Need help! Anyone else with a Tucson with engine that seems to be reving?

shelsamshelsam Member Posts: 1
edited December 2015 in Hyundai
We bought our 2011 Tucson Brand new. And about 3 months after we bought it a weird thing happened. I was driving home from town and going about 50 mpg when it Seemed like the Transmission kicked out of gear, the Tacometer Reved Way up then in a few seconds went Right back to normal! The speed did not increase at all. I took it in to the dealership and of course they could find no problem. It didn't happen again for a few months but when it did I took it Back to the dealership service dept. again nothing. if I had been thinking i'd have looked into the lemon law! The very same problem has happened again and again! We've had it at the dealer 4 times now with them keeping it this last time for almost a week and they were unable to get the car to replicate the problem. Funny but the day after we picked it back up from them it did it Twice! It seems to happen more then we are just driving home in a rural area, speeds around 40-50 mph. Sometimes going down a slope or up and other times on level ground. Anyone got any ideas?
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