No dash/tail lights. 2000 Impala.

trudy1369trudy1369 Member Posts: 3
edited July 2015 in Chevrolet
when automatic headlights come on it blows fuse to dash/taillights.if key in but in off postion when replacing fuse it snaps before its all the way in. replaced head light switch worked for a couple days then stopped again.had recall done on ignition after they replaced ignition is when my problems started.found out brothers impala same thing started after new ignition put in. please any n all helpadvice anything its driving me nuts find where this is a problem for alot but never no way of fixing it thanks everyone

Best Answer


  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,531
    edited July 2015
    Looked around internet for others with same problem. Others had replaced headlight switch. But I noticed one said replacing rear defroster relay fixed his. They're different circuits he thinks but he had noticed the rear defroster quit working; he may have meant it quit when the fuse blew that caused the dash/taillights to quit.

    Anyhow, before looking at the circuit diagrams, I'd suggest pulling the relay for the rear defroster. See if the problem goes away. No charge to just pull it--don't replace unless it fixes problem.

    I don't understand why the ignition switch might cause the problem to show up.

    Good luck and hope that works for you.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • trudy1369trudy1369 Member Posts: 3
    done all of above change relays worked for a while but then back to doing it again.wondering maybe loose wire bad ground around ignition switch area every stops raining going to try n check that part out dont have a garage but sure getting lots of rain lol which limits my driving car morethen just at night really need a fix thanks all
  • 93tracker5spd93tracker5spd Member Posts: 194
    Hello! I found someone having a similar problem at this web address,

    Might want to check with the folks at that forum as well. Good luck.
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