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2013 and Earlier Audi A8 Lease Questions

CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
edited May 2015 in Audi
To discuss the latest lease details for the current model, please join us in the
2015 Audi A8 Lease Questions forum.

You can also research local dealer inventory and pricing, reviews, features, and specifications, on our
2015 Audi A8 page.


  • keyeskeyes Member Posts: 5
    Do you know recent money factors and residual % on the A8 and A8L?

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I certainly do keyes. How long do you want to lease it for and how many miles per year do you need to be able to drive it? Let me know and I will let you know.

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  • keyeskeyes Member Posts: 5
    36 months.
    15,000 and 12,000

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Thanks for the additional information, keyes. If you were to lease a 2006 Audi A8 through Audi Financial Services right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00160 and 55%, respectively. The numbers for an otherwise identical lease of a 2006 A8L should be .00185 and 57%. These cars' 12,000 miles per year residual values are 2% higher than their 15,000 miles per residuals.

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  • smittyjsmittyj Member Posts: 4

    How about a 24 and 36 month lease with 10,000 and 12,000 miles?

    thanks in advance
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Here you go smittyj. If you were to lease a 2006 A8 LWB through Audi Financial Services right now for 24 months with 12,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00185 and 71%, respectively. The numbers for an otherwise identical 36 month lease should be .00185 and 59%. Its 10,000 miles per year residual values are 1% higher.

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  • lefty3lefty3 Member Posts: 5
    I received this quote from a dealer I would like feedback. In addition it is possible that 12K miles is too tight but 15K miles way too much.

    It is a 2006 Quartz Gray
    with the Black leather interior. It is equipped with the premium package and
    the Sport package with all-season tires. In addition it also has the XM
    satellite Radio and the adaptive cruise control. MSRP of this vehicle is
    $78,300.00 A 36 month lease at 12,000 miles per year with a total out pf
    pocket cost due at lease inception of $3,000.00 your monthly payment with
    tax included is $1,100.00
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi lefty3. You never mentioned the selling price of the car that you are interested in leasing. This is an important number for you as a consumer to know for two reasons. First, the selling prices of leased vehicles can be negotiated, just as if you were paying cash for them. Without knowing the price of the car that you want to lease you don't know how good a price you are getting it for. The second reason is that one needs the selling price of a vehicle that they want to lease is that it is necessary to calculate its lease payment. I would be more than happy give you my opinion on this deal if you let me know what this car's selling price is.

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  • slhewitt53slhewitt53 Member Posts: 2

    I would be very much appreciate your help with the lease calculations on a 3yr lease w/15k miles per year for a 2006 A8 with price of 68k,
    74k, & 78K. (Also, how do you do the calculation once you have the buy rate factor and residual value?)

    Many thanx...
  • lefty3lefty3 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks Car_Man,

    The dealer gave me his sticker price as his price. But, as of yesterday, I have decided to buy a BMW instead. Thanks so much for your reply.

  • slhewitt53slhewitt53 Member Posts: 2

    Could you give me your opinion on what a good price would be for this A8?

    It is a short wheelbase Audit quattro at6 black on black. It has the premium and sport packages - 4k and 2.8k respectively along with alcantara package 1.5k, front seat ventilation 1.5k, dual pane windows $600, and sirrus sat $550. Base msrp is 68,130k and 79,800k with the options.

    I want to lease the car thru Audi's program for 3 years and 45k miles (15 per year). (I am assuming the money factor is .00160 and the residual is 55%.)

    My question is: what is a good price for the car? I have offered 71k and they have countered with 76k indicating that they will not go lower.

    So what do you think?

    Many thanx for your help.
  • jdma8ljdma8l Member Posts: 1
    How do I find out what the money factor and residual value from Audi Financial Services are? I called the Audi 800 number and was transferred six times to people who all refused to disclose the information, asying I could only get it from my dealer
  • smittyjsmittyj Member Posts: 4
    Just ordered my A8 but because it wont arrive until Feb I cant get any price protection beyond the end of the year. Do you expect any changes or incentives at year end or in 1st quarter??
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi slhewitt53. I would be happy to estimate what this car's lease payment should be like for you. However, in order for me to do so I also need you to provide me with its full MSRP (with the destination charge added in).

    Check out the following article that is available here at Edmunds.com to get an idea of how lease payments are calculated: Calculate Your Own Lease Payment.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    No problem, Lefty3. I think that you made a wise decision. You shouldn't have to pay full MSRP for an Audi right now.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi slhewitt53. I am not personally all that familiar with what the market is like for this car in your area right now. I suspect that the $71,000 that you offered is too low. This car has a spread of around $4,400 between its full MSRP and dealer invoice price. The price that you offered is several thousand dollars below invoice. The price that they countered with, $71,000, looks to be less than $1,000 over invoice. That sounds like a very reasonable price for this car to me.

