Toyota Land Cruiser

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
This topic is a continuation of Topic 2929....

Toyota Landcruiser - Continued II. Please
continue these discussions here. Thanks!

Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host


  • paraisoparaiso Member Posts: 8
    Did you ever resolve the rattle or flutter in the rear vents? I posted a mail a week ago or so that described a similar situation. It seems to occur ONLY when either another window is open (no difference in how much) or another door is open, while closing a particular door. It's more pronounced while closing the rear doors, but does occur while closing the front doors. It does NOT occur when all windows and other doors are closed while closing the only open door. I haven't taken it in yet, but was curious about whether you found a resolution.
    Anybody else experience this on your '00?
  • jam1000jam1000 Member Posts: 182
    I, too, have a rattle in my 2000 LC that occurs only in the morning in cold weather (below about 50-55) and always goes away after about 5 minutes. It sounds like it's coming from underneath the dashboard on the driver's side (to the left of the steering wheel). Is this the heat shield problem referred to in posts 570-572? If so, I'd be interested in knowing what the fix is before I take it into the dealer; I seem to get better results that way.
  • c_williamsc_williams Member Posts: 28
    The vent rattle still occurs when you close a door. The dealer told me it was normal and the vents acted to equalize pressure on the inside and outside of the vehicle. I don't remember this happening when another door or window was opening. Otherwise, the dealer's explanation wouldn't make any sense.

    I'll go experiment tonight and post the results.
  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    I have a 2001 LC here that makes the boom-boom sound with the bass, and had two factory reps here this morning. One suggested it was the power amp power being reduced for the key-on-no-engine-running position. The other literally didn't think it was that big of a deal, but I can tell immediately now what the difference was.

    I guess I jump on the bandwagon today. I have let the mega powers that be KNOW there is a problem, and two higher-ups can hear it loud and clear.

  • zuma13zuma13 Member Posts: 35

    It's a comfort knowing that you took the time to personally explore the purported "boom boom" stereo problem endemic to the 2001 TLC. I was intending to purchase a new one; I'll now wait until Toyota has a suitable "fix" for the problem. I'm sure your input will expedite the correction and/or modification.


  • jim_cjim_c Member Posts: 8
    I think that I have figured out the vent rattle. When you have your fresh air vent button pushed it opens the vents to let the air flow through. Then when you shut your doors it makes the flaps move. If you close the fresh air button on the console, it won't do it.
  • ixixviixixvi Member Posts: 24
    For those with a 2001 who have changed to Mobil 1 synthetic oil which viscosity is recommended?

    As I live in Southern California I use 15w - 50w in my other cars. It seems as if 10w - 30w is recommended for the LC/LX.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.
  • hicairahicaira Member Posts: 276
    I use Mobil 1 also. Stick to the recommended viscosity of 10-30 (or is it 5-30?). Only in the middle of Summer do I kick it up to a higher viscosity. BTW: you will lose about 1 mpg with a higher viscosity.

  • halcyondayshalcyondays Member Posts: 5
    My wife bought a new TLC a few months ago. Just about the first thing we did when we got it home was put the third seat in a spare bedroom. She is curious; is there any market for these guys? If so, does anyone have any suggestion for selling it. Resale of the TLC is not a concern since it will be kept at least 15 years. Thanks all!
  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    One of the big problems you'll have is that all LCs (unless I buld-order one special for someone) have that third rear seat/rear air climate control package. You might find someone whose pets or child damaged it, or someone rear-ended whose seat was mangled? There are a plethora of internet sites to post it to for "fast cash" but I have to be candid here: when you sell it, even after 15 years, I betcha 99 out of 100 buyers will want that seat back there. It might sound silly, but it WILL be a good thing eventually.:D

  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    LBN, thanks... and thanks for the email. I sold your RR/oak so fast it'd make the head spin. I couldn't dupplicate the bass sound in hers, nor can she. Odd, but I still go with my gut -- my gut says it's the power amp. due to the key placement, ie. it being OK with key in acc. position, and key ON and car running.

    I have now heard it in two: one with NAV, one without.

