Missing front brake caliper mounting bolts (not slide bolts)

bytor73bytor73 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2015 in GMC
Recently had a wheel alignment performed, after a slight fender bender. A couple weeks later, my Jimmy suddenly made loud clunking noises at drivers-front wheel. Upon inspection I discovered that both caliper mounting bolts were missing. Is there a suitable explanation as to how this could be? Is it the result of a missed step during the alignment process? Coincidence? Please advise as to whether it could be the mechanics fault, or whether it's more likely a coincidence that they both are missing after an alignment. Thanks


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,791
    An alignment would not usually require removing the wheel let alone the caliper support bolts (which are the ones you seem to be indicating). How bad was this hit as far as needing body work? From there, how long ago did someone do brakes or maybe do a hub bearing replacement??
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