Ford Focus Lease Questions

CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
Hi everyone. Please use the following discussion to post any questions that you have about leasing a Ford Focus. Thanks.

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  • jwildsjwilds Member Posts: 2
    Car_man - can you provide lease info on a Focus ST (sedan with ST package), loaded, 5-speed, 2yr/24k. If it matters, I will be getting A-plan. Also, how often do the lease programs change - monthly or quarterly? Thanks!!!!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello jwilds. Ford's lease program often varies depending upon what part of the country one is in. As a result, it would be a big help you would tell me what state you are in. As far as how often Ford's lease program changes, its current lease rates and residual values are scheduled to run through July 5th.

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  • flightnurseflightnurse Member Posts: 2,217
    I got a question regarding leases, I would like to lease a new car, looking at acouple of different models and makes. My average Credit score is 622, been perfect payment for the last 2+, my only debt are my student loans (150/m) my take home is $4200/m would ford lease me a car ? Looking at Focus ZX3 SES.

    Tony/PHX :shades:
  • jwildsjwilds Member Posts: 2
    Sorry, Car_Man - shoulda known that. Location is Michigan.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Tony. While I certainly cannot guarantee that this will be the case I suspect that you would be able to lease a Focus through Ford Credit if you decide that you want to.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Don't worry about it, jwilds. It happens all the time. OF, if you were to lease a 2006 Ford Focus Sedan ST through Ford Credit in Michigan right now for 2 years with 12,000 miles per, its base lease rate and residual value should be 2.5% and 58%, respectively. When negotiating this car's capitalized cost, make sure to keep in mind that Ford is currently providing $500 lease cash on it in your area.

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  • fordwagon67fordwagon67 Member Posts: 10

    I'm hoping someone can help, I put a deposit on a 2007 Focus Wagon and the incentive (RCL) cash just went up from $500 to $1,000 so I thought, great, my payment will be lower than originally quoted. But my salesman says the interest rate (money factor?) has gone up by 1.5% so the payment is actually $3/month higher.

    How do I know this is true?

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi fordwagon67. It's possible that this vehicle's lease program changed as well. Its program varies depending upon how long you lease if for. For now I will assume that you are interested in a 36 month lease. Let me know if you want a different term. Ford Credit's current base lease rate for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Focus Wagon is 3.5%. Is this in line with what you were quoted?

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  • fordwagon67fordwagon67 Member Posts: 10

    Thanks, yes it was 3.5% for a 36mo/12k lease.
  • imacycoimacyco Member Posts: 5
    I was just quoted for a 24 Month lease, $0 Down, ZX5 SES with Automatic Transmission + Safety package, 10,500 mpy for $238/ month OTD.

    I have the X-plan and I am a recent college grad but I don't know how much difference that made in the number game. What do you guys think?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi imacyco. The fact that you are able to purchase this vehicle through Ford's X-Plan means that you are getting a good price on it. This is a pretty nice car for $238 per month with nothing down for only 24 months. I would be more than happy to use Ford Credit's actual lease program double check the lease payment that you were quoted if you provide me with this car's full MSRP and selling price.

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  • cenerhimselfcenerhimself Member Posts: 1
    There are 3 rebates that are going on right now that total up to $3500.

    1) $2500 Rebate
    2) College Student $500
    3) Ford Financing $500

    Is it possible and realistic to expect all 3 of these rebates?

    Also, how much can I expect to get for a trade-in?
  • nortsr1nortsr1 Member Posts: 1,060
    As far as I know, you can receive all three rebates if you have the proper papers to show you are a college grad. As far as "how much can I expect for a trade-in???... I suggest you go over to the trade-in forum and it would HELP if you stated what kind of vehicle, year, mileage, condition, etc. No one can give you an estimate without DETAILS!!! :confuse:
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello cenerhimself. Unfortunately neither the $2,500 customer cash nor the $500 Ford Credit finance bonus are available on vehicles that are leased through Ford Credit. The only cash incentives that you would be eligible for on a lease of this car are $500 lease cash and the college student bonus.

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  • chillenhondachillenhonda Member Posts: 105
    I'm in NYC and interested in the Focus lease deal that is going on here (and possibly elsewhere. Here are the terms :

    Stk #FU81101, VIN #8W109834, 4 cyl., auto, a/c, p/ABS/winds/lks, am/fm cd, cloth int., traction control, ambient interior lighting, Sirius
    satellite radio, MSRP: $17,445.

    $3574† due at signing (incl. $0 sec dep) + tax, tags & mv fees.