  • reamfamilyreamfamily Member Posts: 3
    I purchased a 2000 LC a few months ago and have been experiencing a vibration sound that I could not locate until yesterday. The noise was coming from the roof rack. I slid the forward most cross bar rearward, and thus far the clatter has stopped. Has anyone else experienced this? The cross bar was vibrating at any given speed, especially noticeable when coasting from 30mph to a stop--when the interior sound level was at its lowest.
  • dmcdonnelldmcdonnell Member Posts: 18
    Yes, I have noticed this. From my experience, the slides/clamps that are used to clamp the cross members are a sloppy fit for the tracks. So unless you have the clamp knobs extra tight, you will get those vibrating. This is rather a poor design in my opinion. The slide tolerances should be tighter, or at least some sort of rubber pad should be integrated with the slide to provide more clamping friction.
  • ruking1ruking1 Member Posts: 19,826
    The Mobil One in the manual is 5-30W I have been using 5-30W with 15k oil change intervals. The oil stays almost like new up until app 14-15k and uses app 1/4 to 1/2 a qt at that point, so instead of adding I change it.
  • zuma13zuma13 Member Posts: 35

    Today I had the opportunity to test drive a new 2001 TLC. The vehicle is a sheer pleasure to drive. However, attempting to be a subjective as possible, I tested the JBL sound system both with the ignition on and engine off, and with engine running.

    With just the ignition on, the bass levels of the sound system, though louder than I would prefer, were within a reasonable range. However, once the engine was turned on, the bass level emitted from the sub woofer was intolerable even when the bass levels were set at minus 5 (the lowest possible setting). The salesman sitting in the vehicle with me was also surprised at how disturbing the manufacturers bass settings were.

    The sub woofer base settings used in the new JBL sound system is a woeful design flaw I could not reconcile myself to live with. Unless and until Toyota does something to correct the problem, I think I'd have to resonsider the entry from Lexus.
    The Mark Levinson system is fantastic.

  • cs6863cs6863 Member Posts: 3
    I am in a market for an SUV - between LC and LX470. I like the chrome wheels on the LX470 but not its colors.

    I like the natural white on the LC but not sure if I can get factory chrome wheels. Does anyone know where I can order them? and How much? Appreciate any help you give me. Thank you.
  • lc2000lc2000 Member Posts: 33
    My roof rack doesn't vibrate. My skid pan doesn't vibrate. My vents don't vibrate. My glove box doesn't rattle. My dash doesn't squeak. The only think that vibrates is my #*!*#$! gas pedal. :-)
  • darby124darby124 Member Posts: 8
    You can see complaints on defects and mfr's service bulletins in any vehicle filed with NHTSA at
    For TLC look under "Toyota Truck"
    Some of our Forum's concerns about the 2001 TLC Stereo system, and the vibrating gas pedals might merit a complaint.
  • stevenginastevengina Member Posts: 15
    Hi everyone- I have submitted the proper paper work for arbitration's . Will anyone with this problem please email me at . I have quite an update on this problem. Believe it or not, Toyota still does not want to admit "We have a problem Houston"
    My case will be much stronger in arbitrations on a fix if I can get any additional case# that you all might have.
    In the mean time any prospective buyers of the 2001 TLC- beware. Test drive this vehicle yourself with the engine on. It speaks, I mean "BOOMS" for itself!!!
  • hicairahicaira Member Posts: 276
    You say "Test drive this vehicle yourself
    with the engine on."

    Is there another way?

  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    Yes, especially if you are buying out of the area: ask me or the rep to drive the car -- someone who knows what it sounds like. I have heard it in one car with no NAV, and it wasn't too awful, really... the 2nd car (with NAV) I heard it in was already gone and to Washington state. It's not a horrible thing, but I also can't claim to spend 18 hours on the road in a 2001 Landcruiser either. I sat in one last week that I sold and didn't hear it at all... perhaps it wasn't pronounced.

    The only way to hear it, really, is to hear it.
  • ixixviixixvi Member Posts: 24
    Hi Dianne,

    First, let me thank you on behalf of all who have come in contact with you. You are a professional, classy lady.

    Might I suggest that in testing the 2001 TLC for the "Boom, Boom" problem you use the same passage on the same exact CD for each test. From a scientific point of view that is the test that is required to see if the problem reveals itself in all TLC or in a few.

