Car makes random screeching or hydraulic noise

spock072spock072 Member Posts: 12
edited April 2015 in Hyundai
So today i backed into a tree stump & the only part of the car that hit it was the hook in the back of the car that is underneath the trunk that you would use if you were pulling a trailer.

So I drove to work, about 60 miles,,no problems. Work ends, I get in my car and after about 5 minutes, i hear a sound coming from either drivers side or front of car. It sounded like a screeching sound or a hydraulic sound. Never heard it before. Drove about 10 miles until I could stop and got out, checked bottom of car, nothing out of ordinary..pulled on part that hit the trunk. Not loose. Get back on road and still same noise completely random, sometimes heard it when I tapped breaks, other times just driving on highway. I'd say however, that the last 40 miles of my drive it totally went away. I took back roads home where I got to make sharp turns, use breaks, hit some bumps,,nothing.

I'm waiting til morning when I get back in car to see if noise comes back, but in interim, anyone have any ideas as to what it could be ?


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Could be unrelated to the tree stump. I've had a crazy noise like the screeching a couple of times from a rock getting lodged in a front disc brake. Try backing up a ways with some brake application; maybe you'll get lucky and that's all it is. Or maybe it's already worked itself out.

    Don't know what a hydraulic noise would sound like though.
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