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Chevrolet Malibu Maxx Problem Codes/TSBs

minn_maxxminn_maxx Member Posts: 51
edited October 2014 in Chevrolet
The TSB that a lot of us have been waiting for was released June 13, 2006 - "Knock, Clunk Rattle Noise from Front of Vehicle While Driving Over Bumps at Low Speeds (Diagnose and Replace Steering Gear, if Necessary)"

Partial summary:

2004 - 2006 Malibu/Maxx
2005 - 2006 G6

Noise may be generated during contact between the rack gear and pinion gear. The EPS motor holds the pinion gear from rotating and the suspension input drives the rack gear into the pinion gear.

New Part Number: 15858368 Steering Gear Assembly

Off course the part is on Nationwide back order...


  • kurtamaxxxguykurtamaxxxguy Member Posts: 1,798
    well at least it's official. Now I can advise my dealer about it, and get in line for the replacement part.

    Fortunately I have Major Guard, which supposedly covers that part.
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    hey, stop cutting in line....I'm next!
  • paopao Member Posts: 1,867
    well the interesting piece will be how will they deal with those of us out of warranty....for teh suspension rattle.....probably will have to live with it...as Im certainly not going to invest big $ into it at this point..I will wait to see if this honestly fixes the problem first before I inquiry.....71K and going strong
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    well here's some news pao. I went to my local Chevy dealer. The floor manager told me that there was a TSB on four things related to the cluncking noise. He went for a ride in my car, but I told him it would probably be a waste of time since it did not make the noise while going over his parking lot's speed bumps at slow speed. I told him that I certainly did not want him to go tearing apart my front end replacing the sway bars, rack, etc. I guess I won't get anything repaired unless they hear the noise themselves. He told me that he did a replacement recently, but did not know that there was a pending TSB, and ended up replacing the rack with OEM parts, which of course did not solve the problem. I described the rattling problem to perfection; he is very familiar with the problem, but yet would not do anything unless he hears it. Oh well. I've got my GMPP, so I'm not too concerned about getting it done today.
  • paopao Member Posts: 1,867
    well I have lived with a slight clunk this long...so till it falls apart I probably dont have a choice.....Im sure even with the TSB and late year fix, a dealer wouldnt touch mine now under warranty with over 70K on the car.....

    still very much love this car....will hold it for another two years....at that point if no major issues...will just keep it and look towards a new replacement....waiting for the HHR to come out with their turbo...or maybe even one of the sabaru legacy sport wagons.....but a long way off from that decision....
  • tcontastcontas Member Posts: 10
    If anyone is actually able to get past the dealer's standard "unable to duplicate" answer for this problem and does get the work done, could you please post the results here? I'll be very curious to see if the new steering gear assembly solves this problem. I do think we'll have to fight somewhat to get this fixed under warranty, as the knock/clunk doesn't happen consistently and the service tech. who takes it for a quick test drive may not notice it if he doesn't go over the right kind of road. I notice mine most if I go fairly slowly over a "washboard" type of road, or a road with a series of small, close-together bumps, or a dirt/gravel road with little holes or dips. I can live with it for now, but I only have 3,300 miles on my Maxx and it may loosen up some more. I rented an '04 Malibu last year and the knocking was very noticeable. I actually told the rental company that I thought the tie rod ends or ball joints were going to fall off under normal driving. Anyway, feedback from anyone getting this new fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    Good post. I agree totally. We all have the problem. While I'm not a mechanic, (I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night) I did described the problem during my last visit, but since it did not happen for the service manager, I was turned away. The manager only stated that there was no hazzard to my life or groceries. How reassuring!!
  • mdp35submdp35sub Member Posts: 4
    I have a 05 Classic with 35800 miles and recently started having a clunk sound when placing into drive and when AT shifted from 1 to 2 gear. Come to find out it was the left strut that was bad. Dealer repaired under warranty. I got at least three "unable to duplicate" from them before I nailed down the location of the problem.
  • sciguy85sciguy85 Member Posts: 45
    Had it "fixed" today. They only had the car 1 day and had the steering gear and my "flooded" headlight replacement. When I handed them the TSB number they said they'd check it out. Primary diagnosis was rack or steering gear. Ended up being the steering gear. Only had it back for a few miles but steering is tight and better than before. No clunk. Unlike the 2 previous times they "fixed" it and I left with it clunking merrily along. Today's fix was almost $600 (no charge to me) With all my other "no charge" fixes, I believe I counted almost $4500 in repairs in less than 2 years and over 30 days in the shop. Hope this is it.
  • paopao Member Posts: 1,867
    seems they might have gotten it this time.....bit of a clunk here..but I will live with it since mine is out of warranty....04 Maxx LT...72K on it....only one warranty repair needed....in the shop a total of 4 hours over two visits for two recalls and a replaced right turn signal socket..no other problems to report..and still going strong......
  • minn_maxxminn_maxx Member Posts: 51
    Had the TSB done today. Noticeable difference. Clunky rattle is basically gone. Woo hoo!

