Changes You'd Like To See in the Honda Civic Hybrid

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
edited August 2014 in Honda
Put on your thinking cap, break out your wish list, and let us know what you would do to improve upon the Civic Hybrid!


  • jeepvanjeepvan Member Posts: 46
    I would like a few more colors from civic, (honda needs to be bold) like the Prius.

    If they can make the front (nose) appear a little more nicer, it would be great.
  • moparbadmoparbad Member Posts: 3,870
    Add sunroof as an option.
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    How bold would you go with the colors? ;)
  • dartanyandartanyan Member Posts: 10
    1. better milege like PRIUS
    2. folding rear seats
    3. smart key
    4. Blooth option
  • sandcanyonsandcanyon Member Posts: 3
    I am always trying to figure out how hard to press the accelerator to get maximum efficiency during acceleration. I would like 3 buttons -- best efficiency acceleration, medium efficiency acceleration, and less efficient acceleration. These would correspond to 3 levels of acceleration depending on how much of a hurry you are in ... When reaching your desired speed, press the cruise set button to hold that speed.
  • rogerb46rogerb46 Member Posts: 9
  • sandcanyonsandcanyon Member Posts: 3
    It would be nice to set a maximum RPM limit while in cruise control mode... it is annoying in hilly country to see the RPM go way up when climbing a hill --
  • stevedebistevedebi Member Posts: 4,098
    "It would be nice to set a maximum RPM limit while in cruise control mode... it is annoying in hilly country to see the RPM go way up when climbing a hill --"

    You do realize that the car would slow down further and further if you limit the engine?
  • sandcanyonsandcanyon Member Posts: 3
    right -- but I think mpg in hilly country would be improved with only a slight sacrifice of speed up hills.
  • messageforkatemessageforkate Member Posts: 2
    Better mileage; fix the "lurch forward" syndrome; lose the "bullnose" front slant; normal hubcaps; solid black;
  • peytahpeytah Member Posts: 1
    I always thought a cruise control that would give up a few mph on hills would be a good idea, especially in a car like the HCH. I hate it when my car (4cyl, auto) drops one or two gears at 65-70 mph just to maintain a speed, when losing 2-3 mph would probably allow it to remain on the torque converter. All this can be done with a careful foot on the gas, so why not the control logic for the cruise control?
  • stevedebistevedebi Member Posts: 4,098
    "right -- but I think mpg in hilly country would be improved with only a slight sacrifice of speed up hills."

    A 1.3 liter Atkinson cycle engine? As soon as the battery depleted, you would be at 1/2 of the original speed (depending on hill steepness).
  • kds30136kds30136 Member Posts: 2
    :confuse: I've had my Civic Hybrid about two weeks and I've had it in the shop twice. Once to replace the driver side seat frame and again to replace the padding on the driver side. There seems to be something screwed up with some of the seats. It seems like the right side is farther back then the left. And the left seat back cushion diggs into my left shoulder blade making it sore. I wanted a hybrid and I chose the Civic over Prius be cause the seat backs were wider and more comfortable. But there seems to be some inconsistency's with how they are maked. I've sat in some on the dealer lot and they seem fine. Others seem just like mine. I should have paid more attention to this prior to my purchace. But I thought all of the Civic Hybrid were created equal.

    In Summary wider, more comfortable seats.
  • kds30136kds30136 Member Posts: 2
    :) First off my favorite part of the Civic is the Gas Mileage indicator right next to the speedometer. This is one BIG improvement over the Prius. I would like to see the other important minute to minute gages right next to it like the battery charger and boost gauge. Bluetooth would be great. The sound system with the bass kit sounds exceptional. I can't complain about that. The last item is covered storage around the car. Most of the little nooks and cubby holes are all open. I like the Prius for its innovative use of compartments. Lots of them and they are all covered.

