Value of Mazda with Ford motor
a ford body with a mazda motor serves it's purpose... but the other way around, you got both bad sides of the two car companies.
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Or were they claiming that a Ford engine was dropped into some other Mazda?
Perspiring minds want to know (or at least sweat it out)....
Since then when I see a Mazda dealer I change my way.
Do not mess with the Protege. Do not "improve" it in any way. I have seen the "impovements" on the ford cars since 1970. The only meaningful improvements were discontinuation.
Do not touch the protege. You in the engineer suit! Put down the pencil and slowly back away.
A ford engine in a protege is like I don't know what it is like. I gotta get a Mazda engine in a crate, and bury it in the backyard just incase!
Ford engine in mpv is such a wonderful thing.
Don't do it, Ford, please. I'll do anything. Just leave protege alone. I am getting sick over this.
I loved the old commercial Have you driven a ford lately. So I went down to the local dealer and asked to see a lately. He thought it was one of the English Fords, not for sale in the U.S. Duh.