    Choose a track that has a lot of deep bass passages. Maybe someone might suggest a CD and the tracks to use.

    Best regards.
  • jvr427jvr427 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 98 LC with 42,000 miles and had a noise and rattle in my passenger side window for over a year. My original dealership where I purchased the LC changed hands and when I took my LC to another dealership recently I inquired about the rattle. They charged me to look at the window and said the window regulator had excessive play in it and needed to be replaced to the tune of
    $300.00 because it's now over 36,000 miles. This was the same problem the first dealership said was normal, but there is no current record. Do I have any recourse?
  • dewdman42dewdman42 Member Posts: 3
    Well....I've decided to trade in my brande new TLC for something else. What a pitty. Doesn't even have its plates yet. Only 1200 miles. I guess I'm going to take a terrific loss, but does anyone have any idea what kind of trade in value I might be able to get on a one-month old 2000 TLC with 1200 miles in perfect condition. ??


  • jamesbass1jamesbass1 Member Posts: 75
    I highly recommend a 2001 Cadillac Escalade for guys like you who enjoy a perfect ride. Does this mean I'll be spared from reading any more of those dis-informative posts?
  • lc2000lc2000 Member Posts: 33
    Dewdman42: Isn't that a little drastic? If your only problem with the LC is a vibrating gas pedal, why don't you hang on and wait for the fix? Even if it takes a few months, it will be well worth the wait. I fully expect the problem to be solved.
  • chippewafallschippewafalls Member Posts: 1
    Same thing with our 2001 TLC. Low frequency (ie. subwoofer) booming. JBL should have a seperate subwoofer control. I haven't had a chance to go to my dealer yet but will.
  • dewdman42dewdman42 Member Posts: 3
    A litle drastic? Yea...maybe. But the only reason I purchased the TLC was because I was under the impression from test drives I did and reviews I read that it was the smoothest ride in an SUV. It totally let me down in that department after only a week of driving it. Not only that, but the windshield wipers are noisy as hell (the motors), and frankly....its just a lot bigger than I really need. I didn't select it based on size....but given that its not driving the way I hoped, its too damn big. I am going to get a BMW X-5. I shoulda just gotten that to begin with, but I didn't.

    And by the way, anyone that thinks that the current landcruiser is a serious offroader is equally a fool. The problem with the landcruiser is that its now stuck in the middle. its not a serious offroader anymore....and they are starting to sadly miss the mark in the luxury department.....and charing a lot of money for it.

    I don't feel like sitting around waiting for a fix from Toyota...which frankly I don't honestly think we're ever going to get.... I don't want to install expensive items such as stereos and what not into a vehicle which I would end up getting rid of in a year anyway. I would just rather try to get rid of it right now. I'm glad you all love your TLC's and super glad for those of you that have no problems. Have fun!

    As for the smart [non-permissible content removed] comment about a cadilac and my so called "disimformative posts" from Jamesbass1......... thanks for your help James.


  • lc2000lc2000 Member Posts: 33
    Dewdman42: I wish you luck too. However, having owned two BMW's (albeit not 4X4's) I think you are going to need it. Overall, they were the most unreliable vehicles I have ever owned.

    As for the TLC's ride, I don't know what you expected, but I have no complaints. The vehicle rides smooth, handles great, and noting slows it down. As for off roading, it's funny that the experts (check Edmunds, JD Powers, Motor Trend, etc.) think it's the best off road vehicle around.

    Hope you get a good price on your trade.
  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    I am not being at all caustic here, but why not trade the LC to me for a new Sequoia? I am dead serious.

  • hicairahicaira Member Posts: 276
    The LC is already too big for him. The Sequoia is bigger yet. Doubt that it would work. Maybe you can sell him a Limited Highlander.

    Now, I can understand being dissapointed by a car purchase. If I am though, it is because the car's performance or reliability do not measure up to expectations. The gas pedal vibration may sound a bit "princess & the Pea"ish, but hey, it ain't my foot. OTOH, realizing AFTER I buy a car that it is "just too big", is another thing altogether. I mean, did it grow since you bought it? Did it get heavier? Sounds to me like someone rushed into a purchase. Buy in haste and regret in leisure, and all that. Fact is, Dewd's loss (as in the hit you took for the depreciation) will be someone elses gain. A low mile LC for thousands less than new.