    The handling I've had with the Civic is great. The smaller thicker rally like steering wheel is very tight feeling. Less body roll around the corners than the Prius.
  • olydawgolydawg Member Posts: 4
    Was not real impressed with the seats. They looked like they were stolen from a Yugo. I expected something nicer in a car that is not bottom of the line. I was not real happy with the choices of interior colors. The tan interior just seemed to bright. The blueish interior was just bad. Automatic headlights that turn off would be key.
  • allcarsrcoolallcarsrcool Member Posts: 113
    I own the Opal Blue Silver 07 civic hybrid. I wish they offered that green from the NGV GX civic and I wish they offered black and tango red. Also they should offer grey seats in addition to the blue and ivory. They should also offer leather. I think that might attract some of the luxury SUV folk into a car the civics size.
  • koctailzkoctailz Member Posts: 87
    I agree. The seats are not that comfortable. I have only had mine a few days and maybe I have not found my ideal seating position yet, but more cushioning and power seats would be nice as an option. Also the interior colors are goofy. I went with the blue interior as Tan in my old car showed lots of dirt. But the two tone blue/tan is an odd look. I would like charcoal interior and yes some more exciting exterior colors as well.
  • 1stpik1stpik Member Posts: 495
    I wish Honda would raise the price of new HCHs, so that my used one would be worth more money.
  • jagmarzjagmarz Member Posts: 1
    Improvements I'd like:

    1. Heads-up tach; fast acceleration is killer for MPG, but really hard to gage RPM when watching road; I used to get 50+MPG (when I was really careful), now only 41.
    2. Total control over air flow, A/C and Econ setting. Right now, if I want air on the windshield (even for light fogging), the A/C comes on and the econ goes off (on my 2003). When I turn defrost off, the A/C stays on! I want to direct outside air to the windshield without turning on A/C and turning off Econ.
    3. Factory window tint. It's hot in Arizona!
    4. Smoother transition into cruise. I find I get the best mileage when cruise is on, but cruise doesn't work below 25MPH, so I'd like for the cruise computer to be smarter about resuming cruise after stop.
    5. Electric only, for short trips; overnight plugin. I can dream, right?
    6. Absolute (digital) cruise speed setting.
    7. More storage in console. I like the hand brake, but it could move elsewhere.
  • scottimusprimescottimusprime Member Posts: 19
    As much as I love my '06 Accord Coupe EX, having a car with better gas mileage is important to me. I'm averaging about 27 MPG on an average tank of gas, which is respectable, but I would love a Hybrid that gets 40+ MPG.

    I'm not a big fan of the Prius, so I'd pick the Civic Hybrid, but there are just a few things about the Civic that drive me crazy. For the 2009 MMC, I would love to see some exterior revisions - new bumpers, grille, and revised rear. It sounds like we will be getting those changes and I hope they are for the better. I'm not a huge fan of the Hybrid's flying saucer rims - I know they have a function, but I wish they were a little nicer. New exterior colors are a must! Alabaster Silver is nice but there are just too many of them on the road. I really like the exclusive Hybrid colors, Magnetic and Opal Blue. But they need to ditch the hideous Galaxy Gray and get something nicer. And a few more color options on the Hybrid would be nice, too. I don't understand why they limit the choices.

    As for the interior of the Civic/Hybrid... umm... can we have a do-over? The space-age dash, two-tiered instrument panel, gear shift... rip it all out and start over. And would it be so hard to put doors/covers on the cubby holes and storage areas? And for the love of God, offer gray or charcoal fabric instead of blue!
  • fierojimfierojim Member Posts: 1
    Headlight auto-off.
    Charcoal grey interior.
    Bluetooth and USB interfaces.
    Plug-in battery charging.
    Standard engine block heating. Warm up is a mileage killer!
    More exterior color choices. Black and red for sure.
    More durable front floor mats!
  • blackzargblackzarg Member Posts: 2
    Folding Rear Seats
    Standard Rear Cupholders
    Dual Glove Box Compartment
    Projector Headlights

    A moonroof would be nice (and I don't see why they won't add that as an option..) but third parties can do that for you without voiding the warranty.
  • lianticsliantics Member Posts: 3
    I don't care about the seat colors, but adjustable lumbar support would be nice.
  • lianticsliantics Member Posts: 3
    I no longer use cruise in the mountains, because it's too inefficient. I'd rather drop 5 mph for a few hundred feet than lose an average of 10 mpg on a 400 mile drive. Gravity's not nice to your mileage, and the battery drain on some steep climbs can be substantial.
  • lianticsliantics Member Posts: 3
    I second this:

    "2. Total control over air flow, A/C and Econ setting. Right now, if I want air on the windshield (even for light fogging), the A/C comes on and the econ goes off (on my 2003). When I turn defrost off, the A/C stays on! I want to direct outside air to the windshield without turning on A/C and turning off Econ."

