I am looking for a for a factory repair manual for a 79 buick regal sport coupe with a 3.8 turbo .

BojangleBojangle Member Posts: 1
edited December 2018 in Buick
The manuels i have found do not have any lnfo. on the turbo system.thanks


  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,373
    edited December 2018
    I believe you need to search for a factory service manual that was published by Helm Inc.. All they currently offer in a manual for the 1979 is a Fisher Body Service Manual. This is on helminc.com

    Ebay sometime has someone selling manuals. Be sure they are the Helm factory service manuals.

    The Helminc.com manual says it's a Fisher body manual but that it covers the engine. I am not sure that's right.

    My other suggestion is to find an old established Buick dealer that has been there a while. Mine when I owned Buicks let me look at their printed manuals. They had them shelved. The older ones may have been kept. The new ones were replaced by broad coverage of many model years by online manuals (originally replaced with DVD's).

    Here's a ebay ad for what appears to be the right manual. It should be hundreds of pages thick.
    The picture looks to be of just the cover. They say they got it from a clearance of a Buick dealer.

    I make no representation of that manual being complete. If I needed it, I'd verify that it is several hudred pages thick. I can show you a 1980 Oldsmobile manual, which I believe is two volumes.


    If you peruse this search, you'll see that some covers have the Helm logo on them.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,792
    What exactly do you need? I still have a lot of that vehicle memorized.
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