400 8,916 Avg RED 4G A Yes
    03/08/12 TAMPA Regular $17,400 5,086 Avg BLACK 4G A Yes
  • dan_bdan_b Member Posts: 8
    I sold my 2011 elantra limited through autotrader to a dealer and got $18600 (I paid $20400 new) the week after the elantra superbowl commercial. The car had about 11k miles. So this was about 600 over dealer retail on the car but then again, I'm in the bay area of CA were there was a shortage at the time.

    I have to say I don't miss that gas pig.
  • sarah2175sarah2175 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2012
    Gas pig? That's amazing to me...I have a 2011 Elantra that I bought almost a year ago, I have 9.500 miles on it. I think there was TWO times that the MPG average below 25. Other then that, I've never had a problem with the MPG's at all.

    I think a lot of people here expect absolute perfection when it comes to this. If it's not exactly 29 city, 40 highway like it states, then they want to get rid of it.

    The original poster states he is getting on average 23MPG's. How is that even possible with this car? I'm guessing his driving habits have a lot to do with the low MPG's, but of course, will never admit that. :)
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Could have been one of those Elantras that needs the "reflash" that's been covered in the MPG discussion.
  • shemeckshemeck Member Posts: 5
    Today I took the car to the dealer for "last checkup" and "final" oil change before I turn it it this week. I told them about re flashing CPU. Surprising they were fully aware of it and knew exactly what I was talking about. Nevertheless after their service I asked them if they checked cpu they said that everything is fine and I heard the "Standard" UP 40MPG and UP TO 30MPG text which I was prepared for...
    About driving habits... I tried all kinds of driving habits and the MPG didntvary by much so its not the driver...
    Anyway, i will be getting my tax return tomorrow which I will use to cover the difference for turning the car in. I read in one of the posts in here that MPG doesn't depend much on the car but on driving habits and this applies perfectly in my case. I will buy a car that I will actually enjoy, maybe it will waste a little more gas but at least it will not claim that its "economical" like Elantra does...

    Thanks for your help. I will let you know how much i sold it for
  • shemeckshemeck Member Posts: 5
    So today I went to the dealer and he offered me 16K for it. Without hesitation i got rid of my Elantra. I feel like it was a fair price for it and finally I will get myself a car that I will enjoy driving

    Thanks for eveyones input
  • steveaspesisteveaspesi Member Posts: 46
    wish I had seen your ad - I would of gladly bought your Elantra for $16,000

    did you trade it for another car? I'm guessing the dealer made out on both ends

    just so I can vision what I missed out on - what color was it?
  • shemeckshemeck Member Posts: 5
    Yeah the dealer made $$$ on both ends but im glad its gone.
    It was dark gray. I didnt get any car yet as I am not sure what to get. Most likely it will be a truck because ill be getting a boat... Im aware that trucks get horrible mileage but at least they have a reason not to be.
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    You might want to hop on the pickups board here and check for towing recommendations. We got a boat last year, already had a truck (we also tow a camper occasionally). If we were replacing the truck right now (not ready yet), we would definitely go bigger, probably diesel, for towing.

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  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    sounds like car-max tried to screw you royally..i just traded in the same exact car you have for a 2013 elantra and recieved $16,000.00 as a trade-in with 5500 miles on it..elantra's are selling for top dollar right now and don't give your car away to car max.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    you traded in a 2012 elantra for a 2012 elantra?? should have waited for the 2013 elantras that are out now..
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    i just traded in about a week ago a 2012 elantra base model with auto.purchased last summer for $18, $16,500.00 for it on a trade-in towards a 2013 elantra with the preffered package.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    hello folks,my radio in my 2013 elantra on occasion will turn on by itself without me pushing any buttons.i had the same problem in my 2012 elantra.when i first start the car the radio will turn on even though the switch is off.has this happened to anybody else???
  • harryf1958harryf1958 Member Posts: 1
    I am having other issues with the radio on my 2013 Elantra GLS.
    Leased the vehicle November 2012, currently less than 3,500km on it. Sometimes , it will take more than one push of the button to either turn on, turn off or change the radio station. This, however, is not the most annoying issue.
    Back in late November/early December last year, I noticed that almost exactly at the 15 minute mark of a phone call, the Bluetooth feature on the radio will mute the reception of the phonecall. After this happened on several occasions (where the parties I was speaking with told me that they could hear me talking but I could not hear them), I took it to my local dealership to have the problem corrected. After explaining the issue and them testing to corroborate my complaint, they saw there was a problem and that they would contact the manufacturer and get back to me with what they will do to fix it.
    After waiting more than a month without hearing from them (not even a courtesy call to let me know they hadn't forgotten about me) I called the dealership, livid that they had apparently dropped the ball. About two weeks later, I took the vehicle in to have the radio unit replaced. Thinking that it was simply a defective unit that was replaced, I did not give the issue any more thought until the exact same thing happened about 3-4 weeks later, i.e., the Bluetooth muted the receiving portion of the call. I immediately called the same dealer's service department and told him that issue had not been resolved and asked what they were going to do about it. I was told to bring in the car next week and they would look at it, AGAIN (This would be the THIRD visit for the same problem.) I told them that I cannot afford the time to wait around while they try to figure out the problem. I told them that being in sales, sitting around waiting while they TRY to figure out issue costs me money in wasted time, I wanted a loaner. They would not give me one.
    As instructed, I brought the car in, waited around for 1-1/2 hours, and was told that it was a software issue (i.e., the old fallback position) and that it would probably take a couple of months to resolve the issue.
    It has now been approximately seven weeks since I was told about the software issue and since I had not heard back from the dealer I called the service agent I have been dealing with last week, leaving him a voicemail to call me with an update. Not getting a response from the dealer in a week, I called again and left another message. He finally got back to me leaving a voicemail, probably relieved to have gotten my answering machine. The message was that there is nothing new to report and that it will probably be another month. He went on further to say that although he has other reported cases, I will be the first person he calls when there is a remedy. (If this problem is finally solved in another month's time, it will have been FIVE months since I initially reported the problem.)
    Any one else experiencing a similar issue?
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    If it's muting at exactly the 15 minute mark then maybe there is some sort of setting on the radio that makes this happen...i have a 2013 elantra and sometimes spend an hour or so talking through the bluetooth and haven't had any issues so far.
  • harryf1959harryf1959 Member Posts: 1
    If there was a setting to be adjusted, I am assuming it would have been done, since I took the car in at least three times for the problem. No one at the dealership seemed to know about it (actually, two dealerships).
    Coincidentally, I received a call from the dealership's service department today telling me that Hyundai has come up with a repair for the Bluetooth issue and they will need my vehicle for about an hour to fix it.
    So, if you are spending an hour or so using your Hyundai's Bluetooth without an issue, consider yourself fortunate. (I must have gotten two problem radio units since the original was replaced and its replacement had the same issue.) And, if you are on the phone for an hour or so at a time, good luck with those phone bills. I hope you have a good plan.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    first of all,like most other people who have cell phones i have unlimited minutes so haveing a large phone bill is not a issue with me.however,i wanted to mention that i have a 2013 elantra that has a radio issue as well.intermintly,the radio will turn on by itself when i start the car even when the radio is turned says that this is a issue with all elantra's beginning with the 2011 model year and there is no fix for it as of yet.
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