why does my dodge dakota engine stops for split second?

AustinAustin Member Posts: 1
edited August 2018 in Dodge
My dodge dakota big horn edition's rear axel seems to kick out periodically for a split second, then thump back in, notice when highway driving, sporadically 10, 30, 100 miles apart... engine must be stopping for a split second, any ideas what's wrong?


  • 0patience0patience Member Posts: 1,712
    First you need to determine if it is engine, trans or drive axle.
    Is the engine cutting out, is the trans slipping or is the rear differential really slipping.
    If it's the rear diff, then you have a serious problem.
    Check engine light on?
    Have you scanned for faults to see if it is an engine cut out?

    Without detailed info, anything is a guess.
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