1996 dodge dakota misfire at low RPMs

I have a 1996 dodge dakota 318 4x4 that has 233,000 miles on it. Heres the problem. I was driving one day and it just decided to die all at once. So i took it home and found out that it needed an ignition coil. So i replaced the coil and decided to give it a tune up. So i replaced the wires, cap and rotor and the ignition coil. after i replaced that it did not want to start so my dad (thinking old school) turned the distributer. It did end up starting, but it has a random misfire at idle all the way up to 1200 rpm ONLY DURING TAKOFF. (And it never misfired before) Going down the highway it runs perfect. I had taken the distributer cap off and on the inside center of the cap (where the coil wire attaches on top) was oddly burnt up and looked like it had caught on fire. So i replaced it again. Its still doing the same thing. Any ideas?