    As far as the lease program for this model goes, the numbers that you mentioned are right in line with Audi Financial Services' current program for it.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jdma8l. Audi Financial Services will not provide information on vehicles' current lease programs to consumers. In fact, I am not aware of any source that provides accurate information on manufacturers' current lease programs to the general public. I should be able to give you an idea of what the lease program is currently like on the vehicle that you are interested in though if you tell me the exact model that you want, how long you want to lease it for, and how many miles per year you need to be able to drive it.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello smittyj. I absolutely expect Audi's lease program on this car to be different early next year than it is right now. It is difficult to say whether that change will be for better or for worse though. Some manufacturers, like BMW, allow consumers to lock in their current lease programs on ordered vehicles. I don't believe that Audi does this, but you may want to ask your dealer just to make certain.

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  • smittyjsmittyj Member Posts: 4
    carman if I ordered the A8 L with both premium and sport packages how much off MSRP should I expect and what money factor and res value will I see on a 36 mo term with 10k and 12k miles? Thankx in advance Laddy.
  • jmd23jmd23 Member Posts: 13
    Dear Car Man,

    Reading your postings here have really accerlated my education in the art of leasing. Thank you!
    So here's a situation that I hope you can advise on before I walk into the dealer showroom...

    My 2006 A8 arrived a week ago. I have a (48-month lease) 2004 VW Touareg that I'm trying to get rid of. My approach is to first deal on the lease of the A8 and then the Touareg.

    Using the lease calculator, money factor and residual numbers found on this site, I like the numbers that are coming up on a 36-month, 15k annual miles, $3k down.

    But what the dealer will want for my VW (KBB says $35.5k) and what's still owed (about $43k) will be a big gap. I don't this to be thrown into the lease payments. I would like to pay the difference, but not all of it. Would a dealer be willing to negotiate by meeting me halfway on the VW if they get a lease that's good for them on the A8?

    I know we all do what we do to make a living, I just don't want to be screwed...

    Thanks in advance!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi smittyj. If you were to lease a 2006 Audi A8L through Audi Financial Services in December for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00205 and 59%, respectively. This car's 10,000 miles per year residual value would be 1% higher. I'm really not sure what the market is like for the A8 is like right now, so I can't give you an idea of how much you should pay for this car in terms of its capitalized cost. I can tell you that a base 2006 A8L has a spread of $4,700 between its full MSRP and dealer invoice prices, so there is a lot of room to play with there.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Thanks jmd23. I'm glad that you've found my posts so helpful. You're being smart by treading your new A8 lease and getting out of your current VW lease as separate transactions. Having the dealer work with you to pay off part of your current lease is going to hamper your ability to get the best possible deal on your new car. They probably have a figure in mind as to mow much a profit they are willing to take on the A8, it doesn't really matter to them whether you use all of the discount that they will be willing to give to reduce your A8's capitalized cost or use some of it to payoff your VW lease. A base '06 A8L has a spread of around $4,700 between its full MSRP and dealer invoice price to work with. Negotiate the best possible deal that you can on this car and then introduce your VW lease into the equation. If you want to roll some of your negative equity into your new vehicle's capitalized cost it will absorb some of the discount that you are being given.

    Smart Shopper / Prices Paid Forums
  • jmd23jmd23 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks for your reply, Car Man! I just may have some leverage, as of this weekend...

    A competing dealer has the same A8 like the one I ordered but with 2 less options (adaptive cruise and rear electric lumbar). I'll live. They are offering it for $1,750 above invoice. If the money factor and residual are the same based on 36/15 than this is a pretty sweet deal, yes?

    They don't know about my VW lease payoff, though. And I just may have some it rolled into the new lease.

  • jmd23jmd23 Member Posts: 13
    Car Man, couple more items to note:

    Livermore Audi
    - A8 SWB, black/amaretto
    - The dealer has $1k in deposit from me
    - MSRP 80,150 | Invoice 74,484 | TMV 79,654

    Carlsen Audi
    - Competing dealer A8 SWB, black/amaretto
    - MSRP 78,350 | Invoice 72,882 | TMV 77,871
    - Dealer quoted selling price at 1,750 above invoice = 74,632
  • jmd23jmd23 Member Posts: 13
    Car Man,

    Carlsen Audi is now saying the money factor for the A8 in December (36m/15k) is 0.0018.True?

    Thanks in advance,

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome, jmd23. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Ahhh, apparently you do. I should have scrolled down before posting :blush: . Sorry for the delay in my response, I have been away on vacation. Yes, the money factor that you were quoted is correct. Audi Financial Services' December buy rate lease money factor for a 36 month lease of an '06 A8 4.2 is .00180.

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  • smittyjsmittyj Member Posts: 4
    Carman, What are current rates and res ?

    what is markup on options?

