OEM Brake Pads for Sonata only available through dealer?
I needed new front pads on my 2011 sonata. Original factory pads are on there now which I was told by dealer are non-metallic. And they advised against ceramic pads. I didn't like price for dealer to do the brakes so i took it to my local mechanic who said the only way he can get non-metallic pads is through the dealer. No other options thus I have to pay more... Is this accurate or am i getting the run around? just find it odd that of all the suppliers out there nobody carries a non metallic pad for a sonata
Rockauto sells ceramic pads, but they aren't "OEM". OEM pretty much indicates a part you have to get at a dealer as opposed to "aftermarket" parts, although plenty of OEM suppliers sell "on the side". My guess is that the supplier here is a Korean company that doesn't sell their own line of pads in the States.