Issues with Sonoma 4x4
So basically I’ve got a ‘97 Sonoma SLS 4x4 with the 4.3L. Last week I got stuck in some mud and attempted to get it in 4wh low to get out. I haven’t tried it in probably 6 years because I thought the 4 wheel drive quit working a long time ago. Well it engaged from 2hi - 4hi - 4lo. But it won’t disengage 4lo. Doesn’t matter if it’s in neutral, park, shut off for a couple days, nothing. I hit the button selectors and they just flash. Pulled the battery out to look at the vacuum acuator. Found a hole in so I replaced. Should of fixed it right? No. Not at all. I know enough that I’ve been able to fix the other things that have gone bad in my 250k miles I’ve driven it. But I’m at a loss on what and where to check now. It’s my everyday driver and I feel like I’m 12 again having to either walk or ask people for rides. I just need it back in 2wh so I can drive it again. I don’t even need the 4 wheel drive anymore. Any suggestions would be helpful.