Has anyone replaced "the hook"?
I haven't. But, if you'll go to www.thedieselstop.com you'll find more info on this subject than you'll care to read in a week. I do know of some that have converted that spot into a maglight holder. So the cigar tray isn't out of the question. Just go to the search function and play around with it.
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I've had infinitely worse! I got my truck 2/01. Around mid March we got a real brute of a Nor' Easter that dumped 18 inches of heavy wet snow on us. New neighbor two doors down from us was a diabetic in her first pregnancy. They were gonna bring her in and induce on Monday morning, so the baby didn't get too big. Of course, she started getting some random contractions at beginning of storm, but O.B. told them they had plenty of time. Well about 18 hours later, she went into full blown labor - contractions every 5-6 min. They tried to get to hospital but Dad-to-be buried his AWD Suburu Forester into a snow bank at the end of the driveway. Then they called 911 - and were told it could be over an hour before a plow and 4x4 Ambulance could make it there. Even local cops couldn't make it up our hill. I had told neighbors in passing that I had been a Paramedic, so in desperation, anticipating a home delivery they called me and my wife for help. Truck was brand new, 4x4, w/ limited slip and 600 lbs of sand in bed, and full tank,so we drove the 300 yards down the unplowed street to stay outta the wind driven snow/sleet.
Got there and realized that baby was intent on coming and started getting ready. Mom's freaking out because she's big time diabetic, needed hospital delivery because of risk to baby. Meanwhile 911 dispatcher calls back, and says Ambulance was about 3-4 miles out, but can't get any closer without plow for help. Plow says he's on the way, but hasn't shown up in 20 minutes. Well, we had all of our supplies out already, so in lieu of baby's plight I made a rather rash decision to get to the ambulance ourselves. We had blankets, towels, my old Medic First Aid Case, Lights, etc. Figured worst case I could do delivery, and truck had full tank so we could keep warm for a long time in need be. So we hustled Mom into truck, my wife was in back of CC with her, the hubby up front with me. Kept in contact with ambulance/dispatcher via cell phone, so they always knew where we were (sort of).
Basically had to plow our way through drifts, but only had a couple of iffy times getting through. Ended up sideways sliding down hill, and almost got rear end caught in a culvert. Couple miles out, we met a squad car with tire chains first, then eventually got to ambulance waiting next to highway ramp. At this point contractions were coming 3-4 minutes apart, and top of baby's head was barely visible. We transferred them to ambulance, and baby actually held off til they made it to the E.R. Plow showed as we were heading back home. We we got home, found she had a 7lb, daughter - who was being moved to Neonatal ICU.
The whole purpose of this long story is this: What I didn't realize was that Mom's membranes had ruptured while laboring in my back seat. Even though we had towels and blankets, seat and carpet got soaked with several pints of amniotic fluid, blood, meuconium, and other interesting "stuff"....... Cleaned things up the next morning, but a couple days later when things started to thaw - phew!!!! Makes Won-Ton Soup seem trivial......
New Mom and Dad wouldn't name their baby daughter after me. But they did give me a gift to have truck detailed - they did great -actually got "smells" out after a couple of visits.