Air conditioning system on '94 Eagle Vision TSI
I have a 94 Vision with the climate control system. The system was working fine and all of a sudden it began pumping out heated air even though the temp. setting was at 60 degrees. No matter where I place the temp setting I receive only heated air through the ducts. The clutch on the compressor is turning as it should and all the piping under the hood is cold. This does this through the auto setting as well as the A/C setting. If anyone can pinpoint this problem for me it would be greatly appreciated.
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You need someone more familiar with this car to actually diagnose the unit, but maybe this will give you some ideas anyway.
Hope it helps!
Good luck on your Vision
It fits below the radio if you go out to yard to find one.
Good luck with the "Vision" ,
These are beautiful cars "too bad they're a money-pit!"
I wrote two letters to Chrysler and had phone conversations with their customer reps. This proved to be disastrous. At first they were somewhat sympathetic and helpful but then became intransigent and argumentative. They implied that if it worked for six weeks then it was really fixed. Wow! Bottom line is they totally blew me off. Over my lifetime I was partial to Chrysler cars. I bought five cars from Chrysler beginning with a '65 Barracuda. This year when shopping for a new car I did not even consider a Chrysler product. I don't blame the car or the dealer. They tried but for some reason they could not fix the a/c, but the company would not make the effort needed to get to the root of the problem. At least the work was all done under warranty and did not cost me any money. But it did cost me much inconvenience plus the lack of use of a car during much of the summer. I really like my new Max!