Air conditioning system on '94 Eagle Vision TSI

pesce1pesce1 Member Posts: 3
edited April 2014 in Eagle
I have a 94 Vision with the climate control system. The system was working fine and all of a sudden it began pumping out heated air even though the temp. setting was at 60 degrees. No matter where I place the temp setting I receive only heated air through the ducts. The clutch on the compressor is turning as it should and all the piping under the hood is cold. This does this through the auto setting as well as the A/C setting. If anyone can pinpoint this problem for me it would be greatly appreciated.


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Sounds like some type of servo unit failure....the servo being an electro-mechanical or vacuum-mechanical device that regulates the heater valve and the ducting for your system. I am only guessing of course, but you might ask the parts person at the dealership if servo failure is common on these cars. I know it is on my Mercedes, they keep a barrelful of them at the dealer.

    You need someone more familiar with this car to actually diagnose the unit, but maybe this will give you some ideas anyway.
  • xfilesxfiles Member Posts: 132
    It was a long while back when I was interested in buying that car, and I had researched it out quite a bit back then. I remember a lot of people mentioning about the A/C system having problems . I cannot now remember exactly what it looked like and where the radio or other controls are on your vehicle, but I remember they pulled a square unit out which was located directly in front of your floor shifter where it meets the dash. It is a about a 6 inch wide unit that slides out, and I was told there expensive, and even from the wrecking yards they wanted $350 around my area (Canada). I noticed this was so common that several cars had the unit removed while it was on order. I assume what I was looking at then was your climate control system, but I have no clue....I just cannot remember anything other then its position related to the dashboard.

    Hope it helps!
  • drejdrej Member Posts: 119
    We have taken our 94 Chrysler concord (91K mi 3.5L)to the dealer today for the exact same problem, I'll try to keep you posted. It originally was to go in this May for its regular A/C recharge thet the dealer can't seem to get to work every year, and then this malfunction problem started also ! (Our chrysler is a similar and sister car to your Eagle "same chrysler dollar sucking problems") Anyway, its' my wife's car and the dealer / service people know us by name with all the problems it had. My wife likes the car, style and ride but just hates all the Chrysler problems that come with it! We had them rebuild the trans for $1500 2 months ago. Maybe time for a Volvo?
  • drejdrej Member Posts: 119
    The dealer came back today to us on your similar problem that our 94 Concorde car had and its' the servo/module just behind the pushbuton heater/ac assembly under the radio. I'll post the chrysler p/n & excact name at another time after they fix the car, but they're supposed to get one from a junk yard as they're quite plentifull ($145~) as yards take them out since they go bad so often.
    Good luck on your Vision
  • drejdrej Member Posts: 119
    On our Concorde, The dealer said it was a Control head p/n 4596005 (htr / AC /climate control Valve)
    It fits below the radio if you go out to yard to find one.
    Good luck with the "Vision" ,
    These are beautiful cars "too bad they're a money-pit!"
  • pesce1pesce1 Member Posts: 3
    I appreciate all the effort you made to help me with this problem. I'll take your advice and report back.
  • drejdrej Member Posts: 119
    With the part replace on our Concorde the air had to be recharged and all works fine now. The dealer left us the old defective part, it is the complete "Control assy" pushbuttons and all! Its' about 3" tall 8" wide and 4" deep. Now that I see it, it is something very easily changed out in 15 min., if you can get the front trim pcs and clpis away. Good luck & keep us posted on youre vision.
  • billcusbillcus Member Posts: 6
    I recently traded my 1993 TSI for a 2001 Maxima. I really liked the Vision in many ways but just gave up on getting the A/C fixed. I lost count after 9 visits to the dealer and felt I was getting more chummy with the service mangers and mechanics than I cared to. They replaced the evaporator coil three (that's right 3) times. Plus they replaced various other seals and stuff over about a two year period. I began to feel sorry for the dealer because they were trying their best to get it fixed. But I could predict that within six weeks after each visit the a/c would cease to function again. We could not rely on using the car for vacations or any summer trips.
    I wrote two letters to Chrysler and had phone conversations with their customer reps. This proved to be disastrous. At first they were somewhat sympathetic and helpful but then became intransigent and argumentative. They implied that if it worked for six weeks then it was really fixed. Wow! Bottom line is they totally blew me off. Over my lifetime I was partial to Chrysler cars. I bought five cars from Chrysler beginning with a '65 Barracuda. This year when shopping for a new car I did not even consider a Chrysler product. I don't blame the car or the dealer. They tried but for some reason they could not fix the a/c, but the company would not make the effort needed to get to the root of the problem. At least the work was all done under warranty and did not cost me any money. But it did cost me much inconvenience plus the lack of use of a car during much of the summer. I really like my new Max!
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