Chevrolet Impala Climate Control/AC/Heater
Hello to new at this and would really appreciate if anyone could help me out....i have a 2000 chevy impala ls with 63000 miles on it.....when bought my dual temperature interior lights worked fine..after about 2 mnths my drivers side temp.switch lighting went out..not knowing much about the interior lighting i took apart the dash as carefully as possible to try and fix the bulb to then realize that the impalas bulbs are all sottered to the circuit boards...when I put back the dash I came to find out that the passengers temp. switch had also went out. PLEASE HELP! I would love to fix the issue. Also.. my right corner (the rpm guage) of my instrument pannel also is very dim. Looks like the bulb went out..can anyone assist. Please reply..Thanks a lot people. :confuse:
The climate control does not work with the remote start. The fan kicks in and blows air but only whatever the outside temperature is. Once you put the key in the on position the hot air kicks in. it does not matter where the controls are set. I would think that if they have systems that are working and, some that are not i am told, it should be a simple fix. Apparently not. Has anyone else had a similar problem. All other remote start functions working as they should. Thank You
If it is a relay or something, where may I install it?
Thanks a whole bunch!
When it stopped, it didn't make any funny noises.
So... I don't believe the motor, bearings/bushings, brushes or armature are the culprit
I have looked at the back of the heater control panel all the wires and connections look good.
I understand dc wiring.
I just got the car and I don't have a Chevy shop manual yet for wiring diagrams.
Any thoughts or info would be appreciated...
Thanks in advance!
Did you find the problem?
Thanks for your respnse.
Seems like before when I had a problem with one of my bulbs burning out I posted a question about trying to get in and replace the bulb, and someone replied that it's a complete unit that can't be opened up and fixed, so you have to replace the entire controller. For a light bulb it wasn't worth it, but if my AC wasn't working in the 100+ degree weather we're having currently, I'd probably spring for a replacement.
I had a similar problem with my previous '89 Toyota Celica; I tried getting a used part at a junk yard, but the used part didn't work either, so I ended up ordering a new one (which was probably 10 years ago, and it cost @ $400). Not sure what the part would cost today on a Chevy, though.
The whole job took me about an hour and a half.
Also, note if you have to replace the passenger side actuator, you need to remove the passenger side bottom cover on the dash. You then remove the glove compartment door by removing the five screws on the bottom of the door. Slide the whole glove compartment door out of the car. You will be happy to know you have much more room to replace the passenger side actuator, so it should be much easier and quicker than the drivers side.
I am new here to the forum and needed a little advice. I have an 03 Impala, base model with 55K miles. Last year I had my AC charged it was the first summer I had the car and by September it wasnt getting cold. Does it need to be recharged? :confuse:
The temperature controls work, the fan speed works, everything works except the air comes out half on the feet and half straight ahead and it won't change.
Turn the control knob to set it to feet or face or windshield and nothing happens.
Any ideas how to fix this? it would be so nice to be able to set the air to blow up on the windshield in winter!