Saab 9-2x Accessories & Modifications

Does anyone know if the new 92-X will have an optional roof rack ? the photos from the show seem to show an aftermarket/Thule type of rack......would prefer one like is on the WRX wagon for carrying my kayak.
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I think I remember seeing a post that said no center arm rest for the 9-2x even though you could get one as an option for the WRX. Well, there is one in the catalog. It is not the kind that bolts into the side of the drivers seat, but is more like a taller center console with padding on the top. Extra storage plus an arm rest for $119.
I think the best item in there is a short shift kit for $286. That's not a bad price compared to B&M short shifters. Try going to
Oh, the test drive... I wasn't going to write about it because I am not sure if my dissatisfaction came from the 9-2x or the WRX on which it is based. I love the looks of the 9-2x (see my prior smarta** post) but just don't know if I can deal with no power until after 4000 rpm. The traditional Saab low end torque has spoiled me, plus my other turbo 4 (lightly-moded eclipse) explodes from 3000 on. The thing that I disliked the most was on the highway at 60-65mph in 5th gear, stand on the gas, and absolutely nothing happens. Even modest highway passing will always require a downshift. Also, the power delivery after 4000rpm seemed very non-linear up to 5500rpm (out of respect for its future owner, I did not subject the test car to its 7000rpm redline). The boost just seemed real jerky, not smooth. Does this sound like the typical power delivery of the WRX? Someone please tell me that my car just wasn't broken in.
There was no trying to disguise the true roots of the car, and I loved that - the rear seats had a clear plastic cover on them labeled "Subaru"! Steering, suspension and interior noise level were excellent.
The dealer also had a Car and Driver road test handout on the 9-2x, and it said 0-60 in 6.1 and the 1/4 in 14.7. Car and Driver's test of the WRX had 0-60 in 5.4. The 9-2x is only 164 more pounds than the 9-2x, so asside from test conditions, temperature and such, why would the 9-2x be so much slower? Did GM dink around with this car to make it slower??? Any thoughts on that???
The WRX comes on strong from about 3000 rpm and up. Yes there is turbo lag below that, but your comment that power is only from 4000 rpm and up sounds very fishy.
carte, only packaged with the 17" rims for 1950$.
I might take a job with GM, then quit, just to be eligible. :P
That's not a big deal - ASC usually makes them and certifies installers. I've personally owned 3 such moonroofs and all have been perfect. Problem rates are no higher than OE/factory.
The installer warranties mine (Adler & Mandell).
Look like they are taking the forums down for a couple of hours ..
so catch everyone later...
Because I require a sunroof and a lot of dealers around Minnesota don't stock cars with them, I've always get told by salespeople that they can just pull a car out of dealer stock without a roof and add one. I won't notice the difference (fat chance). I recall one saleperson actually telling me that the aftermarket sunroof is exactly the same as a factory roof (either he was a total moron or completely dishonest - considering the profession more likely a combination of the two). It certainly isn't the same.
If you notice, for factory installation the roof is actually built for the unit. The steel around the unit is actually folded over for rigidity (open the roof on a factory unit and you see a metal lip around the opening - open the roof on an aftermarket unit and you'll see a big rubber molding/seal where that lip would be) and the headliner is constructed differently as well. What I'm trying to get at is that the car around the roof is built differently when it's installed at the factory. Factory roofs have a drain system and aftermarket roofs have big rubber seals to prevent leakage. Which would you rather have? A sunroof in a car built for a sunroof or a sunroof in a car where someone has a carved a hole in the roof using a Milwaukee Sawzall, pulled off the entire headliner and all the surrounding trim pieces and spliced into the existing electrical system? Now factor in that it's going to cost you about twice as much to have a sunroof installed aftermarket (it's ALWAYS less expensive when added as a factory option) and the choice, in my mind at least, is clear.
Unless you're only leasing the car for a few years and don't care about the long-term body integrity issues related to aftermarket sunroof installation, you don't want one. Trust me.
So far i have the armrest extension, subaru cargo net, wheel locks, and trunk mat all from Subaru. Looking to get the trunk tray, rear cup holder, and the trunk protector.
I also put on new 17" ADR competition rims (Black w/stainless rim) with 215/45ZR Falken Ziex512 tires. I tinted the all of the windows with Llumar 20% film and the car looks insane. My Aero is brilliant red w/5spd, premium, & cold and attracts so much attention (albeit some negative). The car looks very "boy racer" though, and all those kids with noisy civics, sentras, integras want to race me at the light. Car handles better now, holding the turns with more lateral grip and no sacrafice in ride quality. The Falkens are very quiet compared to the noiser Bridgestones and feel/handle much better. Unbelievalbe in the wet.
alright...i'm done rambling.
Brigeys are loud, true. I'll look into the Falkens. What have you done with the original rims? By far one of the nicest stock rims ever! Pack em away, and ebay em later.
Notice how ugly WRX's look? Except, of course, the STi.
No Autozone punks yet, but I did have some fellow in one of the Lexus space buggies gawk at my car. He motioned to roll down the window, and asked me what it was. Saab, baby! Then I let the hammer drop--good Lord this thing sounds like a 911. I believe the chaps at Fuji Heavy Industries actually studied at Stuttgart and then created this motor. Good thing they didn't study Porsche's pricing structure.
I have no urgent need for any more performance :-) but if anyone is still wondering, the Impreza dimming mirror and towbar hitch fit the 92X perfectly. The towbar in fact fits better than on the Impreza; you need to cut sections off the underside of the bumper, the Impreza requires huge cuts, but the 92X only two small cuts. If anyone is interested I could probably trace a template so you don't have to fit the hitch, trace the cuts, then take the hitch off again to make the cuts like I did.
> By far one of the nicest stock rims ever!
Some guy in a WRX offered to swap me his rims for mine. Dream on dude !
> but I did have some fellow in one of the Lexus space buggies
> gawk at my car.
Some guy in a Merc SUV followed me into a store parking lot and ran up to me. I thought he was going to hit me for burning him off, but he just wanted to look at my car and know how much it cost. When I told him (and this was pre mega-rebate days) he said his "gas guzzling land barge" was going straight in for trade.
Has anyone confirmed that this mirror is actually compatible with either the Linear or the Aero 9-2X?
Please offer some feedback. With all the interior nearly 100% the same and the harness there with power, and especially after reading this forum, I was so confident this would install without a hitch. Please help? Allenheights? Anyone?
> rails for there 92x. Has anyone seen or heard of after
> market roof rails? I assume that impreza roof rails would
> fit but can't seem to find them for sale. I have the thule
> system for mine but you have to get the short roof adapter
> and all that crap on the roof looks ugly.
Having only seen one other 92X since I got mine, my heart
stopped when a gold Aero drove passed me outside Safeways
last week 'cos I thought some punk had stolen my ride.
Then I noticed it had the Impreza roof rails installed.
If I hadn't been in a state of shock I might've ran after
him and asked how he got it done; probably at a Subaru
The RackNRoad store near me said they could install a
(Thule ?) system where they rivet a rail to the roof, but
I didn't fancy that much.