2003 Vibe AWD. Engine removed and worked on, when installed it wont start, no spark

projectvibe03projectvibe03 Member Posts: 1
edited April 2017 in Pontiac
I bought the car and the engine was leaking oil from about all the major seals and gaskets.
I removed the engine and replaced all the seals and gaskets and then re-installed the engine.

I am able to turn over the engine, the engine is getting fuel and compression for all 4 cylinders is about 130.
I have tried to test spark and nothing.
I so far have checked to make sure all plugs are securely connected and checked all fuses in the engine bay and they are all good.

Would really love some help, I am willing to check anything.
Thank you!


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    You might check the connections to the crankshaft positioning sensor, and the sensor itself. I'd start with a scan tool and see if the CKP code is thrown or not.
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