Hauling the Plastic - 2016 Toyota Tacoma Long-Term Road Test

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited July 2016 in Toyota
imageHauling the Plastic - 2016 Toyota Tacoma Long-Term Road Test

This weekend I used our 2016 Toyota Tacoma to do its thing, i.e., be a truck. Turns out it's pretty good at that.

Read the full story here


  • farvyfarvy Member Posts: 34
    Nice to know it all fit. It's always good to have the right tool for the job. We had that exact same sandbox. Just sold it in a garage sale last month. We were able to squeeze it into the back of a Dodge Journey. Kids liked it when they were young, but no more. Also had a similar slide that we got rid of a few years ago.
  • metalmaniametalmania Member Posts: 167
    I've got a sandbox and a rather sizeable plastic castle that the kids have outgrown. It will be nice to reclaim the space, but I'm a little sad the kids aren't that young anymore! Could be a good hauling test for our minivan.
  • metalmaniametalmania Member Posts: 167
    Drat, my sister in-law picked up the castle with her Escape and a small utility trailer. I was actually looking forward to seeing how the minivan handled it. On the other hand, it had a fair amount of bug stuff and dirt worked into its crevices and could use a good scrubbing - all reasons my wife didn't really want to bring it inside the van. There's a very real chance something could have crawled out and paid her or the kids a visit later. So, there's a use case for a non-heavy duty or full size truck - sometimes there's stuff you just don't want to bring inside.
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