did not see a messageboard for problems. Since I have owned my B9 for about a week now. found my first warranty issues.
1. the driver door when listening to talk radio news station and a deep male voice is talking, I hear a buzzing. I have removed everything from the door pocket and still its like a high freq. vibration. do not hear it with music just talking on the radio at med volume levels
2. the paint on the door edge. on the two front doors at the very front side edge of the door (the hinge side) there is a blip in the paint like they had a piece of soder from a weald on the edge and then painted over it. also the front edge of the rear door (when I open the front door) has a 1 mm spot on the edge where they did not paint it. almost like a rock chip but its the part that is protected when the front door is closed!
anyone else experience this?
By the way the dealer said they would fix the paint under warranty
When I have the vent open the air is definately heated. My OB did not do this. I prefer to have the windows and vent open for air movement at the floor but have to turn it off because the air is heated. Has anyone else noted this?
In some cars I have had - the HVAC system delivers air that is warmer to heat registers (Floor) when the A/C is on.
However it sound like you may have the AC off when this happens. In that case try turning off the AC compressor and dial the temp down to the lowest setting. Even though the AC iss off the temp setting is active with automatic systems like the B9.
Last - how long did you leave the vent and fan on for? Residual heat from the engine maybe heating up the air exchanger. Running the fan on high while driving may rid the system of the hot air. Also in a lot of stop go driving in hit weather this could be normal with many systems.
I have the AC off, vent open, thermostat set low, fan on any speed... and I get warm air, warmer than outside most of the time... just does not seem right.
I have only had my new Tribeca for 3 days and the power steering went out. It had to be flat-bedded back to the dealer who now cannot duplicate the problem. If they cannot find the problem I hope they do not think I should take this car back with intermittant power steering, especially when I drive steep mountain roads frequently. Any ideas about what could have caused this. Thankfully, it was still not working when the salesman took it off the truck, or they might think I was a looney making it all up!. But ..... I LOVE my new car and the dealer has been pretty great about it so far. I want it back ..... but only if the problem has been discovered and fixed!
Can you describe what if felt like. Did it become very hard to turn the wheel?
Since the B9 has I believe a mechanical steering system (Not Electric) an intermittent problem is very strange unless it relates to the belt on the power steering pump or maybe a valve in the pump.
Yes .... it became VERY hard to turn the wheel. Luckily it happened about 10 feet before our driveway. My husband was able to turn it into the driveway, but it was too difficult for me. We had just come up the mountain. Thankfully it did not strand us on the mountain side with no cellphone service! (But it is still SUCH a beautiful car) The mechanic is driving it up the mountain as we speak ... errr ... write. I will let you know what happens.
They have tried to get it to fail again for 2 days and have not succeeded. They cannot find the problem so want to put in a new pump and call it fixed.
<<<<<<------------- is not a happy camper .....or customer.
It would seem that a new pump is the right thing to do.
If it were a mechanical problem with the linkage, it would not be intermittent, therefore the pump in all likely hood is the problem - since there really isn't anuthing else.
Thanks so much for the interest and commentary. You are echoing my husbands opinion word for word. <------- is feeling much better about getting her car back.
I found out the automatic climate control will remain on all the time even though the light on 'auto' button is off when you press any other buttons. I don't know if hitting the 'off' button will completely turn off automatic climate control or not. But you can try dial down the temp on both side to below 70 and see what happens. My friends MDX will do the similar thing. Automatic climate control can be a hassle when you don't want it.
anyone else notice a higher frequency vibration in their driver door panel when listening to news talk radio type station with a booming male type voice on the radio?
not a lose screw sound but more like a sheet of plastic that is vibrating at a certain frequency (think like when you run your finger along a chrystal glass and it humms)... like that but at a much lower frequency.
That is a lose screw cause some material not tied down. Hence vibration. Might be speaker itself. If it is easily reproduceable, your dealer should be able to fix it in no time.
Was driving home today... after hitting the magic 1,000 mile mark the odometer changed to "ERR HC" !
anyone know what this means exactly? I see in the manual that there is a message "Err 00" if the system somehow loses connection between the computer and the engine. This message acted the same as what they said would happen in the manual for "Err 00", when I clicked on the reset trip button above the steering wheel, it cycled to the two TRIP meters A and B. then 10 seconds later popped up the same "Err HC"!
So I pulled over, restarted the B9 and the message did not come back. I am a little concerned and wondered what exactly is that message? Have it scheduled for the shop on Wednesday but should I take it in on Monday for this warning message?