    †Down pymt/1st mo pymt/sec dep/bank fee /Total pymts/residual: $2880/$99/$0/$595/$2376/$10,816

    leases include 10,500 mi./yr w/.20c per mi. thereafter. All prices are plus tags & taxes.

    this all seems fine to me, except the $595 bank fee. Ive never leased, only bought, and never a brand new vehicle (usually certified used). $595 seems like a lot to me.

    can anyone share experiences with bank fees, or even better, with this particular lease deal? thanks.
  • ryley67ryley67 Member Posts: 1
    Hey everyone!

    I am looking to negotiate a lease for my mother on a 2008 Focus S Coupe or Sedan(No preference). The only thing she cares about is an automatic. She will probably put around 5000-6000 miles on a year if that. Her credit score is in the low 800's. I would like to stay under 2k drive-off. Will someone please let me know what a reasonable monthly payment would be. I know I should be concerned with the residual and money factor, but I just need something short term for my mom since she probably won't be driving for too much longer.
  • indianajohnsindianajohns Member Posts: 89

    Any idea on the current lease rate and residuals on an 08 Focus SES auto, 36 month 10,500 miles per year in the Kansas City area? Thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey indianajohns. Here you go. I believe that Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2008 Ford Focus SES with 10,500 miles per year are 2.5% and 52%, respectively.

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  • cosanostracosanostra Member Posts: 97
    Hey Car_man -

    Its probably a bit early, but any information on leases for the 2012 Focus SEL hatch? I'd be interested in MF & residuals for 24mo/12k per year or 36mo/12k per year.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey cosanostra. I haven't seen a lease program for any 2012 Ford models yet. I'll ask around and see if Ford has published anything for the '12s in the past couple of days, but I doubt it.

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  • jardisanjardisan Member Posts: 1
    Hi Car Man,
    Any update on the 2012 Focus leasing programs? Specifically I am looking for a titanium, 36 month, and 12k miles a year.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey jardisan. Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2012 Focus Titanium with 12,000 miles per year are 3.75% and 57%.

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  • cosanostracosanostra Member Posts: 97
    Car_man -

    Any info on a 36 month 12k miles/year lease for either the SEL or Titanium trims?


    - cosanostra
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    A reporter is interested in talking with recent buyers of the Chevy Cruze, Ford Fiesta or Ford Focus. If you care to share your comments, please email your daytime contact info to no later than Monday, May 16, 2011.
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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi cosanostra. Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2012 Ford Focus SEL with 12,000 miles per year are 3.75% and 59%, respectively.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical lease of a '12 Focus Titanium are 3.75% and 57%.

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  • leasingnoobleasingnoob Member Posts: 3
    A new Titanium Focus packaged at $23,495. What would be a good deal on leasing this car? What would be a good monthly offer and what do you suggest as a down payment. This lease would be for 36 months at either 12k or 15k miles per year. Thank You for your time.
  • cosanostracosanostra Member Posts: 97
    Thanks Car_man! Is there a difference between the residuals for the hatch versus the sedan? I'm in Omaha, NE if that makes a difference as well.

  • damianinpadamianinpa Member Posts: 22
    I see above you quoted a 12K mile SEL at 3.75 and 59%. Can you tell me what the numbers are for a Sedan at 15K miles? Wasn't sure if it is the same. My new Focus is built and should be delivered in the next few weeks. Looking to lease.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome cosanostra. The lease rates for both vehicles would be the same, but the residual values for the Titanium Hatchback are 1% lower than on the Sedan.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Damian. Ford Credit's residual values for leases with 15,000 miles per year are 2% lower than its 12,000 mile per year residuals. The lease rates would be the same.

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  • bbechtel16bbechtel16 Member Posts: 2
    I am waiting for the full lease breakdown in writing, but I'd like to run the out-the-door figures past the experts:

    Sterling Gray Metallic SE sedan, automatic, 203A, sport, and winter, 36mo/15k, including TTT (new plates and 9% PA tax on the lease)
    $2,929 down
    $275 /mo

    Also would consider (perhaps prefer) a base SEL if the numbers work, and if I can find one! The salesman of the car I'm looking at now says because of all the promotions on the SE, and higher residual VS the SEL, it wouldn't make sense. But he also doesn't have an SEL to sell me sooo...
  • chicagopjpchicagopjp Member Posts: 8
    Please let me know if you have any info on the residual/rate for leases. I'm particularly interested in a SE hatchback. Thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi chicagopjp. Ford Credit's August base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2012 Ford Focus SE Hatchback with 15,000 miles per year are 3.25% and 55%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

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  • jcola16jcola16 Member Posts: 1
    I'm looking to find the residual % and lease factor on 2012 Ford Focus 27 Month/12, 000 and the same on a 36 month/12,000 - leasing in New York (if it matters) any assistance would really be appreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Jcola16, according to the latest information that I have seen, Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 24-month lease of a 2012 Focus Sedan S with 12,000 miles per year in your area are 0.75% and 62%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tiers.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are 2.5% and 56%.

