Recall of Powertrain Module 6 years later
I owned a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee. In Oct 2000 I was on vacation in Michigan.
My Jeep Cherokee with about 42,000, suddenly started was running horrible and warning light indicated a potential problem.
At the dealer the mechanics all knew of this problem and said Jeep did also.....but had not issued a recall yet.
I would have to pay for this... about $300.00
Today Oct 2006!!! I receive a recall letter!!! SIX YEARS LATER! can you believe that?.
I called Daimler/Chrysler and asked them how I would be able to get a reimbursement. They said to send in the receipt of the bill and invoice.
Of course I don't have it SIX YEARS later and either does the Jeep dealer in Michigan, they don't keep their records that long. It was so nice of them to wait 6 years and then ask for detailed receipts. I am upset due to the fact Jeep and their mechanics knew about this in 2000.
My Jeep Cherokee with about 42,000, suddenly started was running horrible and warning light indicated a potential problem.
At the dealer the mechanics all knew of this problem and said Jeep did also.....but had not issued a recall yet.
I would have to pay for this... about $300.00
Today Oct 2006!!! I receive a recall letter!!! SIX YEARS LATER! can you believe that?.
I called Daimler/Chrysler and asked them how I would be able to get a reimbursement. They said to send in the receipt of the bill and invoice.
Of course I don't have it SIX YEARS later and either does the Jeep dealer in Michigan, they don't keep their records that long. It was so nice of them to wait 6 years and then ask for detailed receipts. I am upset due to the fact Jeep and their mechanics knew about this in 2000.
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I hope you get this in time to sue. I have the answer to your problem. But you have to do the following as soon as possible. Before I continue, I just want to inform you that this is not legal advice and I am not an attorney, this only constitutes my opinion only and you should consult with an attorney before you do anything.
1. Write a detail letter to both to the dealer where you had the vehicle repaired and to Daimler/Chrysler. In you letter say what had happened to your car, where you took it to get it fixed, what were the exact dates of service, what was said to you and by whom. Give as much details as you can recall. In the end of your letter, suggest both the dealer and the car manufacturer spit the reimbursement fee. Also, state that under state law, a business is required to maintain its business records for at least ten years--usually for tax purposes in case the business gets audited by the tax department. You must verify this "ten year retention requirement" with an attorney in your state. In your letter, also state that you will sue both the dealer and the manufacturer in small claims court if this matter does not get resolved. Then mail your letter certified mail return receipt requested from your local post office to both the dealer that repaired your vehicle and to the automobile manufacturer.
2. If you are lucky, you'll get reimbursed the full amount you spent or you'll get a coupon in the mail for free services like oil change, brake service, or tire rotation. If you are not lucky, then sue in small claims court. Make the dealer and the car manufacturer waste money by going to court. Good luck.