2017Audi A4 Ultra price paid

wies1wies1 Member Posts: 14
edited January 2017 in Audi
New to Audi, but looking to possibly purchase a 2017 Audi A4 Ultra that has a MSRP of $38,160.00. Anybody have any experiences on what they purchased this car for including taxes, title, fees? I am not going to lease it.


  • brunofbrunof Member Posts: 40
    I'm not a moderator, just a consumer, but I can share my experience from this past week. Discounts will vary depending on what part of the country you are in. A moderator here told me 6% off MSRP was a good place to start. I went to a dealer last Thursday and told them I wanted 11.9% off MSRP for an A4 Ultra w/ Season of Audi Package. They agreed inside of 3 minutes.

    Taxes, title and fees will vary wildly depending on your location so there's no way I could tell you what that's going to be. More important than that is if you are financing the vehicle you want to make sure you are getting a competitive interest rate (dependent upon credit worthiness of course). Dealers love to make mark ups here. I could be wrong but Audi Financial Services might be offering (did a quick google search)
    60 Months 2.9%
    66 Months 2.9%
    72 Months 3.4%
    75 Months 3.9%

    You can go to your bank and secure get a loan from them at a lower interest rate. I highly recommend doing this FIRST. Then when you go to buy the car, you can use that approval and rate to get a better rate with what financing the dealer utilizes.

    Check TrueCar.com for the range of sale prices. Make note the highest discount percentage and ask for that. You don't get in trouble or risk anything by asking.

    Using this info, I got my car today. 13% off MSRP. I was straightforward, asked for what I wanted and got it. When asking for discounts like this, you should be ready to pull the trigger on the same day. I recommend later in the day as well.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    If you recently sold or traded in a BMW for a Mercedes, Jaguar, Volvo, Audi or Cadillac vehicle, a reporter would be interested in speaking with you about your experience. Please send a note to PR@Edmunds.com no later than 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017. Thanks!
  • wies1wies1 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for the info Brunof. Did you finance with the 13% off MSRP? I plan on not financing so I don't know if I can get that low?
  • brunofbrunof Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2017
    wies1 said:

    Thanks for the info Brunof. Did you finance with the 13% off MSRP? I plan on not financing so I don't know if I can get that low?

    I leased my vehicle.

    Whether you lease, finance or "pay cash" for your vehicle, I don't see why that would matter. Every vehicle has a sales price, regardless of how you intend to pay for it. I'm assuming you are thinking that a dealer might be more inclined to give a discount if they are making money on the back end via financing but that has not been my experience. I've leased, payed cash and financed vehicles and it's never affected the negotiated sales price.

    If you're going to negotiate, you might as well start big because no matter what you ask for, the dealer is going to counter to get the biggest margin they can. They are banking on the fact that you WANT that car and are afraid to walk away. Remove that fear and attachment and watch what happens. Be polite, be respectful of their time but ask for what you want right off the bat.

    Also, based on my experience the last few weeks, dealers were more inclined to discount Ultra's over Quattro or standard 2.0. Maybe go to one dealer first where you have no intention of doing a deal and give it a practice go. With nothing to lose, you might be surprised of how much control you have and how dealers respond.

    If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. :)
  • wies1wies1 Member Posts: 14
    Brunof, I must be doing it wrong, b/c this isn't fun--lol. Not having much luck with going big here in Ohio. Which dealership did you get yours at? I take it you are from CA so probably more competition and selection of A4 Ultras there than here in Ohio... Thanks!

  • brunofbrunof Member Posts: 40
    I'm sure Southern California is more competitive as there are more dealers in a concentrated area. Luck is relative. Like I said, go to one dealer, make an offer and walk if they don't give it you. Just be polite and thankful. They will probably call you a few days later. Every dealer I visited is still calling me.
  • brunofbrunof Member Posts: 40
    Another approach is to have the dealer make an offer. What's the best offer they can make. Then take that offer to another dealer and ask if they can beat it. Keep doing it until you get what you want.
  • wies1wies1 Member Posts: 14
    What dealership did you buy your car from?
  • jfljfl Member Posts: 1,397
    Another option is to email the internet sales manager asking for a quote listing exactly what options you want and color(s).
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