    My car has arrived!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey smittyj. So your car has finally arrived. You must be excited. I know that I would be. Here is the latest lease info for you. If you were to lease a 2006 Audi A8L through Audi Financial Services right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00185 and 57%, respectively. Again, this car's 10,000 miles per year residual value would be 1% higher.

    For information on the MSRP and invoice prices of this car's options, look it up in the following section of this site: Edmunds.com New Vehicle Pricing.

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  • georgev1georgev1 Member Posts: 14
    hello carman
    hope i'm not too late!
    just left a deposit on an A8L w/ premium etc. msrp $78,200
    cap cost $76,600 money factor .0019 24 mo. term
    21,000 miles / yr $7000 down
    $1181 per month plus tax for a total of $1278

    coulda had 36 mo. @ $1328 @ 22,500 per year
    i woulda been exposed on warranty and they claimed it was $2000 for the extended warranty so i went down to 24 month.
    it seems like it shoulda been a bigger difference since the residual was upto around 64%
    did i get hosed?
    i'll be grateful for any input as i am supposed to do the deal tomorrow
  • coloradoa8lcoloradoa8l Member Posts: 12
    4.56% interest (.0019 X 2400) and 64% residual after 36 months? Do you really need to ask that question? That is awesome, Comparing that to other luxury car leases it's like you stole it. High mileage leases for other companies would be around $1,800 per month.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi George. Let me begin by saying that $7,000 is way too much money to put down when leasing. If your leased vehicle is totaled in an accident or stolen and never recovered, your $7,000 essentially disappears. You should be able to lease any car that you want without making any sort of capitalized cost reduction.

    The money factor that you were quoted for this car is right in line with Audi Financial Services' buy rate for it. This is a good sign because it means that the dealer you are working with is not trying to mark your car's factor up to add additional back-end profit to your deal. As far as this car's selling price goes, you are only getting a $1,600 discount on a car that has at least a $4,700 spread between its full MSRP and dealer invoice prices. I am not all that familiar with what the market is like for the A8 right now, but if I was in the market for one I personally would want a bigger discount than that.

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  • nickb81nickb81 Member Posts: 39
    Car Man,

    I am looking at getting a 2006 A8L with a few options - MSRP topping out at $80,800. My local dealership has put a "fleet deal" on the table - or about $1,500 above invoice. I am wondering if you could help me with some numbers. I would like the residuals, and money factors for the following: 48 months, 36 months, and 24 months with 12K/year and 15K/year. I figure if I am asking, I'll cover all bases :) ! I have $20K earmarked for this purchase (thanks to the pending LEMON LAW BUY BACK on my 2006 Infiniti M35 :lemon: ) - I am thinking of doing drive offs only, then put the balance in an interest baring account and let that sum make automatic payments for several months. That would be better than putting a huge down to lower payments, right? Thanks in advance!!!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello guedo. If you lease a 2006 Audi A8 4.2L through Audi Financial Services right now for 24 months with 15,000 miles per year, its buy rate lease money factor and residual value should be .00145 and 56%, respectively. The numbers for an otherwise identical 36 month lease should be .00145 and 44%. You definitely do not want to lease this car for 48 months. Audi is not providing lease support on that term and its money factor for it is practically triple the one that is available for shorter terms. I believe that this car's 12,000 mile per year residual values would be 1% higher.

    You are absolutely right that you would be much better off using the money that you have set aside for this lease to pay its first month's payment , security deposit, acquisition fee, etc... and then using the rest to make a bunch of payments for you.

    Prices Paid Forums
  • captbud1949captbud1949 Member Posts: 1
    I have been quoted from my local Audi dealer in W. PA. a 2006 A8L with an MSRP of 78160 a price of 68958. This car is brand new not even serviced. The lease price is $4,000 higher. Is Audi offering marketing support for cars that are sold and not leased at this time? Just trying to figure out where the dealer is coming up with his numbers.
    Thanks in advance
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi captbud1949. Yes, Audi is currently providing dealer cash on the 2006 Audi A8L. Specifically it has $7,000 dealer cash on this car. This dealer cash is not compatible with Audi Financial Services' special lease or finance programs.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • navininkcnavininkc Member Posts: 1
    I'd like to know what the money factor and residual are for a 2007 A8L currently. I'd lease for 36 months at 12k miles/year.

