Lexus RX 330 Maintenance and Repair
I have a noise in my RX 330. When I go over a bumpy section of road, I get a transient vibrating sound that appears to be coming from the interior cabin somewhere behind the front seats. It sounds similar to a venition blind rattling in a breeze. Anyone heard this and found the cause and solution? Thanks!
However it does not make noise when I hit a bump.
- Slow shifting between gears
- Two seconds delay shifting between 2nd and 3rd
- Two clunking noise when approaching stop.
- When driving between 5-10mph, tapping the gas pedal a little bit will make the clunking noise.
Toyota is trying to cut cost on parts and labors:
- Use plastic intake manifold instead of cast aluminum (RX300) -> Noise from combustion chamber will be heard easier. That's why so many owners complain about louder engine noise.
- Less insulator material between engine compartment and the cabin.
Cost cutting: Use only one hydrolic lift for the hood instead of two (RX330). This helps Toyota cut cost and time to install.
I am not happy about this car because the noise level is quite high and transmission is not smooth. The car is not quite as others said.
The Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) number is: TC005-03
I carry my sunglasses in my purse so I have no use for the overhead sunglasses case in the RX . So, I bought a small coin purse that will fit into the overhead sunglasses holder. Not perfect but it works.
The only place I can think of is the door handle slot where you your fingers place while closing the door.
My car was built in Japan Aug 03 and I just had ECU program updated today. The shifting is improving quite significantly from 2nd to 3rd. Overall, it's quite satisfying.
The only annoying thing left for me to solve is the engine noise. I am going to buy some sound deadening material to suppress sound coming into cabin. The reason the engine noise is excessive is the INTAKE MANIFOLD IS MADE OF PLASTIC/FIBER for this model. It is used to be made of cast aluminum which reduced the combustion noise significantly.
I wish I could remember where I saw it.
My breakwater blue RX was finally delivered today (a three week wait for it to be moved from Washington State to the Bay Area). I put my coins on end into that slim holder in the center console - between the two smaller containers and the large one.
The engine noise more way more than RX300. In RX300, when you park at red light, you'll won't or barly hear the engine noise. In RX330, you'll hear it all. Like I said before in some message, the intake manifold of RX330 is made of plastic/fiberglass instead of cast aluminum in the case of RX330. However, once you have ECU update, engine does not rev as much as before and the noise level while driving/shifting is lower to a barely tolerable level. Once you live with it for 5000+ miles, you'll get use to it.
Thank you for the information. It's odd to find out that the new RX is noisier. But do you find that the performance is better even though there's only like a 10 horsepower increase? Also, what makes you go for the 2004 model if it's inferior than the old one? Thanks for your info.
The performance is definitely better compare to RX330. Merging onto highway is nothing, but you can hear the engine works rather hard.
Reasons that I bought my RX330 over RX300:
- 3.3L vs. 3.0L
- Not having a wimpy look like to old one
- Back-up camera
- Rain-sensing windshield wiper - really cool
- Updated Nav. system
- Nicer interior
- All up/down automatic windows
- Power lift gate
- Self-levelizing HID headlight
- 18" wheel - make it look good
- My wife likes it - this is the most important
If you can wait for model 2005, it'll be great because Toyota might resolve all noise, clunking, and Technical Service Bulletin issue at the time. Remember, Toyota tries to plug every single hold in their product quality.
If you lived in suburban area, you'd hear the engine noise more clearly every night you drove home. If you live in New York, the engine noise will be almost unaudible due to other noise.
"The performance is definitely better compare to RX300"
Steve, Host
Thank you for your comparison. I don't think I can wait until 2005 though. Just look at the tight demand right now I'm sure once 2005 model comes out there will be a long wait too. I'll most likely order an RX in late January and take delivery sometime in April. Here in the Northeast if we want ML we have to special order it. It's a pain but that's just the way it is. I'll try to negotiate my price no more than $1000 over invoice.
I just picked up my Flint Mica RX330 FWD w/Performance Package a couple weeks ago. It has the adjustable HID's.