    Finally, the LC not really being a true off-roader? The fact that Dewd is considering the X5 indicates that he, not the LC, is "Not the true off-roader". Speak not of that which you know nothing. Besides, the Audi AllRoad is probably a much better choice if hybrid station wagons are your forte.

  • ruking1ruking1 Member Posts: 19,826
    I too am perplexed. But as Hi C has said, I have not walked a mile in your shoes. Whomever comes behind and buys your TLC will have a great vehicle. Best of luck in your new purchase.
  • topgntopgn Member Posts: 132
    Wife will stop working next year, and we are trying to reduce costs.. One of the ways is selling my 2000 LX470 (only 6,000. miles) purchased for only $55,000. However, we have a boat that weighs in at 5500 with trailer. I llke the 4runner but with one kid and one on the way maybe the Sequoia SR5 will fit my lifestyle better than the 4runner. What can I expect to get for the LX in trade or sell outright ( always a bigger hassle)... any suggestions..???
  • gqtenggqteng Member Posts: 10
    Steve, I wish you luck on your endeavors to find a suitable vehicle for your needs and expectations. There really is no "perfect" vehicle. Sometimes small imperfections that are missed on test drives later come back to haunt you as you get accustomed to the new vehicle. And I had been in that situation before when I bought a Volvo. Hicaira made several good points in his post #34 that I totally agree with. I will leave it at that and rub no more salt into your wounds.

    My 2000 LC is running smooth and quiet. No booming sound discernible from my stereo/speaker system. No vibration felt at all on my gas pedal. All is well at 5200 miles.
  • joeeblow1joeeblow1 Member Posts: 238
    topgn, You are cracking me up. Your wife is quitting work, and you need to reduce expenses. Instead of selling your boat, you want to get a different vehicle??? Sell the boat!!! And buy a used car. Priorities, my man.
  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    No matter what car or truck you put in page, it comes up so far back of invoice/actual cost, you can take a Greyhound there.

    Now, go back and try to actually BUY it for that! is NOT the yardstick with which to measure a good deal by. It's more a "wishful" thinking sorta place, like an AOL chatroom where all the chatters are CA-Blonde, Bambi1969, and Sensualllle... ya know? Maybe I could start getting our Landcruisers from and save us a few thousand in costs.

  • dmac8dmac8 Member Posts: 54
    Cars Direct is a good benchmark. Obviously, the proof of the pudding......

    I've owned 2 TLC's, a 92 and presently, a 95. The only really negative part of either experience, has been with the dealer where I originally bought them in Chicago, and subsequently with dealers in Las Vegas and the LA area.

    The lessons for me in this are that price and selection are the sole determining factors as to where and from whom I buy. Since selection is reasonably consistent, it leaves price.

    Dianne seems to imply that there is a floor to TLC pricing, although only vaguely. She is entitled to tell you what she will sell something for, but don't lard it with prognostications about what someone else may sell it for.

    Any buyer of this vehicle should do due diligence and shop widely. It will take X amount of time to complete the process so any money left in your pocket is to your good.

    Your mission is to find the seller that on any given day, will take less. Friends of mine have purchased 00 and 01 versions of these vehicles from anywhere from $500 under to $500 over invoice.

    I respect anyone who works at building a "franchise" in this sort of forum, but its insulting to imply a user of Cars Direct is the type of person deluded in AOL chat rooms.

    Is there any prohibition against posting what someone purchased, from whom, and what they paid?
  • dianne4toyotadianne4toyota Member Posts: 343
    You can post whatever you like here, for the most part. I became involved here a while back, probably a thousand posts ago when someone I sold a LC to who traded a problematic Range Rover posted that he'd bought his LC for $100 over invoice.

    My email and website was instantly barraged, and I do mean barraged with Landcruiser requests. I posted here to clarify that it was not ALL of my LCs at that pricing... and plenty of folks expected me to be able to do odd things, even calling their local dealers and allowing my inventory to be picked up there.

    I've answered planty of questions, and posted a ton of information. I have also sold at least two dozen Landcruisers to a terrific array of Tow Hall members who just wanted a fair, no hassle deal. The car they want at a truly good no haggle/no BS price. Most of you are across many areas of the country, too.