Do you plan to change to synthetic after 1k oil change? I plan to change to synthetic after the first 1k or so ... am at 500 currently, love the vehicle everything I thought it would be and more, but wish recommended fuel was regular (I will use premium as suggested) and a larger gas tank would be nice, especially on long trips.
I'd suspect the PS Pump also. I'm sure they'll test it before handing it back, just take it on a couple of short trips when you get it back. If it's fine, I say don't worry, be happy.
cue Bobby McFerrin
Ooo, ooooo Don't worry Oooooo Be Happy OOOOO Don't worry be happy now!
nope I have one free oil change from the dealer. they have the car right now and my accessories came in (yeah).
but after that I usually use a synthetic blend. you save a few $$ and get 80% of the benefit of synthetic. I use that in my turbo motorycle and thats 300 hp ! pure synthetic to me is not worth the extra $$. there is a difference between standard oil and syth blend. also I change my oil every 3k miles anyway.
interesting ... makes good sense to me, but I think I will do the 100% synthetic and change 5k to 6k. Lets compare notes 5 years from now and see what worked best.
Incidently, Subaru owners are supposed to have mountain bikes not motorcycles (bad for the enviorment) but that is fine with me because I don't fit the sterotype myself ... actually don't even come close, even after 4 Subarus.
but I think I will do the 100% synthetic and change 5k to 6k.
I asked my dealership if I could bring in my own oil as I can get a good price at Costco on case qty's. They said fine and will only charge labor and filter cost.
Question, which grade should I purchase? Costco has Mobil 1 5W-30 or 10W-30
I plan to use Mobil 1 5W-30. That is what came in my '03 Saab and I have used it ever since. You could use 10W-30 in the summer I suppose, but 5W-30 has worked well year round for me. I hasten to add I am no expert so someone else may have further thoughts.
the first number is the initial viscosity so 5W is better on startup and the second is the viscosity after warm up ... so best is 5W-50 if the B9 is approved for 5W50. but I would use 5W30 over 10W30 or 10W40
well it looks like Subaru was familiar what the display "Err HC" but thinks there should have been more to the code then just "Err HC" I dont remember anything else showing up ... hmmm so they still dont know exactly what it means. this code was shown right were you normally see your Odometer. They manual for the B9 mentions something about this area sometimes showing Err 00 but not Err HC...
well hopefully find out Monday when I get my B9 back and I am out of the loaner Jeep they gave me to use.
Consistantly getting 23-24 on the highway in PA. This is all highway. If I go off the highway and into a city the numbers start to fall fast. My total combined Average fuel according to the NAV display is 20.7 for over 7,000 miles. I'd say 70% highway and 20% city.
<<I usually use a synthetic blend. you save a few $$ and get 80% of the benefit of synthetic.>>
At the risk of beating a dead horse from another topic, I don't believe that is true. Blends are a waste of $$. Particularly if you have a turbocharger, the blend will not give you the protection against cokeing of the dino oil in the turbo bearings. If you are going to use a blend, you might as well save more $$ and just use straight dino oil. Only synthetic has the high temperature propertys to prevent the oil from cokeing in that high temp environment and scoring the turbo bearings. Now, if you don't have a turbo, and trade your car every 100K miles, it probably doesn't make a difference unless you live in a cold climate. Then the full synthetic is also superior. The dino oil blend will not flow as well as the synthetic and does not improve cold start lubrication.
I didn't bookmark the new thread on "problems and/or troubles" and I would like to keep up with any issues others are having.
My airbag light went on over three weeks ago and it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since my dealer said it was the airbag module and that they will call when it is in. Well, I am still waiting. They said it was on backorder and that SOA didn't expect any failures so soon. At least it is still drivable, but maybe not so safe???? I am concerned that Subaru is unable to support the Tribecas that have been sold.
well I picked up my B9 after 1 week in the shop to get the door edges repainted and all the accessories installed (roof rack, bug guard, mudflaps, and tow hitch with oil cooler)...
the error i saw on the odometer area "Err HC" is tied to some error in the CAM timing! but it hasn't shown since. So Subaru said it should be OK to drive... The problem is they need a different computer to read the B9 Computer. its a totally different system then the other Subaru engines. so I will take it back in a week or so when they get their new diagnostic computer for the Tribecas (sigh...)
I had to wait 2 weeks for my dealer to get the software module to be able to get my "tire pressure" light off after they swapped out a tire and wheel from another new vehicle because of a tire problem on mine (couldn't get a tire locally).
Now I have been waiting 3 weeks for the airbag module to come in.
