Monthy payment calculation
Dealer quoted $899 month but I cannot get the same $$ based on the following. Can someone help me understand how to calculate monthly payment based on the following? Thx.
63,945 MSRP
$58,720 Sales price
$2,274 NJ sales tax
$925 Lease acquisition fee
$699 Dealer Doc fee
$310 NJ Registration
$62,928 Adjusted Cap cost
$37,088 Residual
0.00182 Money Factor
63,945 MSRP
$58,720 Sales price
$2,274 NJ sales tax
$925 Lease acquisition fee
$699 Dealer Doc fee
$310 NJ Registration
$62,928 Adjusted Cap cost
$37,088 Residual
0.00182 Money Factor
The residual doesn't match up with the MSRP. Is it a service loaner with existing mileage?
Did they tell you they used .00182 for the money factor?
2018 or 2019?
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The calculated payment is correct, given that adjusted CAP cost, and only 1st payment at signing.
Those are all normal charges for NJ, though that dealer fee is rather high at $699.
The discount is a little more than 8% off MSRP, which is decent.
The money factor used is indeed .00182, which is good.
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You can research pricing, here:
But, the only way to lower the payment is with a lower selling price.
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