2013 Hyundai Sonata GLS whistling sound from AC vent

michellej87michellej87 Member Posts: 28
edited June 2013 in Hyundai
Anyone get whistling sound from AC vent?
I get it when I drive 70+ MPH.
I started noticing this now that I am using AC more often (bought 2013 sonata in winter)

Should I just take it to dealer?
I am afraid I will not be able to show the tech unless I drive it at 70+ MPH and even then I may not get whistling sound.

http://www.hyundai-forums.com/222-yf-2011-sonata-i45/161600-2013-whistle-air-duc- t-system.html


  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    I have the same issue as you as the speed limit on the roads near the dealer is too low. I tried having someone take a video with the sound earlier today and will try to take the video to the dealer and see what happens.
  • rysterryster Member Posts: 571
    MaxAC is noisier than the fresh air setting since it is recirculating the air in the car. The inside air inlet and the blower motor are both on the passenger side of the vehicle. My 2011 Sonata has a slight whistle in MaxAC as well, but I rarely drive over 60mph. I use MaxAC for only 20 minutes or so on a hot day and then go back to the fresh air AC setting for the rest of my 1hr commute.

    You could check the cabin filter and see if it is dirty/blocked. Does it whistle on MaxAC with the blower/fan speed at all speeds, or only when the blower is at the highest setting? Mine whistles when the blower is at full blast, but not at speeds 1, 2, or 3.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    The car is brand new, so I doubt the filter is blocked, but someone suggested that it could be the cabin air filter seal or it could also be the vent flap is not closing properly in recirculation mode. (This was my first thought when I heard it.) The whistling noise is a constant volume no matter what the speed is (1-4). I had a video taken when it happend (by my passenger) so I am going to bring the video to the dealer.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    I posted my video on youtube for the service technician.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    The dealer opened a case with Hyundai. I also called Hyundai. The more people that open a case with Hyundai, the better off we are as they have more chances to find the problem.
  • michellej87michellej87 Member Posts: 28
    Wow, this is exactly how my car sounds too.
    But no on all days and the speed has to be above 70mph.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    I have an appointment today with another dealer. I talked to the Service Manager on this one who immediately said that something did not sound right. I am more optimistic this time. I will keep you posted.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    I found a dealer to diagnose the issue which is that the vent flap is not closing all the way in MAX AC mode. That is the good news. The issue is that there is not enough range of motion in the control head, so they are saying that the control head must be replaced with the older version and reprogrammed for the 2013. The dealer is trying to find the parts now. More to follow.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    I have more information for you. I talked to the Service Manager to clarify the problem and the fix. The problem is that the vent flap stays partially open. The other problem is that the control head is pre-programmed and cannot be changed. The older version of the control head could be re-programmed, but are not made any more. The Service Manager is having the warehouse go through the parts stock to find one that can be reprogrammed. I am being told that if they cannot find one, then I am stuck with it.
  • jeff5050jeff5050 Member Posts: 8
    The dealer replaced the control head with the older software version. The whistling is gone.
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