    Explain to me how carsdirect can quote $47500 on a Landcruiser 2001 with BG CF C7 when that car MSRPs for almost 57000 and costs me, as a dealer, right now *OVER* $50,000 at the new 11/1/00 pricing increase ...and even prior to the pricing increase is still cost us $2000 more than what they have on the carsdirect screen?
    You cuss out the greedy dealer because of what one internet site posted THEY can sell a car for, but as I said, they are too far off to even consider the price a reality. I have, prior to the pricing increase, sold a 2001 LC with BG CF C7 for $49999 because the color of the car isn't a good one for us retail. That was about $500 bucks over cost. isn't a dealer --and I assure you... they cannot and will not sell a 2001 Landcruiser for 47500 with BG CF C7. That's a more than $2500 loser deal right now.
  • dmac8dmac8 Member Posts: 54
    I'm not interested in promoting or defending Cars Direct. I suggested they are a useful reference source and led my comments with "the proof of the pudding...."

    I used to be in the car business and am still in sales. From my experience, when you want to discredit information, its best to go lightly on the insults, as in, "if you believe their pricing, you'll believe in love on the internet at AOL chat rooms".

    These vehicles will generally sell for whatever the market will bear, and sometimes, whatever someone will pay.

    TLC's were list price items for a long time. Increased supply and price, along with greater competition have altered that paradigm.

    The odds that I will ever see the person who sells me this vehicle, after completing the transaction, are very slim.

    For this reason, price is paramount. Not a price outwith practical reality, but the lowest I can find. Some things I might pay more for, but shtik wouldn't be one of them.
  • dmac8dmac8 Member Posts: 54
    It was interesting reading some of the previous posts on people having negative experiences with rattles, poor performing stereos etc. These comments were usually followed by "I expected much more in a $55,000 vehicle".

    Sad reality is, you might experience more quality glitches in a $100,000 vehicle. This is not to rationalize quality shortcomings, but I drove a 01 S500 MB that had some surprising lapses in quality, for a mere 90 grand.

    Qualitatively speaking, I think TLC's are better than anything in the MB line and will prove it out over time.

    I'm fortunate enough to own 2 vehicles and as a result, I tend to only use the TLC for the utility part of its mission. Hauling people, cargo, or both. I've never done any serious off-road driving and towed a U-Haul trailer, once, from Chicago to LA.

    Even before the towing experience (which was mostly positive), I coveted the V8 for the increase in power, and the general level of amenities the new series has.

    However, even though I've never been an off-roader, I like the idea that these vehicles can facilitate that. Problem is, who will take that beautiful paint job and interior into the back country to experience water, mud, rocks and all the other hazards.

    If money is no object, the TLC is part of a stable of vehicles and you wouldn't mind hauling it through the dirt.

    If it's a boulevard cruiser, there are plusher and more comfortable alternatives.

    If you want a hybrid, buy the cheapest Jeep (which is a great off-road and fun vehicle) and a 3 series BMW. Both will consume as much gas and be close to the same insurance combined, as a TLC.

    Perhaps I can get 20 grand for my 95,leaving me 30 short for a new TLC, or, I could keep the 95 and buy an S2000 Honda.

    But, like a moth and the flame, I'll probably defy logic as I think about the V8 and those extra cup-holders.
  • peaches5peaches5 Member Posts: 91
    At least here in Atlanta, the online dealers (carorder, carsdirect, greenlight, etc) were selling some cars below dealer cost and subsidizing the difference with a check to the dealer. I'm not sure if they're still doing that, but it was pretty common for at least a year.
  • ixixviixixvi Member Posts: 24
    Let me state that this information is fact not speculation.

    I purchased this week a 01 LX 470.

    I just priced it as equipped on for zip code 90049.

    The price quoted by for my zip code is $1329.00 over what I paid.

    I paid $2000 over invoice. I had two such quotes to choose from. I accepted the first quote at that price that was faxed to me a month ago. The second quote was faxed the next day and this dealer was closer to my home but I had already sent the deposit check to the first dealer [80 miles away] who quoted.

    I am currently driving the vehicle and love it. By the way it has Nav, Mark Levinson I think at this time the most desirable options.

