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Honda CR-V Start Stall and Idle Problems
I have been having problems with my car stalling out while driving. Once I pull off and put in neutral, it will restart. What could be the cause of this?
A few days ago my husband noticed some clutch problems. He consulted the manual and our favorite shade tree mechanic and was told to add fluid. He did that, but the car wouldn't start. We thought it was from sitting in the cold without running for a few days (it's been very cold here), but it still wouldn't start that afternoon. The clutch feels fine now, and the engine "wants" to turn over, but won't. I don't think it's the battery because the engine makes noise and dash lights and everything come on. We really haven't had any trouble with this car for the 6 years we've had it. So we are really stumped.
When were the valves adjusted last time?
Or I put on the turn signal and the engine cuts off.
Starts right away everytime and I can go for days without it happening then it will happen 2,3 or 4 times in one day.
Any ideas? Of course, when my mechanic drives the car, it never happens.
Is it okay to put the car in neutral while it is going 50-60 mph, restart and put back in drive?
You can probably do that but I recommend getting to the root of the problem. From your description, it sounds like an electrical circuit breaker in the engine is being tripped. This may be a problem with the circuit breaker itself or some other electrical problem (overloading, short circuit, etc.) triggering it.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Have the valves been adjusted at 30,000 mile intervals?
Did you ever resolve the stalling problem?
You posted over in Edmunds Answers and that's where you got a reply:
Edmunds Answers
Stick around the forums - you might get some more info here too.
If you are under 90,000 miles, you may get Honda to pay for half or all of the $3500 repair. If you are over 90,000 miles, the valves should have been adjusted at least once as per owner's manual, or 3 times as per shop manual. Honda made a mistake in the Owner's manual by stating 90,000 mile interval. And as result of that, they will pay for repairs associated with the mistake, if the vehicle is under 90,000 miles. If the vehicle is over 90,000, then it was the owner's responsibility to ajust the valve lash at 90,000 miles.
The car stalled on me on a busy intersection, I refuse to drive it until the problem is 100% corrected. I am 7 months pregnant and I can not put a newborn in this car. For once, I can say that I do not feel safe in a HONDA. At this point, I am at a loss and need help getting this situation remedied? Am I better off trading in the car?
Did anyone with this problem ever get it solved?
Someone please help....I don't want to keep spending money for the same problem.
Ten weeks to get your CR-V working certainly seems excessive but it would appear that Honda is making a substantial effort to resolve the issue.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Could you please post the details? I don't know of any American manufacturer who bought back a car that was 4 years old. And out of warranty as well, or did you get an extended warranty?
I realize you are frustrated, but if you have no remaining warranty, Honda is going beyond the requirements in your case. They could just tell you to pound sand or pony up the $$.
I was also told that if I got in an accident with this car and my soon to arrive baby, that it would be sad but there is nothing they can do. Furthermore, it was "suggested" that I may want to get my attorney involved. It is a shame because I have been a loyal customer for years and out of "goodwill" one would think they would do the "right" thing. What bad business, they just lost a loyal customer and I will pass the word on to everyone I know.
In NY, there is a failure to repair rule with the DMV, I know of a situation with Cadillac, where the car was in and out of the shop where they could not repair a reoccurring problem. The vehicle was not covered by the used car lemon law in NY but the Dealer acted in good faith because of the safety issue on the vehicle. The car was about 5 years old in that case and over 100,000 miles.
In NJ, I would be covered by the Used Car Lemon except that I bought out my lease. If, I just bought this car USED this car under statute would be considered a lemon and they would have to buy it back. ( Now, I see why we have a Used Car Lemon Law) The NJ Lemon Law covers vehicles under 100,000, that have been in out of the shop more than 3 times during a reasonable amount of time ( mine has been about 6-8 times).
And you are right, they could tell me to pound sand, however, they are misrepresenting the safety and reliability of their product. Thanks god for Consumer Fraud statutes. A car stalling is a safety hazard and it would be a different story if the car could be repaired. Thank god we live in a country where we can exercise our rights, it would be a shame, if we all got STUCK with cars like mine. Plus, it is a Honda it is supposed to run forever; a 4 year old Honda is a BABY!!! This car should last for another 6 years which is why I and most people purchase Honda vehicles. A four year old Honda being OLD is just another misrepresentation on their part. Wear and tear is one thing, a reoccurring engineering issues is another this is how many class action lawsuits are born.
