Gas Mileage on 150 Ford straight 6 cylinder,manual shift?

krhoneykrhoney Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ford
Only getting around 10 or 11 miles per gallon but engine runs smooth as cotton.. only have 27,000 miles on it! What's wrong ? WHAT ARE OTHER GUYS GETTING????? CONFUSED! SHOULD I NOT BE GETTING 18 OR 19 ??


  • pallypally Member Posts: 17
    Even a late model fuel injected straight six Ford with 5 spd. (IBELIEVE 96' was the last year)
     at best will get 14-15 city and 17-18 hwy. My 1982 six with auto got 12-14 with a one barrel carb.
  • bigfurbigfur Member Posts: 649
    I was getting 8-10 with a 5.0 V8 and a five speed on an 89 F250...found out later the #8 cyclender was dead. probably not helpful, but who knows just thought id toss it out for comparison sake.
  • wpalkowskiwpalkowski Member Posts: 493
    What year's the truck? May not be due for maintenance by the odometer reading, but stuff does wear out over time. As a comparison, I've got an F350, Crew Cab, Long Bed, 4x4, Automatic with a V10 engine that gets the same mileage in city driving and it weighs 3 and a half tons unloaded. I tend to think something's wrong with your's. Aside from smooth idle, how's the rest of its performance?
  • yurian44yurian44 Member Posts: 25
    My old Dodge 1/2 ton truck with a slant/6 and 4 speed manual got 13 MPG average. Some of those older trucks got pretty poor mileage.
  • vidtechvidtech Member Posts: 212
    my 87 f150 has 4.9 I6 w/4sp manual.i average around 15-16 mpg with a combination of city and highway driving.
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    The old 300cid Ford six is a very smooth and torguey engine. They'll run for many miles when correctly maintained. I remember an acquaintance of mine that had one with over 200,000 miles and still ran pretty strong even though it burnt some oil. I've known a number of people that have had this engine in F150s over the years (never owned one myself) and they've all been in the 12-14 MPG range.

  • timbrophytimbrophy Member Posts: 1
    I was pretty disapointed to learn I could never climb above 13 mpg's in my 5 speed manual trans F-150. I tried hard - long trips, hwy miles, slowing down, better shifting. Never above 13 mpg's! Oh well! I'm just about to purchase my second one anyway.
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