The very first night I drove it, I got at least 7 oncoming drivers high-beaming me, most probably I assume because they thought my high-beams were ON (they weren't).
Anyone else getting oncoming drivers' high-beams? Even though the lamps self-adjust everytime I startup and are probably "legal," just wondering if the Lexus' "setting" is at the outer envelope of range...
bottgers "XM & Sirius Satellite Radio" Dec 16, 2003 10:33am
Steve, Host
It also hunts for a gear when I coast around 20mph and then gas it. The Lexus shop did a compter chip update and it got better but it still shifts worse than my 100,000K Blazer! He said "all toyotas shift that way" Any thoughts?
I didn't know if the ECM update fixes this.
I know the ECM update has been discussed many times here, but I have not seen a definitive answer other than "I think it shifts better now..." or "no difference..."
Does anyone with concrete knowledge of the ECM update (i.e., a Toyota/Lexus mechanic) know FOR SURE what the ECM update accomplishes?
I too had "funny" shifting issues. I had the ECM performed at my 1000 mile service. It has made such a difference that I don't even think I'm driving the same car. The transmission is smooth and my gas mileage is better.
I'm not a mechanic so I can't explain what the ECM does but I do recommend it highly if you have complaints about your transmission shifting.
The dealer in Toronto says Toyota is aware of both problems.
They "updated" the ECU last week. The transmission shifts faster but it still clunks and searches for the right gear at 20 MPH.
They also said the engine noise is related to the manifold design - and nothing can be done to reduce the noise.
Our '03 MDX is a much smoother/quieter vehicle.
However, for our purposes, the RX fits the bill perfectly. My questions are, "Should I expect my RX to start acting up around two or three thousand miles, or is this happenning to just some vehicles? Does my car also need the ECM update at the 1K service? What are ECM and ECU acronyms for? Thanks for your inputs.
Smart Toyota cut cost my using fiber/plastic intake manifold in 3.3L engine instead of using cast aluminum or so in 3.0L engine. In addition, Sound insulation is not sufficient enough to insulate the engine compartment from driver cabin. In my Solara, it covers from the windshield down to the bottom. This reduce the engine noise dramatically.
Anyhow, I don't feel like I am driving a Lexus. I feel like I am driving a Scion
Regarding rough shifting, it's another Toyota ingenious stoo-pidity. They use exactly the same transmission and engine design of a sub-3500lb car for this bulky 4000+lb SUV. Just like plug and play to rush for release schedule. This will cause rough shifting due to heavier load that torque converter needs to work harder to get to the right gear. Even if you used the shifter to shift manually from 2nd to 3rd, you'd still be able to experience the same jerkiness. Also, when you release gas pedal, you'll feel the car pull back a little bit.
If the noise issue were solved, I'd love this car more and more. I am currently trying to fix this problem by myself by adding more insulation between the engine compartment and the cabin. Hopefully, I can do it during this holiday season. Toyota, stop doing those stupid things.
Well, I got my 330 back. I didn't feel much improvement on the up shifting and the clunking noise is still there during down shifting. Maybe the TC005-03 is only good for up shifting issue, not down shifting clunking noise.
Fought the post holiday traffic downtown today, and my RX 330 did plenty of shifts, all as smooth as butter. The cabin did a great job of shutting out the street noise and the beautiful leather and wood were visual and tactile delights. I knew I was in a Lexus and thanked my lucky stars that it was one of the good ones from Kyushu. Love my RX because my RX is quiet and poised. And, I am neither deaf, geriatric, or indifferent. Thank you very much!
Thereby any need to accelerate requires a downshift?
To attain best MPG all manufacturers get the transmissions into OD asap. Maybe the OD in the RX330 is just marginal enough that any additional load requirement, at any speed in OD, dictates a downshift, OR EVEN "TWO"!
Just returned from the Wash DC auto show. There are some great SUV (luxury or otherwise) offerings out there and the end result is the consumer is the winner. But for my money give me Lexus style, ambiance, reliability, and service every time.
I'm very busy and don't have the time to call Lexus directly. Does anyone have the official email address for either Lexus Zone Office (Washington D.C. area) or its Headquarters? Thanks.