    Good Luck everyone.
  • vmaniquivmaniqui Member Posts: 7

    Currently i owned a 2000 TLC w/o the option of Nav system. The 01 has it as an option. Is there a way for me to add the Nav system that will make it look like an avail. option? I don't want the one that you add that protrudes from your dashboard. I want the factory-built look. Is it possible and at what cost? Living in Northern Calif. i found it now to be a "must". Too bad it was not an option on the 2000 LC.

    thanks a lot,
  • shoper88shoper88 Member Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone!

    I am looking at these two models. Can any one
    educate me on why need to pay more for a smaller
    LC while their frames look very similar in features.


  • truckdiggertruckdigger Member Posts: 9
    I went to see the seq this week-end to answer the same question. the LC and the SEQ are completely different. IMHO the LC is still more upscale than the SEQ.

    Now do not get me wrong the SEQ is a wonderful vehicle if you are looking for a BEAST!

    The LC is more sophisticated and refined. It is also noticeable smaller. Which may be a good thing for some.

    But I guess you will have to judge for yourself.

  • jam1000jam1000 Member Posts: 182
    I agree 100% with truckdigger on differences between LC and Sequoia. Following is something I posted on the Sequoia site (#223) after a test-drive that is a more long-winded way of saying the same thing.

    "I test drove an SR5 the other day. Here are my

    RIDE QUALITY -- very good for what it is. It
    handled quite well in mostly suburban driving
    conditions. Acceleration was decent. I say "for
    what it is" to emphasize that it is a truck, not a
    car or minivan. People should recognize this fact
    if they are seriously considering the Seq. If you
    like or at least don't mind a truck-like feel,
    you'll probably like the Seq. a lot. If "car-like
    ride" is your paramount concern, you will probably
    be disappointed.

    QUIETNESS -- The vehicle I test drove made an
    incredibly loud whining sound from the front end at about 20-25 mph and up. I'm willing for the
    moment to attribute this to the thin plastic
    protective layer that Toy. puts on its vehicles
    when it ships them to dealers (the dealer hadn't
    yet taken it off). A test drive of another Seq.
    w/o the protective layer will confirm whether I'm
    right. Even putting that aside, there seemed to be a little bit of wind noise as I got over 40 mph, and engine noise was always much louder in this vehicle than in the LC. No discernible
    squeaks/rattles on this short test drive. On
    balance, assuming the front-end noise was due to
    the plastic layer, I'd say the Seq. is SOMEWHAT
    superior to Expedition and Tahoe on this score, but not as good as LC or LX470.

    BRAKES -- a littly spongy, IMO.

    FIT & FINISH -- seemed good, but my test drive was
    at night, so it was hard to tell (particularly
    regarding the interior).

    ERGONOMICS -- front dash controls were very well
    laid out; everything was easily accessible. The
    oval face of the dash controls and the steering
    wheel-mounted shifter did not bother me. Since I
    was driving an SR5, not a Limited, the apparently
    offensive silver rim around the dash controls was
    not there. The black looked fine.

    ROOMINESS -- quite good. The SR5 did not have a
    moon roof, so the headroom was more than ample.
    Storage space, front and rear, was also good. I
    think Toy. went a little overboard with 5 sunglass
    holders in the roof console.

    COMPETITION -- when the salesman was explaining
    the Seq's features, he was ALWAYS comparing it to
    the Expedition and Tahoe/Yukon. He NEVER said a
    word about the MDX or Suburban. It's clear that
    Toy. is targeting Exp. and Tahoe and believes
    (perhaps incorrectly, given many of the posts in
    this topic) that most Seq. shoppers are not also
    looking at MDX and/or Suburban.

    COMPARISON TO LC -- within the first 2 minutes of
    my drive, I concluded there IS a difference b/w the Seq. and the LC. Dianne and Cliffy have described the 2 vehicles as having a different "feel," and I think this is quite accurate, if also hard to describe or measure. There were actually a couple things I liked more about the Seq. than my LC: (1) the rear lift-gate of the Seq., which folds up in one piece rather than out in 2 pieces (as in LC) makes it easier to access the cargo/3rd seat area; (2) the trip computer. (The Seq. is also bigger than the LC, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on your needs and preferences.) However, in addition to the mechanical differences b/w the two, the LC has a more car-like feel, it is considerably quieter and smoother-riding, it feels more nimble, it handles
    better, and the brakes are superior. The Seq. felt, to me at any rate, like a SUV version of the
    Tundra, with some refinements and bells-and-whistles that trucks do not have. (I must emphasize: this is NOT an insult. I've driven the Tundra and think it is by far the best truck on the market.)