    Small draw-back is that it seems less willing to center itself after a turn. May get better with time.
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    great! now how did you get the dealer to do the fix? Did they have to hear the noise before choosing to do the work?
  • minn_maxxminn_maxx Member Posts: 51
    The dealer has been trying to fix the "clunk" for the last 10-months. Replaced sway bar links twice, strut bearing, strut, steering column (EPS) and tie wrapped/tightened many small parts. Once the TSB was released, I faxed it to the dealer and they ordered the part.

    Drove over a rough road last night that used to rattle the suspension - night and day difference now. Feels like a different car.
  • paopao Member Posts: 1,867
    were you still on 3/36 warranty when you had the TSB fixed?
  • minn_maxxminn_maxx Member Posts: 51
    Yes, I was still under 36k miles. Went over 36k as I drove home from the dealer.
  • davidwlidavidwli Member Posts: 9
    Just to let you know; My GM dealer ordered the new steering gear without even test driving my car . He could see the service history ( Front strut replaced 2 months before at another GM dealer) and simply proceeded based on my complaint of rattling steering column. I can send you the TSB print out if you need it...davidwli@go.com
  • jhunterbobjhunterbob Member Posts: 17
    Interestingly enough, I had noticed the clunk, but did not mention anything to the shop.

    I took it in mainly for the brake problem with seemingly warped rotors. I also asked him to check a rough idle and that sometimes it seemed like the power steering would go out. It usually happened in parking lots at low speed, so I thought it might be idle related, or even causing the rough idle.

    The service guy called yesterday and said they were going to do a light turn on the brakes and had to replace the steering gear. I guess I'm getting luck in some ways that they are replacing it, as I definatley had the clunk, but just blew it off as this is not a lexus or infinity!

    Anyway, he called back today and said the steering gear is on "national backorder" and that I could not get the car back. He offered to get a rental for me (As I guess the old gear was torn off and not useable), but fortunatley I am travelling with my big car (2000 Chev Suburban) for a few days and said I didn't need one.

    I'll let you know how the backorder process goes, but I am very happy that the service advisor is basically fixing it right the first time!
  • islandpeteislandpete Member Posts: 94
    Just had my Maxx LT 2004 in for servicing for the pulsing brakes. Had it in last month and they told me it was in spec and safe to drive. Did not buy this so back in it went. Spoke to the Service Manager and he assured me they would take care of it. Turned the front rotors down because of "Excessive Lateral Runout". The same thing happened to the rears at 18oo mi. Fronts were 11000. Was going to mention the TSB for the clunk on the front suspension but it is not too bad right now. Did not want to tie the car up too long. It will definitely go before too long. A question David by the steering gear do you mean the steering column, because my Maxx recently had the column replaced because of hard or erratic steering and then a total loss of steering(locked).
  • davidwlidavidwli Member Posts: 9
    Hi island pete; I should have clarified my symptoms. My electric steering has been problem free other than the clunking ,rattling sound coming from the suspension/ steering rack area over rough pavement....dave
  • maddmaxxmaddmaxx Member Posts: 81
    Are there any TSB's out there for an intermittent pulsating brake?

    Also, my CD changer quit working the other morning but in the afternoon it started again. Any similar experiences?

    Thanks. Great to have this list to find people who understand these cars.
  • sgr5516sgr5516 Member Posts: 163
    GM has TSB for warranty brake service which covers all GM vehicles 1999-2007. It's 00-05-22-002H, last updated June 20, 06. Google the number to find it on alldata.com. It is about 20 pages long and covers brake pulsation problems. I had this problem several times on my 2004 Maxx LS, due to improper torquing of wheel lug nuts. Problem was most noticeable when stopping from highway (like to pay a toll or exit an interstate road). Dealer had to turn the rotors each time to resolve problem. I began to torque the wheels myself anytime they were removed for rotation/service. I never had problem again. Turning of rotors to correct lateral runout is covered under original 3/36 warranty.
  • jhunterbobjhunterbob Member Posts: 17
    Just curious if anyone knows if GM has put a redesigned steering gear in these cars or if they are just putting the old design back in?

    I have had this done and it solved the clunking noise (even though it is not what I was complaining about, but I did have the nose and feeling of the front end was going to come off). My concern is that it is going to continue to happen over time. Anyone know?
  • maxx4memaxx4me Member Posts: 1,340
    My service manager told me that it was a redesign, to eliminate the (travel) play in the unit. I don't know exactly what the redesign is. They may have put some bubble wrap in there to keep the rack from hitting the pinion. :surprise:
  • jhunterbobjhunterbob Member Posts: 17

    That makes me feel a little better about it.
  • minn_maxxminn_maxx Member Posts: 51

    Have about 4,000 miles on the new steering gear. It has loosened up a bit and "clunks" a bit turning in/out of the driveway. However, it remains much much quieter than the original - especially on gravel or rough roads.
  • kurtamaxxxguykurtamaxxxguy Member Posts: 1,798
    Thanks for TSB. This has been recurring problem on my '04 maxx as well, and for the same reasons.

