Ford Freestyle Lights and Headlights
I have a 2005 Ford Freesyle that has a problem with the head lights. The head lights turn off and on (very dim) after about 30 minutes while it is in the garage. As soon as I open the a door to see what is going inside, the head lights go back to nornal. The dealer said that it does not do it with them. Maybe it has to be dark place in order for it to do it. It starts OK. Has anyone had this problem.
Did you try turning the headlights off (rather than to automatic)?
TSB data for: 2005 FORD FREESTYLE
Bulletin Number: 0551
Sequence Number: 10014682
Date: 20050321
Component Name: 110000 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Make: FORD
Year: 2005
I have a 2007 SEL AWD, I tried the adjuster for the dash, no luck, do I just remove the fuse.
I bought a tent to hook up to the back of the car. Thanks
i`ve now the same issue. What have you done?
please help
"module" and it would cost $750 to fix.
I had already been burned paying $6k for a rebuilt transmission when it only had 28k miles on it.
So not only do I not have a speedometer, but no gas, temperature, or warning indicators.
So for several months I drove it as is hoping I could judge my speed correctly and get gas before it runs out.
HOWEVER, one day my battery was too low to start it. It was in need of replacement. I have a charger w/ a boost circuit to jump with. I absent mindedly hook up the cables backwards. Not able to turn it over still, I went to check my cable connections only to notice small streams of smoke coming off the terminals. I switch the cables and not only did it start but the dash lights and gauges were all working. Even the odometer appeared to still have kept track of the miles.
For several months, no problem w/ the dash. however, the problem came up again. This time I am thinking of doing the same thing only w/ one battery cable attached. I am a bit leary. I think I'll start at the trickle voltage level and hope that will be enough to "reboot"
the system.
By the way, all the time the dash is out the backup lights are on all the time when its running.