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2016 Grand Cherokee Summit: Adaptive headlights

I am thinking about buying a 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit 4x4. As I was checking out features on Jeep.com, I noticed that till 2015, JGC Summit had adaptive headlights. In 2016, the adaptive headlights are missing from the description.
For 2015:
The headlight description in above link for 2015 GC clearly says Adaptive headlights.
For 2016:
Jeep has dropped Adaptive headlights from description. I have read hundreds of user reviews, comments and seen video reviews, but no one mentions whether or not the 2016 JGC Summit has adaptive headlights. Can someone please confirm?
For 2015:
The headlight description in above link for 2015 GC clearly says Adaptive headlights.
For 2016:
Jeep has dropped Adaptive headlights from description. I have read hundreds of user reviews, comments and seen video reviews, but no one mentions whether or not the 2016 JGC Summit has adaptive headlights. Can someone please confirm?
Best Answer
flying_b Member Posts: 1
I just traded in my 2014 Summit 4x4 (with Adaptive Headlights) for a 2016 Summit 4x4, which I ordered back in December. When I placed my order, Adaptive Headlights were listed as a standard feature of the Summit. I even have a spec sheet that my dealer got from his contact at FCA. On my way home from the dealership Saturday night, I noticed that the headlamps weren't tracking with steering inputs.
When I start the car, the lamps do level themselves, but they don't move side to side as I steer around curves. I took the car in today for a service check, and my advisor didn't seem to know what I was talking about. He just said that my car didn't come with that option, and he gave me info. about the option for the automatic (smart) high beams, which my vehicle did come with.
I then went back to the Jeep website, and I saw that the descriptions had changed (as you noted). Interestingly, if you go to your local dealer's website and pull the specs for a 2016 Summit, you'll find Adaptive Headlights listed as a feature. I'm beginning to think that Corporate decided to get rid of the feature and didn't tell everyone in advance. But I can't imagine why they'd drop it in the first place. I had my 2014 for just over two years, and the adaptive lights worked perfectly, providing useful illumination on curves. I'm really disappointed by this downgrade of the vehicle. I left a message for my sales manager to call me; we'll see if he can uncover the discrepancy.
Next, I want to find out if the feature can be added by the dealership. The lights look identical to the 2014/15 models, so maybe there's a common unit that can be replaced.
I'll be interested to see if anyone else learns more about this disappearing option.
Thanks for confirming. I did get in touch with FCA directly and they also confirmed that the feature has been removed but they said that they were not privy to design decisions and could not tell me why it was removed.
I have since then dropped the idea of buying a jeep because I cannot be sure if all the advertised features will be there when I take the delivery.