Thank you writing to me, and understanding my frustrations. I am sure you would not let your wife, daughter, son, etc. drive a vehicle like this one. Eventually, I hope this to all be resolved properly.
Thank you writing to me, and understanding my frustrations. I am sure you would not let your wife, daughter, son, etc. drive a vehicle like this one. Eventually, I hope this to all be resolved properly. "
Ah, a USED car lemon law! I don't think we have that here in CA...
I can't understand Honda sometimes. They will bend over backwards to some people and for others just stand pat. I am beginning to believe that there were some design issues with the Gen 2.
I was car shopping this last Feb, and I considered the CR-V. But I don't really like the styling (long story), and I wanted better gas mileage, so I'm driving a 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid, which has been very good so far ... for about 3 months now. But I am actually a bit more comfortable with Ford engineering over Honda. Each manufacturer has their own design style and engineering.
Good luck with your situation!
The problem turned out to be too much junk hanging on his keychain. The extra weight on the keychain and the force that was added when turning or stopping cause the ignition switch to cut the engine.
Just a thought....
Thanks for the help.
Is that a diesel CR-V? Otherwise, the engine used in the 2004 was a 2.0 liter, as I recall, which is different from the US. I think most of the Edmunds forum members are from the US.
Take the car to the Honda dealer, it may have thrown a computer code that can be examined.
Since it all imediately went back to normal it doesn't sound like an alternator or battery, and the ground is good (figured it was anyway since the radio stayed on).
So, what could have come loose that would affect all (or most; some things weren't on, like the headlights) of the electrical system except for the stereo?
Also, I'm curious if this is in any way related to a P0301 code (cyl #1 missfire) that I have been troubleshooting that seems to be electrical in nature as well (yes, the valves are fine). I'm wondering if there might be an intermittent open that could affect the ignition and have been causing these missfires as well as this sudden shut-down? Whatever this most recent episode was, however, it did not trigger a code.
Good luck.
Can it be the coil, or ignitor module, but sparks are really bright.
I've ran out of ideas and start to think how little I know about cars.
Any help would be appreciated,
All of a sudden, it started showing troubles in starting the engine. Verified the battery has power and tried with jump start as well. Came to know that there is no battery issue. The problem is in engine starts and runs few miles and stops. I have to wait for 20-25mins before it starts again. I thought it's summer heat issue, it's not. it's happening in late evenings too. I am really helpless in this. It could be spark plug spark/distributor or electrical ignition switch issue. I went to the dealer to replace ignition switch as part of the recall,. Still didn't solve the issue. I have more than half tank of gas and i see the gas smell during subsequent starts. I also make sure the fuel is injected through fuel injection system. It stopped for 4 times in 10 miles distance. Finally after a long wait, reached home by waiting in between stops due to engine stops smoothly. Please help me in this matter.
No other problems with transmission and brakes.
Current Status with symptoms:
Self starter attempts to start the engine as normal through ignition key. Engine doesn't start as normally. I have seen a wait a of 20 mins, engine starts and runs for few miles and shutdown smoothly.
No Check engine light was ON till today and all of sudden, check engine light shows up code as P0108 (Faulty Map sensor) which has been reset using meter at Autozone and there were no lights on today.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I had browsed the articles and the following list of tasks were listed. I am interested in knowing if there is one basic thing i have to verify from this list below before going for rest??
Check fuel pressure -- How can i verify??
Is the fuel pump on (you should hear it make noise for 30 seconds or so when you first turn on the ignition.
Is fuel filter clean? - How can i check??
Is there spark? -- How can i check??
Is distributor working? -- How can i check??
Are contacts worn out? - How can i check??
Are wires intact? - Looks okay visually; How can i check??
Is the ignition coil producing the voltage needed for th spark... --How can i check??
For an engine to run you need Air, Fuel and Spark, all in the right proportions and correct times. Get your self a Helms Honda Shop manual and work from there.