    Will see if dealer will understand what the bulletin is, and if they will do anything.

    Does the TSB mention parts that GM actually replaces, or is it merely an advisory that the disks will warp due to bad wheel torquing?
  • sgr5516sgr5516 Member Posts: 163
    It is 10 pages long and covers many issues, basically what will and will not be covered under warranty. For warped rotors, they will only turn the rotors to correct the problem. However, if turning the rotors causes them to go below minimum thickness, then they will replace them. TSB does not include any part numbers.
  • sciguy85sciguy85 Member Posts: 45
    04 Maxx, 4/06- clunk, Dealer="link or bushing, front stabilizer shaft at control arm both R&R or replace". late 4/06 still present. "With in normal range". Lived with it until 7/06 and told them TSB. They replaced rack and pinion gear assembly, power steering replaced, Great! Until...Mid August. Now worse. 11/06 returned to dealer and guess what? See first 4/06 again! (Also had a leak in the passenger half shaft)Fixed leak, Clunk worse. The car has been in 9 times for various fixes, the only one staying is the clunk. OUCH!
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    I usually get 5-6000 miles before I hit 10% on the Oil Life Monitior. Well, in the last week it has dropped almost 30%, and just this am it dropped 5% in 30 minutes. I have 3000 miles since the last oil change. My MPG remains the same, no rough idel, RPM's all seem to be normal - about 2k at 65mph, nothing out of the ordinary. Anyway, the dealer says there is nothing they can check. Any ideas on what might cause this? Our driving habits, etc are the same that they have been since we bought this car 1 year ago. I reset the monitor to see what will happen. ANY ideas? THANK YOU!
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    Just a thought, would a bad thermostat do this? It seems like maybe the engine is running a little cold, but I am not sure. THANKS!
  • bhw77bhw77 Member Posts: 101
    Hi guys,

    How can I get that TSB 00-05-22-002H without subscribing to AllData?
    Turning of rotors to correct lateral runout is covered under original 3/36 warranty.
    Dealer told that rotors are covered 12/12 and
    tried to charge me for repair. Never happened thou...
  • sgr5516sgr5516 Member Posts: 163
    I got the latest TSB (002H)from the free www.alldata.com/tsb site, but that site no longer lists TSB issued prior to July 2006. GM updates this TSB in June each year to add new model year. I also, get my TSB from www.infotraxx.com. For 14.95 you can access all the TSB for your car for one year. They are in PDF format and you can save them to your computer for future reference. They currently only have TSB issued through May 2006. They add new ones a couple times a year. The latest one they have is 002F from June 2005 (when they added 2006 GM models).
  • e2helpere2helper Member Posts: 1,002
    What model year and engine (likely 3.5L) do you have? If you noticed this on a specific ignition cycle had you recently done a remote start or had a short engine run cycle before driving it when this happens?
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    I have the 3.5l, 2005 Maxx, and did a remote start (after market remote starter) - the car ran for about 5 minutes, engine temp a bit under the half mark. Never had a problem up until now. But, I rest the oil life monitor, and Since yesterday am (about 60 miles the oil life is down only 2% - it is now at 98%. I did a remote start this am - high 20's for the temp again, and knock on wood everything seemed normal. My oil life did not drop any on my way to work - about 10 miles. Yesterday it dropped 5% in about 30 minutes. Thanks for any ideas!
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    OK, UPDATE: It was down in the 20's, heavy frost last night, warmed up the car for about 5 minutes before I left this am. Temp gauge goes to a little below the half mark (side not - this is where the temp goes even on an extended trip - we went on a 200+ mile trip this weekend and only dropped 2% in about 250 miles). I dropped 10% in less than an hour this am. RPM and mpg remains normal. So, question 1 - does this sound like a thermosat prob? and question 2 - Can the service dept. hook a scanner up and see if the thermostat is bad - even with a "warm" engine? THANKS for any tips!

    Larry :-)
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    Well, here is what is going on: Only on extreme cold mornings does the oil life drop. So, took it to the dealer, car is not throughing any codes, they have no idea what could cause this. They said all check out ok, did an oil change and they said oil looked good. I know something is up, as it is not normal to loose 10% of your oil life in less than an hour. ANY ideas? THANKS!
  • e2helpere2helper Member Posts: 1,002
    Curious if you did a remote start or some brief engine run prior to driving when you saw the % drop?

    If so you might be dealing with a software issue.