    Also: where do you get your info?
    why are the lease rates so much higher now than they were on 2006 models?
  • denaliinpadenaliinpa Member Posts: 169
    hello carman,

    i have an odd question about the lease i currently have on my 05 Audi A8. i leased my A8 in December of 04. the lease is for 2 years and 24000 miles. currently i have 4 payments remaining and only 10500 miles on the car. when i leased my vehicle i told my sales person that i was concerned that i would not put 24000 miles on the car. i expressed an interest in buying my A8 at the end of the lease. my sales person told me that the dealership would take ownership of the car at the end of the lease, CPO it for 100000 miles and then sell it back to me for less than the ending residual with Audi of America. well i stopped at the dealership last week to test drive an 07 S4. my sales person is now the floor manager. i asked again about purchasing my A8 in December and he told me he couldn't do what he initially said because Audi of America has changed their position and will not allow them to buy the car back and then resell it to me. he also said Audi insures their leases for any disparity in value when they conclude thus making it even harder for me to negotiate a purchase with Audi. since the ending residual is more than the actual book value of the car it has left me in a bit of a predicament. is what my sales person telling me accurate? do manufactures negotiate at the end of leases with their vehicles? if it is accurate wouldn't my salesperson have been aware of this when he leased me the car? was i mislead?

  • allroadguyallroadguy Member Posts: 1
    I was browsing the Audi website, and it appears that Audi is providing some type of lease support for preowned Audi A8 models. Does anyone have any more details regarding this program (MF, Residuals, etc)? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  • wstuart1wstuart1 Member Posts: 3
    I am set to either lease or buy an A8 ('04 or later=new style). I am self employed and can right off a lease payment but I heard the car value drops like a rock if you buy/lease new. I can write the check for a slightly used one with the argument of getting a better price. suggestions?
  • ccapccap Member Posts: 40
    Looking to lease an 07 A8 SWB. Want to know how much I can expect off MSPR and what the lease factors are and the ammrox payments for a 10k and a 12 k 24 and 36 month lease.
    The car will sticker for approx 75k

  • denaliinpadenaliinpa Member Posts: 169

    can't help on the current lease rates but as far as how much you should get off msrp it should be around 3k. if an 06 would be ok you could probably get get about 10k or 11k off msrp. Audi is currently offering 7k in dealer rebate money. good luck. the A8 is a fantastic car.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello navininkc. Audi Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 A8 4.2 long wheel base model with 12,000 miles per year are .00249 and 54%, respectively. Manufacturers generally increase their support on vehicles as the model year progresses. I suspect that Audi's money factors on the 2007 A8 will drop as the months progress. Of course, its residual values will drop as well, negating some of the benefit of any money factor enhancement.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi denaliinpa. Many banks now insure their vehicles' against significant drops in their residual values. I do not know if the specific story about Audi that your salesperson told you is true, but it is plausible. It's difficult to say whether your salesperson knew this when he sold you your car and he just told you what he did to get you to sign on the dotted line or if this was a policy change by Audi Financial Services that he would not have had any idea about. If you don't believe him, you can always stop by another Audi dealer or two and see what they can do for you on your current car's purchase price.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi ccap. Audi financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 24 month lease of a 2007 A8 SWB with 15,000 miles per year are .00249 and 62%. The numbers for an otherwise identical 36 month lease are .00249 and 53%. Normally AFS increases residual values by 2% for leases with only 12,000 miles per year and 3% for leases with 10,000 miles per year. However, I have heard that its residual value added for leases of the A8 may only be 1%.

    I am not personally all that familiar with what the market for this car is like right now, but you may be able to get an idea of how much you should pay by visiting the following discussion: "Audi A8: Prices Paid & Buying Experience".

    Prices Paid Forum
  • mikespopworldmikespopworld Member Posts: 15
    I really wanted the '07 A8L, and I waited nearly a year for it, passing on a 24 month lease on an '06 the year before with a residual of 71% and 10k miles per year. I was shocked and very angry when after waiting nearly a year the new residual for the same lease was 64%!! - I ended up leasing a '07 S550 mercedes instead with a 73% residual - for 27 months.
  • rjlaerorjlaero Member Posts: 659
    A8's are in short supply for a lot of dealers throughout the country. Audi knows they are going to sell these cars regardless, so there's no reason for them to worry too much about residuals or money rate factors.
  • e350v10e350v10 Member Posts: 92
    The Audi resale is very poor - for leasing you are better off with a Mercedes. I have an '05 A8L (18K miles) I was going to trade in on an S8. The trade-in value came in around $40K - that's on a $75K car. Take a look at the Mannheim sales - even the W12s have dropped into the $70Ks.

    It is such a great car - I don't understand why they depreciate so fast. It's crazy.
  • stickgsstickgs Member Posts: 8
    Looking to lease a 2004 A8L. what kind of terms should I expect to get on a 36mo or 48mo lease as far as residuals and money factors? car is a CPO in good condition with approx 17k mi and hoping to pay no more than $45k or so. Might consider putting $1-2k down. Any help appreciated carman. thanks

  • reality2reality2 Member Posts: 303
    That is a bit strange considering that Audi's residuals are higher than that of Mercedes by several points at around 52.2% after 24 months with BMW ast 52.4% and Lexus at 52.8% while MB is around 48% within the same period. I would go by these numbers.
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