Simple, Intuitive Steering Wheel Controls - 2015 Kia Sedona SX-L Long-Term Road Test Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,315
edited February 2016 in Kia
imageSimple, Intuitive Steering Wheel Controls - 2015 Kia Sedona SX-L Long-Term Road Test

A set of well-designed steering wheel controls makes for a great commuter car. Our 2015 Kia Sedona has a setup that's simple and useful.

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  • daryleasondaryleason Member Posts: 501
    I sort of have this complaint with my 2013 F-150. The controls are simple, but I don't like how the < & > work on the radio interface. On the steering wheel control, and on the dash face, it is used to make it jump to the next preset radio station. If you're driving away from home, it won't jump to the next available station. Sometimes, when I'm driving, I want to see what's available with the local stations. To do that, I have to manually turn the dial to find a station. While I like old-school on a lot of things, this isn't one of them. It's a great layout, but the function isn't right, in my opinion.
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