    To your knowledge has dealer recently updated software in engine controller? There is likely an update although it would have been done per a TSB to address a long crank condition and not your complaint. However it might also resolve your complaint. If I can find out more I will
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    Yes, I this has happened when I remote start. I do not know about any software flash, I did have the car in in August and they worked on the steering tsb. Maybe they did something to the software then? I have an aftermarket remote that the dealer installed when we bought our Maxx if that makes a difference. THANKS for the info! It gives me something to suggest to the dealer!

    Larry :-)
  • e2helpere2helper Member Posts: 1,002
    NP but they certainly aren't going to tie the oil life complaint to a PCM reflash from anything in a TSB.

    This condition was probably always present, not due to anything they did - just takes certain conditions to show up.

    What I was saying is there there is a potential that this might be cleared up with latest calibration.
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    OK, I have not remote started my car since last week, and all is well. So, I am going to try the remote start next week and see if the oil life drops. I suspect it will. If that is the case, then I must need to be reflashed?

    Larry :-)
  • e2helpere2helper Member Posts: 1,002
    I still don't know if latest calibration made any changes in that area - I will ask about it.
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    Thanks, I appreciate it!

    Larry :-)
  • kurtamaxxxguykurtamaxxxguy Member Posts: 1,798
    The local dealer printed out the Brake TSB, all 20 pages of it that go into a lot of procedural issues wrt how to turn rotors, how to clean rotors, et all. It did say proper torqueing of wheels (via torque sticks) and proper runout were absolutely critical with these brakes - any small deviation would result in pulsation within 4K miles or so.

    What it did not mention were any replacement rotor parts to address the problem. So I guess the rotors, at least to date, will remain relatively flimsy and easy to warp.

    Local dealer also printed out hot starting problem TSB. The report hints that the problem might be related to a Delphi EGR valve (saying that the vehicles with Siemens EGR valves already had newest calibrations). I'm to go into dealer tomorrow to see if they will recalibrate my '04 Maxx and if they do it, whether or not it helps.
  • e2helpere2helper Member Posts: 1,002
    I found old notes that complaint I had heard about was really specific to a 2006 model but am still checking on it.
  • mybooomybooo Member Posts: 92
    THANKS again! It has been real cold, and I have not used the remote start. I have been manually going out and starting the car in the morning. The oil has dropped 10% in the last week and a half, and I have put over 1000 miles on. So it is acting normal now. I am going to try to start it tomorrow with the remote and see if that makes it drop. I have a suspension that it will.
  • mrcoltmrcolt Member Posts: 4
    I found a site that's selling the full text of TSBs for even cheaper than Infotraxx. The posted prices are $2 for each individual TSB or $20 per year for a subscription that gets all TSBs for your vehicles. What makes them really cheaper than Infotraxx is that they don't charge extra for additional vehicles in your account up to 7 vehicles. So you can have all the TSBs for 7 vehicles for just $20 per year. The TSBs are in PDF format. The website is at http://www.iamsam.com/tsb.aspx
  • sgr5516sgr5516 Member Posts: 163
    Thanks so much for this find. This site is way better than INFOTRAXX and it's current. INFOTRAXX has not added new bulletins issued after May 06. $20/yr for 7 vehicles is a bargain.
  • tdadcoxtdadcox Member Posts: 1
    I would like to see the print out of the hot starting problem if you could send it to me. I have been having trouble with my 04 maxx for over a year and fed up.
  • pgroegerpgroeger Member Posts: 3
    here's my situation. 05 MAXX, just in the last 3 days the engine has powered itself down while on the road. I called the dealer and he advised me that that this will happen again and that I have to bring it in for service. Which of course I did. On the DIC when the system shuts down it shows " engine power reduced" and then " engine disabled" So of course you roll onto the shoulder or into a parking lot if you are lucky. The dealer went through their stuff and it seems that there were 2 error codes on the EBCM c0242 and c0561 that were not present at the time that they had the vehicle. Their suggestion was to drive the car and "monitor" till it happens again or "perhaps it will not show up again and if it does then to come back" They cleared the error codes in on the EBCM and of course it happened again later tonight. (SIGH) just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and any solutions


  • maliboooomaliboooo Member Posts: 1
    I felt the same way as you did, when the dealer indicated he replaced the steering gear on my 2006 Malibu. The clunking noise went away, but about 3 to 5 thousand miles later it was back as strong as ever. This time they said they had a factory bulletin indicating this problem needs a special type of lubrication grease kit. To get to the place they have to lube, they have to remove the front panel inside the car behind the steering wheel. They lubed this place. The clunking went away for about 500 miles and counting now , but I expect it to return. There must be some bad news friction some place between steering parts, if they have to keep lubricating this same place all the time. It sounds like another band aid fix by GM to a problem that would cost them too much in a recall. The problem is the bandaid is going to keep falling all before the sore ever heals.
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