3" lift 05 tacoma

dcox4dcox4 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Toyota
picked up floor vibration @ 25mph ??


  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    You might get some suggestions in the Toyota Tacoma: Problems & Solutions discussion too.

    Steve, Host
  • dcox4dcox4 Member Posts: 2
    thank you will try that post ?
  • tacoman5tacoman5 Member Posts: 1
    Hey man I have a '05 taco with a 2.5" Daystar spacer lift. I had it put on in october and the front right C.V. boot got a hole in it in nov. Just before it was repaired, I noticed a vibration in the front end @ 30 mph. They said it was "lift niose" whatever that means. After two weeks of it vibrating I took it back and they replaced the front right wheel bearings. Still vibration. Then they said your tires are "separated", wrong. I finally put my stock tires and wheels back on and then they realized "it haw a vibration in the frontend". The front diff. was to blame from the factory. Metal were in the diff. fluid.
  • matrixstylematrixstyle Member Posts: 1
    Its either your cv joints have too much pressure of them after the lift. they make drop arms to compensate for it. The other thing is your transfercase could have pressure on your drive lines and thus giving you vibration from your yoke or U-Joint.

    Hope this helps,
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