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  • blackjack3blackjack3 Member Posts: 11
    Is the residual value for the Focus Hatchback still slightly lower than for the sedan? I am looking for a 36-month lease with 12k miles/year.
  • MRHammarMRHammar Member Posts: 30

    Is the residual and buy rate different on a 2012 Focus SE sedan, 12k, 24 or 27 months? Thanks a lot.
  • dpodoladpodola Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2011
    Hi Car_man

    Hoping you could help me out with a lease question regarding the 2012 Ford Focus 5 door Hatchback SEL with options 301A. Could you help supply the residual and money factor for this car MSRP $23625?

    We would probably choose between 10k and 12k per year, 36 months at most.

    Your help is greatly appreciated in deciding between the Focus and Mazda 3.

  • abijnkabijnk Member Posts: 1

    Looking for the residual and MF for a 2012 Titanium Hatchback on a 36 month 10500 mile lease.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings abijnk. Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Ford Focus Hatchback Titanium with 10,500 miles per year are 2.25% to 2.5% (this varies by region) and 56%, respectively.

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  • howowchowowc Member Posts: 1
    Hey there!

    I'm interested in finding out Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Ford Focus Hatchback SE with 12,000 miles per year. I hope to get a manual with the 203A package, if that makes a difference, and I'm located in Greensboro, NC.

    Thanks so much!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey howowc. Ford Credit's January base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Focus Hatchback SE with 12,000 miles year in your area are 2.5% and 57%, respectively.

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  • kopchikckopchikc Member Posts: 38
    Greetings Car_man,

    On the main site, it appears the incentives from Ford are up for February. Are there any updates to the lease details for a 2012 Focus Titanium Hatchback for 36 months 15,000 miles/year?

    Money Factor:
    Any incentives:

    Thanks for your help.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings kopchikc. Ford Credit's February base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Focus Titanium Hatchback with 15,000 miles per year are 2.5% and 52%, respectively.

    Ford is currently providing a cash incentive of $250 to $750 on this car. The exact amount varies by region.

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  • kjdiscusskjdiscuss Member Posts: 5
    Hello Car_Man, You seem to be the man with all the answers. What do the numbers look like for a Focus Titanium Sedan in April. I'm looking at 10,500 or 12,000 miles. I'm in Minnesota if there is regional variation.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I guess that I am, kjdiscuss ;) . Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Focus Titanium Sedan with 12,000 miles per year in Minnesota are 3.0% and 55%, respectively.

    The residual value for a lease with only 10,500 miles per year would be 1% higher.

    Ford is currently providing a $250 cash incentive on leases of this car.

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  • onequestiononequestion Member Posts: 1
    I been quoted the following on a lease deal in Lehigh Valley, PA.
    2012 Ford Focus SE Hatchback - Cloth Seats 203A, 6-Spd Auto, SE Sport Pkg
    MSRP $21,070
    Factor .075
    First Payment $2874 includes Taxes (9%), Registration, Tags, 1st Payment, DownPayment
    $18,395 Price after discounts
    $14,262 Residual
    Payment is $198/Month/10.5K/24Months
    Deal or No Deal
  • whoknewbutuwhoknewbutu Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2012
    This is the current offer i was given today at a dealership...

    2012 Focus SEL 5 door with 303a and navigation.

    msrp: 25775.00
    xplan: 22875
    gov. fees : 330.
    doc fees: 152. ( they did want 652)
    cap taxes: 35.
    security deposit: 0
    Acq Fee: 595
    Rebate: 500.

    net cap: 23487.

    56% residual ..... waiting on them to get back to me on the money factor.....

    They are talking somewhere around $350 a month....

    Does this deal look pretty good... And what should the money factor be...

  • montag28montag28 Member Posts: 3
    Carman- can you let me know the lease rates, residual, and offers for a 2012 focus titanium sedan for 36 month lease in south Florida? Thanks!
  • njandrew73njandrew73 Member Posts: 1
    I am looking to lease a Focus 5d SE+sport (in NJ). I am looking for money factor, residual and any special offers for May. Probably looking at 12k for 36mo.
    Thanks so much

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