Other than its looks, this is not a real Mercedes and does nothing to further the brand except to cheapen it. The CLA doesn't drive or ride all that well, the engine is buzzy and the interior feels cheap. Knock on parts of the dash and you'll hear the hollow sound of an econobox. With decent options, the CLA stickers in the mid- to upper-$30K range and you can get many better cars for that. I drove one back to back with the new Chrysler 200 and the latter was a superior ride. Mercedes makes fabulous cars, but this is not one of them. If you can't afford a regular, well-optioned C-class, then you are better off going downmarket a bit and buying the Chrysler, a Honda Accord or other such cars in the family sedan class. P.S. The CLA45AMG isn't much better. Again, for a price around $50K with options, you can do much better.