2016 BMW 535 prices paid

grey_goosegrey_goose Member Posts: 6
edited February 2016 in BMW
I am in the market for a 535 or e 400. I am seeing great deals on the e 400 (close to 20% off MSRP). Was wondering if the 535 prices are also as aggressive as the E 400s.

Can you share your buying experiences ?
Not interested in leasing.


Best Answer


  • grey_goosegrey_goose Member Posts: 6
    Went with the E400, fully loaded, got a great discount.
  • pennystockpennystock Member Posts: 8
    My friend just picked up loaded service loaner 2016 535i (msrp $64,000). 24m, 12k annual lease, $3,500 total drive off with $435month including CA tax. Don't know the details but bunch of BMW dealers at SoCal has lots of these 535i loaners they are trying to get rid off. Seem pretty good for practically brand new 535i with M sport. He was quote similar by all the dealers in OC. hope it helps.
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