When I bought the Tribeca this was a concern that I had - parts availability, tech ability,programming support, etc. It has happened to me twice in 2 months. At least I have been able to continue to drive my B9.
Worst case scenario - you are out of town and a part fails that renders the vehicle undrivable? Leave it there, fly home and come back in a month or so???? So far I am not impressed with SOA's support for a newly introduced vehicle.
Couldn't they have pulled an airbag module off the assembly line in Indiana?
Couldn't they have pulled an airbag module off the assembly line in Indiana?
I know it is frustrating but if you were ever involved with a sophisticated manufacturing operation like a auto factory, you would find that pulling parts from the line would cause total chaos & totally disrupt schedules & quality.
If you do it once, then it can be done again. Where do they draw the line.
Having said that: If it was my car that needed the part - I would approve pulling that part. :-)
CD Changer is jammed. With six cds loaded it now gives me a "mechan error" message with any attempt to eject or play. Dread having to have console ripped apart. Can any audiophiles out there suggest a solution that would not require the dealer to tear into the dash? Anyone else had this happen? Thanks.
No one has post anything here for awhile.. I guess that's a good thing... Anyway, the headlights project a really sharp edge on top. In my car, the right headlight project a line that is lower than the left. Does anyone has the same issue?
headlight straight across on my car .... there is one area where it is higher on each light pattern but they match up when the lights are on. I see this on the garage door when I pull in ....
Maybe someone on the forum has some advice since Subaru doesn't. I wrote a snail mail letter to Subaru of America about the fact that I can't seem to get XM radio installed in my car. (I don't have the navigation system or DVD.) Here was their response:
---- ---- ----
Thank you for visiting the Subaru Web site and congratulations on the purchase of your 2006 B9 Tribeca. We wish you many happy, reliable, safe years with it!
We are not aware of any method to use your XM Radio with the stereo system in your new Tribeca.
While I cannot state that we will definitely offer this feature on future models, I can advise that we are researching our options for this concern. I am not aware if this feature will be able to be retrofitted into your 2006 Tribeca. My thoughts would be that it would not, since so much work goes into development for current model vehicles' accessories/parts, we generally do not design parts and accessories for previous model year vehicles.
Your comments will be noted in our Customer/Dealer Services database. We use such information to track the performance of our products with the intentions of improving upon them. We will also forward your message to our Product Planning Department for their review and consideration.
FM transmitter or maybe one of those in-line antennaes that some Legacy owners have tried. You'd still have a wire poking out of the dash, and you'd have the open the dash up to access the back of the radio where the antennae plugs in.
1. the driver door when listening to talk radio news station and a deep male voice is talking, I hear a buzzing. I have removed everything from the door pocket and still its like a high freq. vibration. do not hear it with music just talking on the radio at med volume levels
2. the paint on the door edge. on the two front doors at the very front side edge of the door (the hinge side) there is a blip in the paint like they had a piece of soder from a weald on the edge and then painted over it. also the front edge of the rear door (when I open the front door) has a 1 mm spot on the edge where they did not paint it. almost like a rock chip but its the part that is protected when the front door is closed!
anyone else experience this?
By the way the dealer said they would fix the paint under warranty
Full of hot air in NH!
However it sound like you may have the AC off when this happens. In that case try turning off the AC compressor and dial the temp down to the lowest setting. Even though the AC iss off the temp setting is active with automatic systems like the B9.
Last - how long did you leave the vent and fan on for? Residual heat from the engine maybe heating up the air exchanger. Running the fan on high while driving may rid the system of the hot air. Also in a lot of stop go driving in hit weather this could be normal with many systems.
Since the B9 has I believe a mechanical steering system (Not Electric) an intermittent problem is very strange unless it relates to the belt on the power steering pump or maybe a valve in the pump.
Please let us know what they find.
I had the fan on with the vent open, worked fine in every other Sub I've owned, 6 in total. This one seems to flow warm air.
If it were a mechanical problem with the linkage, it would not be intermittent, therefore the pump in all likely hood is the problem - since there really isn't anuthing else.
1. the vibration in the door panel
2. the paint finish on the two front door edges
and install the new accessories (bug guard, mudflaps, roof rack, and tow hitch)
plus my first 1k oil change. i know its not required, but I always on my new cars change the oil after the break in period. old habits die hard ..LOL
anyone know what this means exactly? I see in the manual that there is a message "Err 00" if the system somehow loses connection between the computer and the engine. This message acted the same as what they said would happen in the manual for "Err 00", when I clicked on the reset trip button above the steering wheel, it cycled to the two TRIP meters A and B. then 10 seconds later popped up the same "Err HC"!