    Especially now that the AC condenser bearing on mine has failed and I have to replace it in order to drive, because I can't keep the dumb thing from turning on.

    (What brilliant engineer came up with a design that requires the air conditioner to be functional for the car to run?) :confuse:
  • mabecanemabecane Member Posts: 46
    install better more comfortable seats, try driving for 500 miles on the HCH you will know what I'm talking about.
    The fasteners that keep the undercarriage cover on are a real pain to remove, and are very brittle, I thing Honda should do away with them and use bolts and lock washers
    Changing the oil is a drag because of them, specially if you don't have a lift.
    I buy new fasteners every other oil change, the Honda ones are expensive and still won't last, the after-market a little cheaper but just as brittle. Gravel and sand just destroys them.
  • jack000jack000 Member Posts: 16
    How about upgrading to batteries that don't fail. Namely, LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) which are able to handle the same type of conditions as NiMH, are 50% MORE efficient, last much longer (some can go 5000 FULL cycles or more to 80% capacity, as opposed to 500 for NiMH), and have 2-3x the energy density (approaching 190wh/kg).

    Also, a solar panel on the roof that actually recharges the batteries, not just one that turns on the cabin fan on hot days, since nobody else can figure that one out.

    Maybe a battery sensor that actually tracks voltage at ALL times, even when the car is off, so that we don't get anymore of those stupid 'recals'
  • hybridguyx2hybridguyx2 Member Posts: 3
    I don't care WHAT Honda does with/to the Civic Hybrid, they have lost a loyal Honda customer here. I purchased a 2007 hybrid in September of that year. My wife and I loved the car initially. We were impressed enough to purchase a second Civic Hybrid in September of 2008. My '07 had rear tire wear issues, which Honda "took care of" (cost me for two new tires...Honda wouldn't cough up $'s for tires THEIR defective rear suspension components trashed). An "update" took care of very hard transmission engagement coming off Auto-Stop. Other than that the car has been wonderful. My wife's has had no issues.

    That was until the latest "update". We received a recall-like notification for an update that was to be made. Received for mine and one for her's. I made an appointment for mine, as it needed an oil change anyway. The car has been nearly undriveable since. It performs so poorly is verges on dangerous. No acceration. Little assist now. Battery charging all the time. Rarely charges above 50%. Terrible hesitation from stop. Gas mileage down significantly. It is obvious Honda had a battery issue and are covering it up with "work-arounds" (adjusting the car to charge the batteries less, use them less and rely on the engine only way more), rather than address/fix the issue (REPLACE THE FREAKIN' DEFECTIVE BATTERY PACK). The service manager at the dealership is TRYING to get Honda to address my issues, but he is having no luck and is avoiding my calls at this point.

    I REFUSE TO TAKE MY WIFE'S CAR IN FOR THIS LATEST UPDATE. I'll not take her car to the dealership for even an oil change as I fear they will do the update. I will not take the chance.

    This situation is B.S. And owning two of these pieces of crap is a terrible situation to be in. I've noted values of our used hybrids dropping as word of Honda's issues with the Civic Hybrid spreads via internet forums. Our nearly $46,000 total investment in our hybrids is evaporating. Honda should be [non-permissible content removed]-slapped,sued to the max and criminally punished for perputrating this scam on us.

    We have purchased nothing buy Hondas since 1978! After the two we own are gone there will NEVER be another Honda seeing the inside of MY garage. Even if Honda did the right thing and fix our cars, I'd never buy another Honda.

    So you folks can dream of better worthless junk on future Honda Hybrids, more power to you. But Honda missed the mark under-engineering this hybrid and it will be nothing but a piece of crap until the IMA system, including the battery pack, is redesigned and built right.
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