    There's been a lot of speculation about the future
    of the LC. My own opinion, after having test-driven the Seq., is that there is room for both. (And, I find it hard to believe that Toy. would give up the LC badge after just having initiated a TV ad campaign leading with and highlighting the LC in connection with Toy.'s long heritage in the SUV business.) Actually, I wonder what 4Runner's niche will be, now that the Seq. has been introduced and the Highlander will be introduced in the near future."
  • winogradwinograd Member Posts: 2
    I just got a 2001 LC with the Navigation system and love it!

    My dealer though told me that additional 6 disc cartridges cost $50!!

    That seems like quite a lot, so I'm wondering if anyone would know if they are compatible with any other audio companies cartridges and where I could find them. Buying on the net would be great.

    I know that they're not compatible with the Pioneer cartridges since I had some of them around.

  • lc2000lc2000 Member Posts: 33
    Both Pioneer and Phillips make an after market in-dash nav system for the LC (and other vehicles). Cost is around 2K, give or take. However, both systems replace your current stereo and cd player, which is a big minus. I believe Toyota's installed Nav system runs about 3K. I'm not sure if that includes the 6 disk cd player. Dianne/Cliffy . . . can you help.
  • sweetv12sweetv12 Member Posts: 58
    I find it amusing, having been a member of this board for a few months now, to see salespeople spew forth barely disguised invectives all in the name of knowledge gained from selling 5-10 TLC units monthly.

    I have never liked know-it-all salespeople. I INTENSELY dislike know-it-all 'internet' salespeople who do not know enough to seek clarification before shooting off a response.

    Dianne, if you knew enough not to display amazingly crass ignorance, you would ask why CarsDirect would 'allegedly' sell or offer for sale a loaded TLC back of cost. If you knew better, you would be aware that CarsDirect raised over S280M in venture capital. If you had taken a little bit of time to attempt to broaden your knowledge base, you would be aware that CD has publicly admitted to subsidizing (in the short term) vehicles to gain marketshare AND mindshare.

    That is reality. It might be slightly displaced from yours (or vice versa) but it is reality. It is particularly real for buyers who are driven enough to do their homework, search high and low (offline and online) and can pick up a nicely equipped TLC (from a source other than you) for a price less than you choose to offer.

    If you feel sharing this info on this board reduces your opportunities to make a few sales and thus the right reaction is to belittle it, I suggest you either terminate your participation here or do the right thing, apologize and learn from this.

    No one is forcing you to sell the loaded '01 TLC for $50K and no one is forcing us consumers to buy one from you. We all make choices for varying reasons. At least those of us on this board who can afford one must have made a few right choices along the way. Respect that and respect yourself and others will respect you.
  • gqtenggqteng Member Posts: 10
    Amen to you both,truckdigger and sweetv12! I couldn't have said it any better.

    Now, for you folks who are shopping for a LC or other SUV's, PLEASE DON'T BUY THEM FROM CARSON TOYOTA!

    14 years ago, I was in the market for a Japanese 4 door sedan. I went to Carson Toyota to test drive a Camry, but the salesman was arrogant and not mention belittled me for not being able to put any money down before taking a test drive. Imagine that! I think this is the way all the salespeople in Carson Toyota are being trained.

    For years I avoided going to a Toyota dealership. I bought from Honda and a Volvo instead. I bought my first Toyota product last May 2000 because the LC had better value than the rest of the upper scale SUV's out there. I was treated like a human being at another Toyota dealership. After photocopying my driver's license, the salesman gave me the keys to the LC and I drove it around the busy streets and freeways for 45 minutes. The salesman didn't even need to accompany me. That really restored my faith in Toyota. The rest is history.

    Dianne, I don't trust you and the Carson Toyota dealership that you represent.
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