So I pulled over, restarted the B9 and the message did not come back. I am a little concerned and wondered what exactly is that message? Have it scheduled for the shop on Wednesday but should I take it in on Monday for this warning message?
cue Bobby McFerrin
Ooo, ooooo
Don't worry
Be Happy
Don't worry be happy now!
but after that I usually use a synthetic blend. you save a few $$ and get 80% of the benefit of synthetic. I use that in my turbo motorycle and thats 300 hp ! pure synthetic to me is not worth the extra $$. there is a difference between standard oil and syth blend. also I change my oil every 3k miles anyway.
Incidently, Subaru owners are supposed to have mountain bikes not motorcycles (bad for the enviorment) but that is fine with me because I don't fit the sterotype myself ... actually don't even come close, even after 4 Subarus.
Enjoy your Tribeca !
I asked my dealership if I could bring in my own oil as I can get a good price at Costco on case qty's. They said fine and will only charge labor and filter cost.
Question, which grade should I purchase? Costco has Mobil 1 5W-30 or 10W-30
well hopefully find out Monday when I get my B9 back and I am out of the loaner Jeep they gave me to use.
The best I have gotten so far is 17.7 on the highway.
At the risk of beating a dead horse from another topic, I don't believe that is true. Blends are a waste of $$. Particularly if you have a turbocharger, the blend will not give you the protection against cokeing of the dino oil in the turbo bearings. If you are going to use a blend, you might as well save more $$ and just use straight dino oil. Only synthetic has the high temperature propertys to prevent the oil from cokeing in that high temp environment and scoring the turbo bearings. Now, if you don't have a turbo, and trade your car every 100K miles, it probably doesn't make a difference unless you live in a cold climate. Then the full synthetic is also superior. The dino oil blend will not flow as well as the synthetic and does not improve cold start lubrication.
I didn't bookmark the new thread on "problems and/or troubles" and I would like to keep up with any issues others are having.
My airbag light went on over three weeks ago and it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since my dealer said it was the airbag module and that they will call when it is in. Well, I am still waiting. They said it was on backorder and that SOA didn't expect any failures so soon. At least it is still drivable, but maybe not so safe???? I am concerned that Subaru is unable to support the Tribecas that have been sold.
Anything similar happened to anyone?
the error i saw on the odometer area "Err HC" is tied to some error in the CAM timing! but it hasn't shown since. So Subaru said it should be OK to drive... The problem is they need a different computer to read the B9 Computer. its a totally different system then the other Subaru engines. so I will take it back in a week or so when they get their new diagnostic computer for the Tribecas (sigh...)
Now I have been waiting 3 weeks for the airbag module to come in.
When I bought the Tribeca this was a concern that I had - parts availability, tech ability,programming support, etc. It has happened to me twice in 2 months. At least I have been able to continue to drive my B9.
Worst case scenario - you are out of town and a part fails that renders the vehicle undrivable? Leave it there, fly home and come back in a month or so???? So far I am not impressed with SOA's support for a newly introduced vehicle.
Couldn't they have pulled an airbag module off the assembly line in Indiana?
I know it is frustrating but if you were ever involved with a sophisticated manufacturing operation like a auto factory, you would find that pulling parts from the line would cause total chaos & totally disrupt schedules & quality.
If you do it once, then it can be done again. Where do they draw the line.
Having said that: If it was my car that needed the part - I would approve pulling that part. :-)
-Karen in AZ-
With your highway mileage - what kind of speeds do you average?
At steady highway speeds I get about 21 - but I also avergae 75 mph on surburban Chicago highways.
Same here... -Karen-
Does that sound normal given the facts?
Anyway, the headlights project a really sharp edge on top. In my car, the right headlight project a line that is lower than the left. Does anyone has the same issue?
---- ---- ----
Thank you for visiting the Subaru Web site and congratulations on the
purchase of your 2006 B9 Tribeca. We wish you many happy, reliable, safe
years with it!
We are not aware of any method to use your XM Radio with the stereo system
in your new Tribeca.
While I cannot state that we will definitely offer this feature on future
models, I can advise that we are researching our options for this concern. I
am not aware if this feature will be able to be retrofitted into your 2006
Tribeca. My thoughts would be that it would not, since so much work goes
into development for current model vehicles' accessories/parts, we generally
do not design parts and accessories for previous model year vehicles.
Your comments will be noted in our Customer/Dealer Services database. We use
such information to track the performance of our products with the
intentions of improving upon them. We will also forward your message to our
Product Planning Department for their review and consideration.