A/C problems in 2003 Honda CR-V- Sporadically blowing hot air
Recently when the weather has hit over 100 degrees here in AZ my A/C blows hot air intermittently. I can drive for 15-20 minutes suffering in the heat, then all of a sudden the cold air starts blowing. The compressor is newer as well as functional and the fan comes on. Freon has been charged and has no leaks. We had to replace both the alternator and battery this week as well and I'm wondering if possible the 2 are related?
I was planning on taking to dealer to check it out but I'm super worried about being gouged.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not a mechanic and can't give you any worthwhile technical knowledge, but you mention the compressor is "newer". Did you get any sort of warranty for that when it was replaced?
If you haven't looked at this discussion yet, it may be helpful to you.