2005 Highlander Sunroof Repair

mesialdriftermesialdrifter Member Posts: 2
edited May 2014 in Toyota

The sunroof on my 2005 highlander is stuck partially open. The dealer here in Anchorage wants $4000 to fix it. How difficult is this to do myself? How is the best way to get detailed instructions on the repair?


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited May 2014

    Sounds like a common problem and your estimate isn't unusual even though you are in Anchorage.

    Here's one quick and dirty suggestion I found - push the tilt button for 10-15 seconds. The sunroof should go into manual mode then close. The glass may wind up crooked but it should still be closed.

    And another suggestion from Cartalk - " it can be reprogrammed very easily by simply closing it then letting go of the button and repressing it for about 15 to twenty seconds."

    Repair involves pulling the headliner and probably replacing cables. Or the motor. Maybe a track issue. Here's a Facebook post with lots of pics. Hm, this is a better link.

  • mesialdriftermesialdrifter Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for the post. Does anyone know if Toyota changed the sunroofs on the Highlander in the years before or after 2005? In other words is the sunroof the same on the 2004 and 2006 models for instance?

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