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Honda Odyssey EX-L Fire

ms21ms21 Member Posts: 1
edited June 2014 in Honda

Hi All,

My Honda Odyssey 2005 EX-L recently totaled in fire. It was parked in parking lot of doctor's office. Bought brand new and had only 78000 miles on it. Was in excellent condition and never had any issues with it. Never got any warning sign, no smell, no smoke nothing. Was maintained per Honda's guidelines all these years. It just caught fire and burnt alive. I'm puzzled what have caused that and would like to know how to fight this issue with Honda. All help, suggestions is welcome and greatly appreciated..Thanks in advance.


  • rjs14rjs14 Member Posts: 4

    My 2005 Odyssey just ripped the door off of itself. Over extending upon opening and routed entire side of my car and both brackets ripped off of the body. Left hanging only by the electrical cables. This car has been nothing but a lemon. Two gas tank leaks, alternator, one engine fire while I was driving it, two complete shut downs while driving in fast lane, just like GMC cars have, I was just fortunate I was on city highways and not the freeway or I am sure I would have been hit. I had no control of the car at all. I have replaced two transmissions and just about every other part, including a leaking power steering pump, master cylinder, and all of the other recalled items. Three days after getting it back from the dealer for the leaking power steering pump, it caught fire in the engine while I was driving it 75 miles from home. The dealer later claimed they left a rag on the engine that had caught fire. I have spent enough to buy 3 Odyssey vans in repairs. So furious to find recalls for items I paid for at the dealer. And when I ask about the recalls they say "I haven't heard about that". The first of my gas tank leaks cost me a fortune, and you could smell the gas strongly. I was told by the dealer that it was highly unusual for that part to go out, I was just lucky, and because it is one piece from the gas input to the tank it cost me an arm and a leg. Now I find out it was recalled along with all of the other parts I have paid to replace on this POS. This latest door incident not only cost $2500, but when the bracket threw a bolt it just missed my 3 month old Granddaughter's head! This is the car from HELL. Twice it has shut down without warning, and it just stops where you are. You have no power, as if there is no battery even in the car. The last time it happened a block from the dealer and I made the service manager come and get my car. I wasn't getting back in the death trap. The dealer had my car almost two weeks and said they never found why, they just went ahead and replaced the main fuse. Again now recalled. It's obviously time to contact a lemon law attorney, but curious if anyone else has had these issues. I am the original owner and kept all maintenance up with the dealer.

  • mzubietamzubieta Member Posts: 1
    Hi MS21.... how has your case been going? I had my 2014 Honda odyssey go up in flames in a similar manner in Jun 2014. It had been parked at a Holiday Inn for 10 hours overnight when the fire department awoke me at 6 am to find my burnt up minivan. Honda has been completely unresponsive and uncaring. Perhaps you can provide me some info on your case and how you proceeded with them. Thanks Mauricio
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